It's Tax Time, But You Need Not Fear An Audit

It's Tax Time, But You Need Not Fear An Audit

Did you know that only about 1% of the U.S population with incomes under 200K are ever audited. If you are a millionaire it rises to 12%. There is also in most cases a time limit to be audited, which again in most cases is only a 3 year window. And finally, if you were to be audited; it usually comes down to just mailing in your documentation. As long as you fill out your information in good faith, and you have your employer W-2"s; it is unlikely that you will even be audited. So go do your taxes and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment. To read more on this subject go to the link below

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Not completely true

Anyone can be audited at any time. Roll of the dice, even though the chances are minimal.

I've had colleagues who did their taxes perfectly and got audited and some who's taxes were horrid, had to do amendments, owed, etc. and nothing.

Just make sure as an investor that you document everything and make sure you know what your receipts and where your deductions came from;

Gasoline: Keep your gas receipts and write down your mileage useage when traveling to see properties

Food: When paying for a meal for a client or having a working lunch, write down date and reason behind meal. Do the same with gas receipts

Clothing upkeep: Your clothes don't pay for themselves so when you have to buy new clothes or have them dry cleaned or taken to the laundromat, this relates to your profession

Marketing expenses: Business cards, bandit signs, etc

Make sure you have a good CPA who can keep you out of the IRS offices and jail.

Thank you Elix

Yes, anyone can be audited anytime, but it is probably not as bad as we imagine. The IRS does do random auditing,hence, probably why there is still the 1% who do get audited under 200K.

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