My name is Dave. I am very new to the program. In one of Deans videos he challenged me to check out each link in a google search that dealt with his program. I did just that and found at least THREE you tube videos of actual people talking with Dean and stating that they made their first deal in 60 days. This kind of goes against the idea of making 5 deals in 30 days.
I also know THIS about myself. I am so NON credit worthy that I could not finance a pine float (that is a glass of water with a toothpick floating in it). I do not see how I can get banks or credit unions to notice me with approval. I am petrified and am finding this all confusing. Any help in assisting a 50 year old male take the VERY FIRST step with positive results would be greatly appreciated.
I should also say that I have a J.O.B. and canNOT afford the coaching fee
OK Dave, First step? STOP and BREATHE.
There are other sources for money, and we can look at those later, OK?

You and I are in much the same boat, in that no bank would finance a pine float for ME either, ... Hee! I may need to steal that phrase, May I?
One step at a time.
The steps we need to take are all laid out for us in Dean's books, and the folks here are some of the most cheerful, uplifting, encouraging folks I have ever met online, ANYWHERE.
And heck, if all we do is clear even ONE deal apiece in the next 30 days, we'll both be able to pay for the coaching through the Success Academy!
SO, ONE step at a time and we'll both get through this, all right?
Start with Breathing.
And welcome to the site!
I wondered why I was feeling light headed (not) LOL. Ok, thanx for that. I should have mentioned in my original post that I am also a refugee from Michigan and I have been living in Oklahoma for the past 2 years. I also live in a small town that is seriously flagging as far as their financial situation goes. Basically I'm the new cowpoke on the block! And yes, you can use that "pine float" phrase anytime. I got that one from my sales manager at a Ford dealership that I was a sales consultant at.
Thanx for the welcome and also for your input!
Hey Dave,
Since you have a full time job, you are going to have work harder than you ever have in your entire life to succeed in REI. The first step is educating yourself and then you will be able to answer your own questions. Make sure you get Dean's books and devour them. When Profit from real estate right now came out I read it (the whole book) from 7pm at night until 5am the next morning. I then went to sleep for 2 hours and went about my day. This is the kind of desire it takes and motivation it takes.
To succeed with REI takes sacrifice, hard work and determination. You have to know you are going to succeed. Don't be here just to try something out, because your results will be terrible. Know you will succeed, and you will!
Good luck and you are in a great place at this site to help you achieve your goals and dreams.
To Our Success,
Larry F
The Flip Kid
Check Out my blog at: http://www.theflipkid.com
"We succeed because we pay our dues to meet our goals, and in doing so we expand our personal genius"
Larry F.
The Flip Kid
Really, I do! I live in Nevada, unfortunate "Winner" of the "Most foreclosures anywhere" award for far too long. Right next to California, "Winner" of the "Most Poisonous" real estate climate... (But that's just my opinion.)
Still, people are making ALL sorts of deals in both states, so there is hope for me. And thus, hope for YOU, as well! Read the books, like Flip-it suggested, and come back often to ask questions and get answers!
Ersie here, hi everybody.......
They say that ALL successful people have bumps,curves, and hurdles to overcome before they get where they want to be..........while I'm literally going, "ooch","ouch","whoo"-ok-lol, you get the point.. just keep going---go back reread if you feel like......stick with it....I haven't been here long either, but you have to believe in yourself, to find out you can really do- THROW OUT ANY DOUBT- THERE'S NO ROOM FOR IT. Get ready to grow.
Good Luck, ERSIE
well, you've taken your first steps by posting here; as FlipKid says, you need to read DG's books- I especially liked Profit from Real Estate Right Now, and 30 Days to RE Cash- amazing books, once you start reading them, you won't want to put them down! The trick with these books though, as opposed to other books that you may have read in the past, is that with these, you have to put into action what you read! otherwise, nothing will happen...
Another great book is Totally Fulfilled; but this is more for some motivation...
Also, look for threads here that have great information that will help you learn what others have done...
Wishing you success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
The 30 days to Real EState Cash is a good book, but you also have to follow the steps. Don't worry if you missed a step or read it all through and then go back and put steps into action. what you do have to do is have the desire, believe you can (yes, there will be days of doubt quite possibly), and make baby steps to your goal. Write out your goals, but it doesn't have to be to do a deal in 30 days. It can be longer. Just work towards that first deal, and make sure you read up on the post on this site and as many books, and videos, etc that helps you to learn how to do what you want to do. There are various ways to earn money in REI you have to decide what you want to do. Is is flipping, wholesaling, or what? Best of luck and keep on this site for motivation.
www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
Action brings about result; if not your action, then the actions of others. Therefore will you sit by and watch others act and succeed or will you do so yourself (ACT). Welcome to the family of REI. God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
... along with the great direction the above pros have given you... add the skills and abilities that gave you success in auto sales biz ... and well, seems to me, you're a sharp go get 'em kinda guy. I have no doubt you'll succeed at this biz!
Jill Holden | San Diego
Investor Services
Team Development
Like everyone says, the key is educate yourself read the books, You don't need no money no credit, just knowledge, then take action, you will have some failure at first yeah, thats part of the learning process, will people tell you no you bet. They steal your dream if you let them, but dont you stand for it. The first thing you do after you have read and you have a some what understanding, of things will still be unclear but as you move foreward things will start to fall into place, just dont let fear control your actions, you must take action, and that action is marketing, for buyers,marketing for sellers, grass roots stuff, Spend some money on bandit signs, and get your marketing going, then the phone starts ringing, but you have some ground to cover before you get there, just remember action+knowldege=success $$>...just do it......John H.
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
...Just do It"
www.WeFlipDesMoines.com http://facebook.com/desmoinesinvestmentproperties
We have all been where you are. The biggest thing is that you "DO IT AFRAID". If your determined to change you life you must drag FEAR along for the ride. Fear is FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL. However the more knowledge yopu gain the more courage you will have to conquer fear. Knowledge is the enemy of fear!
My suggestion is to start educating yourself as much as you can. Search this site for information by reading the posts and looking in the real estate Forum section at the top left of this page for topics that you think you need help on. I also recommend that you buy Dean's book "Be A Real Estate Millionaire" you can get this book free when you but the book " Profit from real estate right now" at the left of this page. Invest small on the books, gain knowledge, Put it to action and then you can think about getting involved in the more expensive programs that Dean has to offer.
Whatever you do DO NOT stop learning! Good luck and we are all here if you need us
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
http://realwholesaling.com FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson
I hear where you are coming from on being new to all this, I have tried other on-line jobs and after the first 30 minutes I could feel the undertow of uncomfortable; I also am 50 and with Deans I just feel excited and jazzed about what I am going to learn and I will help you as soon as I have any knowledge to share but for now I can only say you took a great first step with Dean, and now hold on the ride will be great and you will be helping others that feel like you do now.
Mrs. Connie Farkas