how much does an attorney charge when you lock up a deal?

how much does an attorney charge when you lock up a deal?

Hi all,

I was wondering what an attorney charges when drawing up a contract while you are wholesaling. Meaning you assign it to another person giving 30-60 days. What are the usual and customary fees? Thanks for you help



Every area of the country may be different. Contact the local real estate lawyers in your local area and inquire what their fee may be. They should have a flat fee unless you require additional services beyond the norm. Also ,you can request a copy of their business card via mail or email. This will help build your future team of real estate professionals to assist you. Good luck. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


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Joe Jurek CPA


Search the site and you will find at least a few contracts you can use to base yours on. Take it to an attorney and they can strike and add what they need to it. I would guess it shouldn't cost more than $100 - $300 tops. A small investment for a solid contract you can use over and over. Of course, many people do it without issue without consulting an attorney, but I always say better safe than sorry. You don't need a hotshot, expensive attorney - just make a couple calls.

do you get any kind of a

do you get any kind of a refund from these attorneys if you can't find a buyer? Would hate to spend $200 per contract then have it fall through because I couldn't find a buyer. thanks for your input


I believe once you have an initial contract, you can then re-use this contract. Assuming of course you don't have a contract made up pertaining to a specific property. If you have a contract written up which leaves all varying fields blank (ie. Names, dates, locations, etc.), you should then be able to take that contract and apply to (hopefully ALL) future proposals.

I am not stating this as fact, only opinion. I have not yet closed any deals of my own, so I am not a voice of authority. This is simply my take on this subject, but, I hope it helps.

Any feed-back proving or disputing my response would be great! It would be nice to get some definitive answers here.

Thanks and good luck! Smiling


Hey Daniel
Just consider it a good investment for your RE business. Once they make it state specific you can use it over and over again. Tax write off.

buffs28 wrote:
do you get any kind of a refund from these attorneys if you can't find a buyer? Would hate to spend $200 per contract then have it fall through because I couldn't find a buyer. thanks for your input





I am in Florida and I use the FL Bar contract. I can purchase them from the Board of Realtors office for a very resonable price. Check with your local Board of Realtors office. The nice things is you know they are perfectly legal for your location.

Lawyer Fee

This is the response I got from one lawyer I was thinking about working with. Let me know what you guys think. Any thoughts/advice is appreciated. Thanks.

You were on my list to contact today so thanks for reaching out to me. I have looked into it and I will be able to work with you on the project. I would like to revise the contracts you gave me to have them include the items I would want to have in their.

I also thought about the fees and the way I would handle it would be on a hourly basis with an initial retainer of $1,500. I would charge you’re an hourly rate of $275, my normal hourly rate is $350, however, given that I anticipate there is the possibility of future work I would give you a discounted rate.

Let me know if this works for you and I will send you out a retainer.


Team Player?


In my opinion, I don't think he is a very good team player. I look for individuals who are trying to help me reach my goals, not drain me before I do. Maybe it's just me, take Dean for example, he can't be classified as a GURU because he actually remembers that he was just like us when he started in the field. Although I am a newbie, all the marketing I do and lists I create I always market my company as if you must join my competitive lists for impeccable deals. I just believe anyone not willing to respect your vision would be negative baggage. I wouldn't do it.

God Bless!!


"Miracles R Achieved When Believed"

'And the Lord Thy God Will Bring Thee into the Land Thy Fathers Possessed, and Thou Shall Possess it; and He Will do Thee Good, and Multiply Thee Above Thy Fathers," (Deuteronomy 30:5, King James Version)

'I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me!' (Philippians 4:13, King James Version)