Can someone tell me what you say to other Investors when trying to make a wholesale buyers list? I want them to want to work with me and be interested in the properties I bring to their attention. I don't know how to get the conversation going. Which way is better, fill out the information sheet with them on the phone or send it to them and let them fill it out and get it back to me?
Cash buyers know there's tons of new Investors out there that are starting with Bird Dogging or wholesaling. They are easy to talk to because they don't know if your going to be the next big wholesaler & throwing them great wholesale deals. Just ask what their buying & whats there criteria.
Also, Email or phone, doesn't matter, just keep them in a file & keep building the list. What I have done is built relationships with them through Facebook & REI club meetings.
Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
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As Jason noted above you can probably do either, a phone call or an email. If you find the types of properties that people are looking for at the prices they want to pay, you will have no problem filling your buyers list. A buyer will probably offer all the information you need for the deals they want. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
You said it my friend!
What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve...
BTW are you advertising on craigslist?? It worked great for me...
What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve...
Hey I'm doing the same thing But where in craigslist are you posting and what does your ad say?
building our buyers list investors were giving us their criteria quickly through e-mail & were also giving us their phone numbers. Lately have not been replying back to us with their criteria so I'm not sure if they are serious investors.
In June one cash investors on our list had 65K to invest. When we met with him in July that number was 110K. It's worth keeping in touch.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
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As I was chatting with Anita at her REI meeting, We talked about having buyers 1st. It is not an absolutely a must. Spend your time finding a deal because that's whats the hardest. Find a deal 50%-65% of the ARV or depending on your area & buyers will show up.
Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
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Post ad in Real Estate Wanted section:
**Wholesale Properties**, CASH Buyers Wanted
I'm a wholesaler Looking for more CASH Buyers.
I need to know the specifics of what your looking for and how fast you can close.
Shoot me an email with these questions answered, and I will add you to my buyer's list.
1) Is there a particular area you will NOT buy in - or will you go just about anywhere?
2) Desired County?
3) Can you pay all CASH and close quickly?
4) What is the maximum purchase price you want us to call you with? $
5) Any other requirements:
Tag Team Properties, LLC Call ### ### #### or Email #######
Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
Refer Us To Neighbors, Friends & Family, Earn $1,000
LIKE my FB page
Thanks, I emailed this to myself at home so I have some verbage to work with.
How do you go about finding wholesale deals? Do you just speak with banks? Do they advertise these?
San Antonio, TX
Well I just put an ad on craigslist like the one shown above. Hopefully it will do as well for me as it has for others. I will also use the wording to contact other investors in my area. Thanks Jason
thanks jason for the advice very helpful..
As A Man Thinketh, And So He Becomes........!
The key to running an ad also includes running it as much as you can. Since Craiglist is still free, try to run it every week and if you do not get results, then change the headline a little to get some action. There are great tips on the DG website about creative and effective headlines. Good luck. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Thanks for all the information. Im going to try an add just like Jason's and see what responses I get. I really need to build my buyers list.
Hello, can someone put a property under contract with the option to assign so that it will expire harmless if someone can't assign it within a specified time period?
Fellow REI,
The property can sit there forever unless people are involved(Fact) after that...Anybodys guess!
When i talk with my son about pro football,I have told him and always will...All you have to do is,protect the football and bring it too the end-zone and it is reaaly that simple.The only thing is if you do not believe in your capability,Then i guess...You do not get to play??????
For eveybody reading the things i type,I really do hope...if you are not thinking/your taking something.
P.S.Belief is the answer
Invest in yourself!
I AM capable and belief in myself. I would like to have all of the information on the options available to me now instead of finding out after a deal has gone bad that had I known all the options I could have ended up with a win win. Knowledge is a very power tool!!
Hello, after you put a property under contract and adding and/or assigns to the top of the page, what happens if you run out of time before you're able to find a buyer?
Is it easier to have a property before you have buyers or vice versa? Where should someone new to investing focus their time, on buyers or properties? I'm starting out with Assignment deals!
I can honestly seeing how either way would work, just depending on preference. A lot of people believe you should build your buyers list before you lock up a property so that you can move it quickly with no hassles. On the other hand, there are many people who think that if you really have a good deal then investors should be jumping at it when you advertise for it. I'm not quite sure there is a definitive answer there.
Success and Nothing Less!
Thanks for sharing your ad - I like it.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Hello, can someone tell me what forms I need and in which order I need to have them filled out? I would like to keep those forms on hand for the deals I am going to be doing!