I totally recommend this site it costs about $40-$50 a mo & comes from Sean O'toole the founder of foreclosureradar.com
I don't even know how to fully use this site yet but already I am comping out props with it & they are really good comps too. the comps my agent sent me didn't even include some of the comps on propertyradar.com bc i think it also pulls off market comps.
when an agent sends us comps they are only for MLS props that have sold they dont include off market or fsbo's from what Im told.
anyway you can also find out props that have equity, or owned free n clear or out of st owners or all 3 combined & get mailing lists for them. you can find out owners of course, foreclosures too etc.
it is a valuable tool, unfortanetly it is only in CA OR NV AZ & WA I believe sorry for the rest of you but it is coming to the rest of the country too i think.
I just wanted to share this incredible tool that has been helping me & I wanted it to help you too. Now you can pull comps without an agent in these states & God knows sometimes it is frustrating having to wait on agents to send them.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
That's great Tony !......
I wish I had knew earlier !
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-
it is an awesome program.
Go faster do more! GFDM!