I saw Dean on an infomercial 5 yrs ago in sept of 09' & ordered his books he spoke to me. I read the books several times & finally understood them. I attended a boots on the ground a few months later & then quit my job to do real estate full time.
After a couple of yrs of making mistakes & up's & down's I bought the Rock Bottom Blueprint Insiders Elite & that got me to the next level which was 2012 winter. The education propelled me especially the masterminds on Insiders Elite with Matt, answered a lot of questions I had & also the RBBlueprint. I got my first deal in Jan 2013 by networking with Tammy Reoch who I met thru Insiders Elite & who is a dg superstar with many deals done.
In April of the same yr 2013 I went to the Edge & that super propelled me by the awesome education there & the networking! I met Makeba Hart & Larry Griggs her husband & Dominic Erricelo I partnered with them to remote wholesale in Kansas City MO since they lived there, they would put out bandit signs & I would take the calls & qualify the leads coming in & hand them off to them & we would split everything 50/50.
Well later that yr in Sept after a few ups & downs we finally did 2 deals, 1 in Sept which we wholesaled to Dean! & another one in Oct. I made from my 1st wholesale deal $1,300, then the 2nd to Dean the same almost $1,500, the 3rd $650. So up to this point I had made about $3,200.
Now the next yr in 2014 this yr we are in I have been going slowly but I did bird dog a package of turn key homes in May for 3k, then in Oct of this yr I wholesaled a deal that had been stuck since Feb due to Title issues for 5k. Now I have 2 deals under contract this mo of Dec 2014 & I hope to make 6k total from both.
It is going better for me I have resolved some personal issues such as staying put & not moving to Mex since my wife moved there 2yrs ago & I forgot to mention that I was born legally blind & I use a white cane & I see as though it were tunnel vision like looking thru 2 straws but I see the pc really well & if I am looking at someone or something I can see it perfectly I just have to be looking right at it but I am blessed & if I can do it without being able to drive & do 4 deals in KC MO living in San Diego Ca(Which I forgot to mention:) If I can do all these things with these challenges, so can you!!!!! God bless
welcome TONY
Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself tony!!! Great to network with you.stay focused and DETERMINED to make deals happen.got to THINK REI DAILY to create the HABIT of taking ACTION. You CAN do it....good luck tony