I know someone who would be interested in doing this. Anyone know how hard it is to find sponsors? It sounds like a great idea.
I know someone who would be interested in doing this. Anyone know how hard it is to find sponsors? It sounds like a great idea.
I would guess it all depends on the number of people you talk to. If you can get TV or radio time from your story like Dean did then it is probably very easy to get sponsors.
If not you probably just need to talk to or send out emails to a bunch of local businesses. That doesn't sound to hard for the rewards of doing it.
I think this is a great ideal...it win-win for the family and you you the owner. You get a year of guarenteed rent!!! can't get much better than that!
I would definantly be apart of this program if I had a place to rent.
Darren - DE
Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH
I know nothing about sponsors and how they might function. I am interested in finding out how they would help me become successful.
I believe lease options are my best way to start becoming successful. How to take the first step is my dilema. I am open for suggestions
Alan-what have you tried to do so far with lease options? Your very first step is to start looking at properties to get an idea what houses in your area are worth and how much they rent for. You should invest the money in the Automated Forclosure Finder. It will be worth its weight in gold for you.
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
It is all based on the law of averages. Just like when looking for a great real estate deal you may have to look at 50 homes to find one that will make money. You may have to talk to 50 business owners before you find one that is interested in being a sponsor. Not a hard process-actually it should be very systematic and predictible.
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
I found sponsors rather quickly. The key to explain to them is that you will post their contact info on your website and they can use this for any type of marketing they wish to do. When I spoke with the business owners they were very excited because it was great PR for their business. It is tax deductible and it is great for them to use in newsletters, emails or anything else they do to communicate with their clients. It isn't nearly as hard as you would think to do. Once you get out there and try it you will realize that too
. Hope this helps.
Are you fimiliar with (Weasel Clause's) ? From what I have been told, a weasel clause is a contingency that allows you to reneg on the deal if there is something about the deal you dont feel comfortable with.
For instance, you might put in a clause:Contingent upon my partners/Lawyers/ Wife's/ inspection.
Giving you room to back out.
It has been suggested, esspecially for the novice investor to go out and meet with sellers and inspect these properties whether you are ready to buy or not.
For as long as you have this clause in your contract, you will always know there is no pressure on you to make a decision you may not be ready to make.
The whole idea is to get you out there and get you to that next step. In your mind you might know you are pretending, its almost like playing with Monopoly
But after you've done this a couple of times it takes the fear out of taking that next step, and when the time is right, and you see something you want, you will be ready to step it up to the next level. Giving you a reason to find an investor that ("Now") might seem like finding a needle in a hay stack.
David Kilianek.
Why are you looking for sponsors? Are you asking for money from business owners for....?????
I have no problem going out and asking for sponsors..this is a great idea and I always work harder for others ..but I guess I'd have to have a house first..and that's my dillema at present. Anyone know anyone who has a house in Palm Beach County FL they would be willing to offer..I promise to do all the promotion and detail work. It would be absolutely fabulous if we could do this by Christmas or Nrw Year's Day...oh, why didn't I get started on this sooner!! Well, one of the reason's is I took time off and went to visit my children whom I hadn't seen since my husband died ans at 82 I'm not sure how much longer I'll be around..but I am planning to live to at least 94 yrs old..that's how old my dear friend is..and she's absolutely amazing..and I will be, too.!! I'd better get busy tomorrow PLEASE SEND INFO RE FREE HOME project..BY FRIDAY DECEMBER 3RD if possible. Thanks for all your help! Hmm wonder if Donald Trump has anything other than his luxury condos downtown..or if Dean's team picked up anything that would be suitable while they were in town a few weeks ago. will have to contact them asap...4:30 a.m.
gotta go! Semper Fi D-LO
Spent all day Friday trying to get more info about this project to no avail. dgAdmin wasn't able to help. Valerie checked with several different people and departments for me but wasn't able to find out who I could talk to or contact for more information. Guess I'll have to postpone this to next Veterans Day which was my original target. Figured out how we could celebrate this Christmas even if house was not immediately available, so will keep on trying. If anyone out there in dg family can help, I'd really appreciate it. Have sent out a couple of PMs but haven't had a response as yet. Wish me luck! Looks like I'll need it. Semper Fi D-LO
please resond to my PM to you asap. You've apparently successfully completed the Free Home project, so if you could just gide me as to who to contact, I will follow thru. Thanks. Semper Fi D-LO
I am new to this sight and seen all this talk about the free home project, what is it and how can I help?. I look forward to conversing with you all.
D-LO you sound like you have so much life and passion in you, good for you, most of my family members are Marines, Semper Fi.
looking for sponsors to invest in tax deductables for second chance program in atlanta ga. non-profit will house and do repairs
I think this is a great ideal.I know nothing about sponsors and how they might function. can't get much better than that!