Real Estate Investing Weekly Wisdom #285 - Mistakes Are All About Perception

Last week Dean was in Tokyo and Shanghai and boy did he learn and have to reinforce one of the biggest lessons of his life...

Mistakes can be the anchor that holds your life back or the wind that blows your sail to a new life. You decide...

Dean explains what happened, how he had to correct it and is a must watch for anyone who wants to be successful in anything. Check it out now.

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Thank you for always being transparent

steinway024's picture

Welcome back Dean and Happy Easter to you.
I loved your message this week. It's easy to get the idea that those we admire (like you Smiling) lead some kind of charmed life, with no difficulties, no disappointments. That's just not reality. We all struggle and it's the struggle that produces growth. Thank God we are never done growing! You have encouraged me through tough spots over and over again. Thank you and can't wait to see you this week for the EDGE. EDGE to EDGE we go!

Try Try Again...

acinvestments's picture

If at first you don't succeed, Try Try Again!

I Love this Message. Never Give Up. Work Hard, Change Your Focus and Energy and Great Things Will Come!

Welcome Back!
See you soon,

Mistakes Are All About Perception

SKL Properties's picture

Hi Dean,

Hope Your Family, Staff, and You, had a Nice Easter Week.....and took time to pause, and to reflect the meaning of this Holiest of Seasons.....Smiling

Simply put.....Your determination wouldn't let you skip China...Eye-wink

As you continue to teach all your students...." Real Estate is simple, not easy....if it was easy everyone would be doing it "

Thank You for all you do......Smiling

Have a Great Week.......

Kindest Regards,

Thanks for sharing Dean

vyjms's picture

You never no what type of issues people are having you being the kind of person you are helps with the hard times and the struggles. Thanks for always being that transparent person that you are and never give up on our goals. Thanks Dean.

Never give up

TinaScott's picture

Hi Dean, thank you for sharing your situation with us. There are so many times there are situations thrown at us and you have taught me how to over come my fear. I never have been afraid of talking to people, talking at all, but when I first started last year in real estate investing, for the first time, I was so scared, I figured out I was afraid of not doing something right, but I didn't give up. Just this weekend my husband and I are joint venturing on a deal with a new partner and I had him there with me so that one he could hear the phone conversation but another reason was to catch me if I stumbled. Well I have officially overcome my fear, because I was in control of the whole conversation, I knew exactly how to respond and did it with no fear. My husband was very proud of me because I didn't need his help, but there are so many times I have let things stand in my way. Never giving up and keep on moving on is what I will do. I am proud of you for not giving up either!!!

Tina Scott

Leading by example

thomgilbert's picture

Awesome weekly wisdom! Thank you for being honest and being a real life example of practicing what you teach. It seems so easy to want to give up, lick your wounds and heal but the reality is you failed, regrouped, focused, practiced and delivered! Was it harder? Sure it was but so much more rewarding to overcome it and succeed.
Thank you again and can't wait to see you at the EDGE this year! Lisa and I have come so far from Edge to Edge over the last year and owe it all to you and so many of your successful students!



Awesome message Dean.....very true....I myself have been in a difficult situation more than once....I am sooo glad I never gave up....Every day is a new experience with which to embrace a new / different moment, DO I WANT TO CONT. OR DO I WANT TO GIVE UP AND NEVER KNOW WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN IF I GAVE UP!!! I choose to continue and fight the fight towards independence facing the monster within head on and never looking back so I can dooo those things that others are only dreaming about....Failing Forward One Step @ a time....Have a Great Week ..Looking forward to the Edge..

You Are Human, Just Like Me

BrianNorris01's picture

Dean, when you share your real life experiences it truly does strengthen me. Knowing that other entrepreneurs had to overcome issues in their lives gives me courage and strengthens me to take on the next obstacle. I Will Win not just the battle, but the War!!! Happy Easter to you Dean and your family. Thanks for Caring.

Hey Dean!

SouthsideJohnny's picture

Check it out. We're all human and know that "Winners Never Quit"; even when we get slapped in the face. Just reading between the lines; seems like you took it pretty hard, but got up swinging! Great way to lead by example!

One of my all time favs...."The ground is no place for a Champion; GET UP!!!

Just one more thing....A flip phone? Really bro?? lol!

Thanks for the message Dean!

- John

Thats what I love about you Dean

CaliTony's picture

You are so real & transparant & are so relatble, I love it. Goes to show you we always have to perservere & have staying power. Good talk see you at the edge.

Mistake Are All about Perception

Hi Dean

Happy Easter to you and your family as well. Thank you for sharing your story with us on never give up. Yes giving up is easy but that word is not in my vocabulary because I know if I hang around like minded people I will success. Thank you Dean for everything.


Different Worlds

Hi Dean,

I used to teach young Korean children English and found them to be a whole different audience from our British kids.

They are quiet and very polite and maybe that's what you were finding in Tokyo, as the Japanese are also quiet and polite and very conscious of etiquette.

There are also language differences, so anyway, I'm glad you finally stopped beating yourself up about not rocking the audience in Tokyo.

As you made clear, the best thing to do when you miss the mark is to rewrite and rehearse, which is how you managed to turn everything around. Great work, Dean!


keb64's picture

Your right to give up is easy... To push through is hard and a way for us to discover who we are..See you in a few days..

no two presentations (opportunities) are the same

dcgibson's picture

It is not accurate to assume that just because one presentation feels "off" and may have even not been very effective, that it was of no value for your listeners. There were some that benefited, just not as many as you personally would have liked. Certainly not worth quitting over. As a professional concert giver for 18 years, I've learned that one "off" night only means that you have to "sharpen your pencil" a little bit, "tweek" the program, "shake it up" a little from what YOU are used to. Then YOU get to experience it for the first time again, like your listeners are, and you know from the inception that it's going to be good. The same think goes for doing deals. Don't be "cookie cutter" about it. Try something different. Step out of your comfort zone. Take a chance and maybe even do something "crazy" like let someone talk about their mobile home, when you "don't buy" mobile homes, for example. Or, alter your initial presentation of your lowball offers. Practice with different words, different lead ins. Who knows what it could lead to. Change, adjust, MAKE IT HAPPEN!! Way to go Dean!!


firefly's picture

Hi Dean,
Thanks again for sharing your experience with us so we can learn from you. We are able to pick up on your wisdom and move past our fears ( in most cases). You are such an inspiration to us. Don't ever stop doing what you do. You're awesome

weekly wisdom #285

Well,Dean,it's not like you to have given up after that one lecture. I guess it might have been a cultural thing;but,what ever it was,you figured it out and burned it down!

I'm glad things worked out. Your enthusiasm is what makes you so special. Now,I hope you will please get adequate rest. You can do so much better with a good nights sleep!

Take care,

June K

Happy Easter!

Thank you Dean for once again showing us that we ALL need to keep trying! When something doesn't work right, try something a little different. My husband and look forward to seeing you at the Edge (our first time there) and meeting our neighbor, Gena.


kcw6150's picture

Dear Dean, it's great to do a reality check once
in a while. You do a magnificent job at this.
Thanks for the reminder that we never give up.

Happy Easter Dean!

Valuni's picture

great message Dean! thanks for sharing your Tokyo/Shanghai experience with us, and showing us that we all are still learning, no matter who we are or how much we know...

As Socrates once said: "The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know"

Looking forward to seeing you at the Edge again! Smiling

Thank you!

Thank you so much for being humble and honest.....what courage!! Awesome, Dean, awesome!!

Thanks Dean.

steve and veronica's picture

Thanks for a great weekly wisdom Dean. We are glad you are back home safe with your family.

Have a great Edge event this year Dean.

Steve and Veronica

Thank you for sharing your

bahney's picture

Thank you for sharing your story! So, happy you didn't give up! Best wishes to you at EDGE this year!

What an incredible weekly wisdom

I appreciate you taking your time out of your busy schedule to share with us your experience. I have made a commitment today that I will never give up:)

God bless
Miami Beach, FL

I was there!

Taka's picture

Hi Dean,

I got to know you as I attended Tony Robbins Seminar in Tokyo. Yes, I was one of 8000. I am sorry that you felt a little bit bad, but your story was very interesting to me and made me join this community actually. Thank you for coming to Tokyo and also for inspiring me to enter US real estate market again. I look forward to leaning many things from you and friends here.


have not given up

HomeRoots's picture

Still have not given up. I'm at the Edge right now meeting with more DGers.

Dean I lived in Japan for ten years!

femailceo's picture

And my husband is Japanese. They do not like to show emotions publicly, so maybe things went great but you could not read that on their faces. They are quite reserved when in public, and as someone mentioned, observant of manners. Sounds like you already have a fan in Taka above! I rest my case. LOL.

I don't know if you've ever heard of Dave Barry, but he is a satirical columnist who did a book called, "Dave Barry does Japan". It is funny! He gives a chart in the book that goes something like this.

Japanese says Yes translation No
Japanese says Yes, translation Maybe
Japanese says yes, Not a chance

That wasn't it exactly but it is funny, because in a sense it is true. Japanese say, "so desu ne", which means "yes, it is so" to agree with someone, but the way they say it is really the meaning that you have to learn by the nuance. So it could mean yes, no, maybe, or not a chance. Haha! I am sure you did fine!

Great Message

Hi Dean, Great message always, you are right don't give up, it is always easy to quit, thank you for the positive message.


Your The Bestest

Thank you very much Dean this weeks video blog.
Man you are the Best in real estate that I have seen.

It is easy to slip back into old habits with everything and get sucked back in.

Especially when one gets so very busy trying to survive on every level.

But you tell us how it can be done and people are doing it.

Thank you very much I sincerely thank you!

Weekly Wisdom

As always,thank you, the best advice in the world

never ever give up, thank you for being real,one

step at a time, and we will make it.

Thank You S