There’s so much packed into this blog, no description would do it justice. So here’s a summary:
- You’ll hear Dean’s response to your requests for more specifics about his personal nutrition regiment.
- Find out how Dean gets his seemingly supernatural enthusiasm.
- The simple steps to living without fear and crushing your goals.
- What to do (and what to avoid like the plague) when talking to buyers or sellers.
- How to let go of things that drag your attitude down and ruin your day.
And, much, much more. So, watch, comment and share with others.
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Whoa buddy! Did you just finish a green smoothie?
LOL Love it Dean. Enthusiasm is truly contagious. It actually wins over intelligence and knowledge in a lot of cases. I like the suggestion of borrowing enthusiasm from whatever part of life necessary and bringing it into our investing. The same holds true for relationship building and networking - a big part of this business. Use the strengths, abilities, and experiences we have and apply them to real estate. Great message.
There it is dean
That is the dean i know. I juice every morning with crazy stuff as well.. Flaxseeds, vegies, you name it I put it in there... Have to get the work outs started now that the knee is fixed (acl) then I will be back a 200 again. I love what you said this week and I know that it works when you are talking to people. We just landed a house for 60k with an arv of 240k..home run....all from talking to them and finding out what THEY needed....Love this stuff..NOW GO GET SOME
Talk about enthusiasm !
You set a fantastic example. Wow! I went to find the green vibrance and ended up with the Garden of Life raw super green food (a little less money). I start with one banana in the blender and add raspberries and grapes. Then I put 1/4 cup of Bob's Red Mill Mueseli in and a scoop of the green super food. Also I keep ground organic flax in the freezer so I add 2 T. Then I add a cup of non-GMO almond milk. Blend it up and pour into a tall glass. It is great and very satisfying. I don't usually have cravings so I am ok there. I drink close to 100 ounces of water a day. That is 3 bottles 33 ounce each.
Thanks for the lesson on enthusiasm. Now it all comes down to taking ACTION.
Hi Dean.
It's a wonderful thing coming to this website every week and find the same enthusiasm and encouragement from you. Not to mention the fact that you give all this wisdom FOR FREE! I appreciate all the gold you deliver every week. I know a lot of people thank you but I know one more wouldn't hurt. Just to let you know I am actively making offers and trying everyday to beat the fear inside and the discouragement one feels when the offer is rejected or someone else got to the property before you did and it is now "pending". I know I will make my first deal soon and no matter when it comes, I know my first deal will come and I will definitely post when it does.
So from me, with complete sincerity and chest puffed out; Thank you.
Hi Dean, another great blog. You are so right. People listen when someone speaks with a tone that motivates them to take action which is what you do each and every time. Thanks for another great weekly wisdom. Laura
And thank you for finishing your story about the shakes. Yes, I am like yourself and have been drinking and eating cLean for many years and it does keep you on your toes but it is so worth the effort to feel good everyday. Try adding some chia seeds (.5 tsp) if you don't already. They are a great super food too.
Hey Dean,
I been drinking a superfruit Juice for sixteen years Noni Juice, and now that you shared about, how your juicing.I started to use my Vitamix, what a difference it makes to add and keep natural foods in your body.
Great idea, about not using fruits in your smoothies, because how they turn into sugar.Probiotics are so important for our health.
You use the word tonality, a word Tony Robbins uses a lot.
Thank you a Million Dean.
Hi Dean,
Another great weekly wisdom.....Very motivating.....Thank You Dean.....
Enthusiasm & Tonality are everything in life.....and in the business world.....
Instead of " I Think I Can "'s .." I Know I Can ".......
Have a Great Week......Happy Investing.....
Fired up
Always love Monday mornings, I like to start the week fired up and usually I can find and make deals before anyone even knows what hit them!
I really admire your commitment to help others, thank you.
After a few years of making money as a business owner on the way up (making about 50k a month on the last 4 months of the business), my wife started having health problems and we ended up HOMELESS! No money, no business, nothing, and all the confidence went down the drain along with everything else. After living in a house that was over 3k sf. with pool in a nice area, we ended up homeless living with friends and relatives, a few months here and a few months there, my wife, me and our 3 year old at that time.
We're living in a decent apt. for about a year now, we're getting out of that dark hole of hopeless and getting back on track, but everyday life is telling me that everything is an emergency or I will be back to having nothing, is overwhelming and wont let me concentrate on RE.
But thanks to your commitment to help and the weekly wisdom videos I know I will eventually succeed in RE and I WILL HAVE a great story to tell and probably inspire others to overcome their fears.
Thank you... thank you Dean. God bless you and your family.
Your message slammed it home today, So this week is going to be our first deal (we did BOG in June) But your so right its voice "infliction" I learned that a few years ago and forgot all about it till today. Thanks for the heads up.
regarding your new book.
Hello Dean,
I am reading your "be a real estate millionaire" for the third time. I also read your other book as well. I want to obtain your recent book about the 30 cash investment, however, I want it in pdf form. so I can read it in my computer wherever I am. Let me know if it is possible. Thanks man. Keep up the work that you are doing. You are changing lives out there. Thanks
Just what I needed to hear.
Thank you Dean!
You Hit the nail on the head as that phrase goes. My hubby and I are working extra hard this last week. He has already read the 30 day cash book and I read the millionair book. Now just last week we joined your success academy. So i'm so pump up with enthusiasum. My mind would'nt shut down. I got up at 3:30am. Started doing more lessons on PMI. Can't wait for our next phone session. Thanks Dean for the cheer up. I really needed this morning. We are going to start our buyers list and get on the phones calls done today! scary, But excited at the same time. "Need to go get that green stuff to stay alert as well!"
Enthusiasm is Infectious
It's true, absolutely true, people react to us, how we present ourselves matters. If we are enthusiastic it affects the people around us, potential sellers, buyers, investors, they feel or are affected by it too. I don't know exactly how but it works, but it does. It doesn't just affect those around us, it also affects our mental well being. Thanks Dean
Hey Dean!
I love it! Great tips for how to be confident and talk with people, BE ENTHUSIASTIC! It is contagious and watch how it rubs off on the people around you. We all get energized off your enthusiasm and encouragement but we need to know and believe that we can create this same energy any where we go by being enthusiastic.
My green drink powder is arriving this week (should have expedited shipment) but last week i cut out coffee , made smoothies and watched my sugar and poor food intake. I'm feeling great and getting my energy from exercising in the morning and not with coffee!
Thank you for all you do and make it a great week!
'To Infinity and Beyond', Smart
Dean, Thank you for always inspiring me to do better! It's amazing how on fire you are every Monday morning when most of us are dreading the week.... but i bet you dont need anyone telling you how incredibly Smart you are but I Will because after all that's what I believe, some of us are infact SO Smart we learn a different way than the traditional semantic ways that are taught in school! Thank you for sharing some BIG Wisdom this week to set my week off to the best start by far than ever before, your Enthusiam+Green Drink=Golden Ticket to success!
Woo Hoo!
Thanks again Dean!
All the best to you and your family. Have a great week!
Lisa Richardson
Help! Any Suggestions??
Just tried the Green Vibrance, water and 2t of flax oil. Ugh! I gagged and couldn't keep it down. Don't laugh
Any suggestions to make it taste better. Please!!!
Also, I've been so sick for so long (whooping cough and emphysema) I needed to be reminded of "enthusiasm" which was my trade mark. Thanks!!! I'll fake it until I am healthy again if I have to!
Always valuable info Dean. Thank you.
Check out
I could have had a V8 !
Dean, your right on point, its what we need to hear and start a new, make a plan and stick with it.. a little thought goes a long way, try it and see?
I live my life by the 4 E's:
Empathy, and Ethics
I'll try the drink
Hey Dean!
Your message about enthusiasm was just the reminder that I needed!! I have always been super enthusiastic about everything in my life and this past year my enthusiasm has really died down due to many things but mostly lack of confidence. The funny thing is I didn't even realize how much enthusiasm really affects success. After hearing your weekly wisdom I can clearly see that I need to change my state and get my enthusiasm back right now!!
Thanks again!
Great reminder Dean.
I love the weekly wisdoms, as well as all the other resources because they get me out of my head and back on task. I had one of those days the week before last and after that everything started to become more difficult, conversations and phone calls became much less productive, and I couldn't figure out why.
After today's wisdom I realize I've been carrying that bad day with me and it's affected my attitude and enthusiasm. Its a new week, the past is reference time to start fresh with my unfair advantage.
hi dean & the dg family: another great word of wisdom to keep in mind. ENTHUSIASM you have to be enthusiastic about what you do, so people can see that energy in you, that is what will attract them.
NEXT you talk about voice tone and body language this is another key factor, you are right about this dean, i just want the dg family to know that
what you are teaching us is invaluable information.
YOU have to pay for this same information some place else. I really appreciate this forum dean.
NEXT i am setting up my green vibrance
Dear Dean, I'm with you on all your tips about
how to impact your life and being healthy. When
you get to be 63 like I am it really hits you.
If one has paid attention then you can feel the way WE do. It's important to be enthusiastic each and every day. Keep up the good work.
Thanks For All You Do.
Weekly Dose Of Motivation!!
Hi Dean,

Thank You Again for Another Awesome weekly wisdom As Always. I always Try & start my week with your weekly wisdoms. You always know how to get our Motivation on Fire And In High Gear
Thank You For This and for Taking Time out of Your Busy Schedule To Do These For Us !Ready To Get Some More Deals , Enthused & Fired Up
Not a Big Juicer though But I will Definitely give it a Try.
I always try to eat Healthier these days & this sounds nothing But Good for us,We Definitely want to take care of Ourselves , Were Not getting Any Younger Right LOL
Darren From Calif
Hi Dean... Just an FYI....
The word Enthusiasm has its root in the Greek language, literally it means "God (entheo) inside (iasm)" or "God Within".
Go figure! ( : You can get a lot done when God is inside you!
Til next week, have a great week.
First of all, I'm doing the green thing!! It's so fun and I feel so much better after only 2 days! Yea!
My energy was so low; I couldn't believe it and didn't understand what was going on, and I'm a nurse by profession and you're right, I have "nailed it" in the past and done really well, and (here's my future) want to get into real estate to make living affordable, safe and comfortable. And yes, I very much want to "give back" because people have always helped me and my children. It's time for me to start giving back. Thank you for sharing; always know that when you do, you touch others in a really great way! DD
Energy and motivation
Very true. If you hem and haw, you lose people's attention.
Absolutely GREAT
Great weekly wisdom! Great tips! I've lost my enthusiasm. Life has kind of beat me down, but yuo always have a way of looking at ourselves in a different way. Thanks so much!