Dean has a hodgepodge of important things to share with you this week. He points out a few links that might be of interest to you. Shares how you can qualify to partner with him personally on a deal, asks for your feedback on if he should change his EDGE event – AND shares a message about why trust is a must for you to succeed. So sit back, pay close attention and get ready for another dandy dose of Weekly Wisdom with Dean.
- Share Your Thoughts on Changing the EDGE event
- Find Out How to Enter The Send Me Away Dean Contest
About the EDGE event, I
About the EDGE event, I think it is a great idea to expand it so that more people can come. One thing I hear many people say is they have a interest in Real Estate, but don't know where to get help from or how to start, and I know there are many others out there who this describes who I don't know personally, so I believe if it is expanded it would help many more people to head in the right direction and become successful. About trust, it is a very important thing, and especially with something such as RE Investing. One reason why I follow you Dean is because you have been consistent with wisdom, and because you are actually out there everyday doing this. There aren't many trustworthy gurus today, and thats why I put you in a different category than all the rest. You really care about all of us and want to see us succeed, and that my friend is why we trust you and will continue to follow you!
Weekly wisdom
I think that making the EDGE event larger would be a great idea because if it did not cost so much instead of a select few others would be able to attend as well.
Having faith is very important when you have faith that something is going to work you continue to work at it until it does work. Hebrews 11:1 "Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see".
changing the Edge
Dean, I know that your goal to deliver quality content is achieved when you have a smaller workshop for the Edge (250) educators know that bigger class rooms leave some students behind, but
I'm sure more people would want the opportunity of
coming to this great event. So if your general consensus want some change, then I would vote to not add more then (100) more seats.
Any larger then that and a person tends to get lost
in the crowd. The over all goal for all functions of DG trainings should be to bring people together!
God bless you Dean OMG you are the Man, thanks for your wisdom.
Every week you post the most educational inspirational nuggets as you call them. So grateful for everything you teach us, I apologize immensely for not keeping up with your weekly posts, I just underwent serious surgery on my neck long term, have to explain later, aside of that , will do my absolute best to get back into the swing of things, all I ask is patience with me, hasn't been a great year, however, like you I have faith, not giving up, love you so much, now more than ever, I am going to get this going so thanks for your help, and prayers, god bless talk to you soon, your Dean Graziosi student, thanks. Maureen Emerson.
Trust the Zip Line
Trust, timely message again. Thanks Dean for the Weekly Wisdom. I would love to attend the Edge Event. I need to sell some homes before investing in the event. So lowering the cost would be great.
Trust- great topic for weekly wisdom
Hello Dean,
I believe you are a mind and soul reader. Trust is what I need most right now to lift of the ground this real estate investment business I got into. I have trusted you and your team from the first three days training I got into, and now I need to trust myself that I can do it.
And I will do it!
As far as the EDGE event I am a fairly new addition to the DG family and I haven't heard about it. I am confident that I will attend it next year.
Great job to keep us going!
Thank you, Dean.
Trusting you was the best thing I ever did! Not that I did totally at first!
Like so many others, I had been "taken" by so many other so-called gurus who spout the empty promises or never give you all the steps to make it happen. Your programs are the best! YOU are the best!
The Edge needs to be kept small. It could maybe be 100-150 persons larger so that more would benefit, but the intimacy is part of what makes it so unique!
I went to the survey, but did not fill it out because the only options were the 250 people as it is presently, or jumping to 1,000+. What happened to a middle of the road choice? That is my choice. Not to big. Not to small. but in the middle might be juuuust right...
Keep it simple
Hey Dean, you have a successful recipe and having a smaller number of EDGE attendies it's more managable. IMHO.
I agree, when you allow yourself to "trust" you can easily push past your fears and achieve success! Thanks Dean!
I trusted
I know that this comment won't be posted on the website and Dean Graziosi will never read this because administration will have filtered through everything but this needs to be said. Being new to real estate i thought getting educated would be the smart way to start. I invested in the education program because I "trusted" that everything that was taught was true. I've had nothing but road block after road block & regretting the day I signed up. If the Edge event is as useless as the Buying Summit & Boots on the Ground program then save other people's time & money & keep it small.
Thank you! Yes! We must
Thank you! Yes! We must trust, let go, have faith everyday to move ahead and overcome the fear!
I have faith in you and your team and I trust your system. I still run into doubts in myself, however I am constantly working on that. I will not give up on myself.
Just like others on here, I am torn between the idea of having the Edge expand. I like the best of both worlds. I like the idea of keeping it small and intimate. I also like the idea of opening it up to more people to enjoy the exhilarating feeling of what the Edge embodies. I know that when the seating is limited and many folks sign up to go again, that limits the number of new folks who may go. This also limits the number of networking opportunities at the Edge. This is the only place I am going to give my opinion. I will not be voting since I cannot make up my mind. Either way I would love to be able to attend another one.
Thank you DEAN for your weekly wisdom.I feel the EDGE Event should expand and be less expensive so more people like me can attend next year.I would like to meet the DG family god willing .HAVE A BLESSED DAY.
Think big and go for it!
Hi Dean, My vote is to make the Edge event larger and to decrease the price. I believe It's your connection with the audience that creates intimacy, and since your audience will mainly be like-minded people energized and challenged by you and your staff, a larger audience will mainly magnify that intensity. In addition, you share information about yourself that helps me trust you. And, I don't trust easily, so this can be a long process. In addition, I think increasing the size of the audience and decreasing the price of the Edge event will allow more newbies, less experience investors and veterans to attend, mingle, connect, inspire and encourage each other. Therefore, I think you should do your research, consult with your team and if things look good, then go for it.
Dean i definetly think you
Dean i definetly think you should make the edge event bigger because as real estate experts you and your experts should educate as many people as you possibly can and by making the edge event bigger that will allow you all to do that.
I just feel so lost sometimes
I keep saying I want to start. I have all the tools in place. I just don't know what demon is keeping me on the fence. I lost all my money in the market, I'm a single dad and it just feels like the world is crashing in on me. I know I can crush this if I just get started but It is so hard for me to start. Everyone always needs my help and is just draining me. I really like the weekly wisdom. It keeps my head a float but just wish I had a pushing help. My heart has been broken so many times this year I just feel like I'm in a losing battle. I hate doing things alone but I don't have anyone. I will try to afford the IE again. they really help me when I call. I would like to invest in properties that come from dean and property direct and I have a long list of private lenders. How do I put the 2 together? I just don't want to sound stupid.
Sorry for all the pouring of my life here but I have to say it somewhere.
Thanks for keeping me going Dean!
Hope I find direction Soon!
Trust & Faith
For sure Dean!
I got trust in myself to
keep pushing this momentum
forward and faith in you
to keep all your students
updated & in the know with
what's going on.
Also, it's cool to see you
thinking about letting more
people get into the EDGE event
-that would be awesome!
I learned about trust a long time ago. Some examples: I had to trust that the people that led me through the jungles of Brazil and Belize would in fact, lead me OUT of those jungles. lol I learned to trust myself as well when I walked deeper into a woods I had not been in before. I went on my instincts and am here today to write about it so I must of done right. When it came to my desire to invest in Real Estate, I trusted that you were my answer and way.( And that was after getting burned by other programs.) I trusted you a little, then a little more then a lot more then a whole lot more. So much so that I spent the money and joined IE and was at the EDGE 2013 even tho I had only made that first deal and was having hard times getting to #2. They were the best things I did since starting my RE career. I don't have to trust that the system works, I KNOW it works! I know too many fellow DGers and IEers that ARE making that RE money. My time has come to make that next leap up the RE ladder. I know I can trust my DG and IE families to help me get there.
As for zip lining, I'm not so sure about that for me but if you ever want to get lost in the woods,(on terra firma) I'm your guy to get you out
As for the EDGE, like you, I'm mixed. Since I only have that one EDGE experience, it's hard to imagine that it could get any better with more people. Maybe another 100 or so people would keep the ambiance of the "get together" the same as it was but adding thousands...... I'm not sure how that would work. Yes there would be more networking opportunities but how effective is the networking when you have that many people? From my own experience, I only found out after the event that there were people there that I missed meeting (and I tried to be at every function and gathering.)I can only imagine the many missed opportunities to reconnect with past attendees or second chance meetings that wouldn't happen being amongst thousands of people.
Then of course, there's the opportunity to meet you. The line to have a picture taken with you would be out the door and on to the street for sure. I'm not sure any amount of workouts that you do would enable you to shake thousands of hands without getting a cramp. lol I can tell you, from my perspective, our few minutes together was very special to me. If you were unable to give those few minutes to an attendee because there were so many other people waiting, I don't know that the impact of the event would be the same. It would be just a small step above listening online from home. (IMO)
One last question.... Are you trying to tell me that the energy we provided at EDGE 2013 or the IE party wasn't enough??? I'm not sure I could handle any more! lol
I'll leave you with this story:
I have a friend who owned an Italian restaurant. It was a small(ish) place, the size of a double store in a strip mall. There was a line to get in every night. He moved to a new location but kept the size of the dining room the same and there was a line to get in every night. The food was excellent so nobody minded waiting in that line. He opened up a second place and kept the same dynamics of the dining room and there was a line to get in every night.
At a get together with the owner and a few friends, I asked John why he didn't expand the dining rooms to accommodate more people and his reply was " The best advertising I have is that line out the door every night. Why would I change it? If people don't see that line, there is a chance they would keep driving. That's bad for my business." Just some food for thought.
Trustingly and faithfully yours,
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC and IE member
Still on the fence
I've been watching your weekly wisdoms . And studying your book , and I want you to know I believe in it and you. I now need to put it together and get it in to action . I've had things other then trust to get started, but those things are over now, and I'm ready to go! Thanks for all the wisdom and your hard work you have shared with me . Thanks again Rory
the Edge
How about the Edge, i think you should have Edge done twice a year or so that more people could attended.But to keep the Edge coureses down in size so that new people won't get lost, and people that have done deals and have been to other edge's get the information that they paid for.
Maybe mixing up some of the Leaders with the both Edge's coureses,so that everybody get's something special out of the coureses.I know I am asking a lot from you, but just like you always tell people to get a coach so that we have more indiviual traning, i think keep the edge small gives that attention.
Your Daily Wisdoms are truly Amazing.
Thank You
wanted to quit numerous times
Yes Dean, I have been working on this RE for awhile but it's always the same thing. I'm afraid. This year is my breakout year and I know I will make my first deal this year. I see a lot of people doing it out there and I want it to happen to me. So, I will keep going with your encouragement and training.
Thanks for your never ending commitment.
Less Expensive Is Helpfull Always, Also a Blessing.
Hi Dean, Sorry I have to think about what to say, as I said I am still recouping from surgery on my neck, yes would be great if you could make it less expensive, however, you are a very reasonable person, and so communicative, any of your suggestions are great, thanks for your concern for your students. Don't know if this is helpful, hopefully it is, but I trust whatever you think, your faithful student, thanks again always Maureen Emerson.
Hello Dean
I'm glad I found DG and everything that you give us and motivate us and we trust in you Dean. Thank you
God Bless,
You are right Dean...!
I have been trying to do my first deal for the last month and I am still freak out to go the next step. I will jump this week!
By all means open the Edge event up to more people! But I really think the price needs to come down on both being there live or watching it online for those that still can't make it there! Dean I think what you have started is great DG family, trainings etc..., please continue being you!
Weekly Wisdom Dean will
Weekly Wisdom Dean will illustrate the shift occurring in the market and show us how and where to focus to make ridiculously huge amounts of money this year and beyond is a good news
I trusted your book
When I first started back in late June 2013. I had to put my trust in your program. I didn't like my present situation (financially, social life and family situation) and I spoke to myself if I don't change what I'm doing now and I will still see my myself next year doing the same BS lol (working to build somebody elses dream).
I have always been a person to GO GET IT. Like when I really need something desperate, I'm the kind of person who would do WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET IT. I don't care what people will say about me when I'm determine do it something.
I applied that same concept in REI and I had to quit my job(was making $15 per hr). I told myself I rather be broke right now than to be broke for the rest of my life. I had a lot of friends and family people saying hey Tochukwu (my name) how are you gonna pay your bills and so on. I didn't care at all about what other people got to say because at the end of the day, they're not the ones paying my bills, my college tuition, my house rent etc. Trust me guys there are alot of negative people out there, NEVER let their words bring you down.
I took action and had faith in your book (30 days to quick cash). Honestly speaking, that book is like magic LOL.. I followed each step in the book and right now I have gotten so much informations which is worth a million dollars. Your ghost ads works like magic.
My journal
Dear Dean, we really do appreciate all that we have learned from having gotten involved with you and your team. We are now going to Utah next month to personally meet some of the people that work with
you. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Again,
Trust ? Yes I trust you and your training on RI.that zip line looked fun.maybe you should make the edge larger so it would be more affordable, but not too big, she'll need quality too.
Life is a roller coaster. Sometimes up, sometimes down. But we get acustomed to this swing and we get comfortable this this inertia, to this routine. Don't you think it's time to move away of our comfort zone and risk a little bit? To trust others and take the zip line? Can it be RE? Close your eyes and begin a new adventure.Others have done it and don't regret. The payoff could be along the way; not necessarily at the end.