Do you feel like you have mountains of obstacles standing between you and your goals with real estate? This week Dean shares some wisdom and perspective that will help you as you press on towards your goals.
Do you feel like you have mountains of obstacles standing between you and your goals with real estate? This week Dean shares some wisdom and perspective that will help you as you press on towards your goals.
Can hardly wait til Thursday. I hope I can buy "EDGE 13" Totally Awesome. Great Weekly wisdom as always. I Will meet you next year. "Edge 14"
It's Not a Sprint
Hi Dean,
A little everyday....will bring us that much closer to the finish line.....
I am looking forward to Live Cast on Thursday...
Thank you for all you do.....
Love the Message
It's not about going for it all at once and beating yourself up when you didn't get what you were looking for right away. It's about taking consistent and realistic action on a daily basis. If our daily tasks are SO daunting we will never get up and do them. But small consistent actions add up over time without feeling like you have to take on the world everyday. People overlook this strategy because they want everything NOW NOW NOW! It's really like the small snowball that starts rolling down a hill and builds up speed as it goes.
You don't need to sprint. Just keep walking down the path and you will eventually make progress.
Not a sprint
Hi Dean!
I love the message this week.
It's easy to feel like you started too late or aren't moving fast enough. This reminds us not to panic. Just keep moving in the right direction.
It helps to remember that every effort towards your ultimate goal counts...big ones and small ones.
A marathon takes effort, endurance and patience, and so does achieving financial success.
Have a great week!!
Off the sidelines
Dean, Thanks, as always, for the words of inspiration. For me it is more of a sprint AND a marathon because I have been on the sidelines for far too long. It is time for me to get off the sidelines and make this happen for me and my family. I have attended this free seminar and that real estate workshop and allowed myself to become sidetracked by whatever I managed to focus on when life got in the way. Now it is time for me to focus and run with this. There are a few real estate gurus that I respect that are out there. But you have made it very real for me. In fact one of those other gurus was offering a "free" ninety seminar. I used to go to these regularly just to see if I could get some new information or to get inspired again.
This time I chose not to go because I did not want to become distracted nor did I want to take time out of my schedule for this. It's just not worth it to me at this point in time. I am focused on your 30 days to real estate CASH which I have "dog-eared" and underlined and written the action steps at the end of each chapter into a wire-bound notebook to give me even more focus. In addition to here, I also have a best friend from back in high school whom I am using for accountability. I keep him posted on my progress and he is also asking me specific questions to help keep me focused and accountable.
I will continue to write on this website for all to see because I am inspired to do more, to do better to make a difference. Thank you again, Dean. Thanks for the inspiration. I know I can do this NOW. And since I have no money, I am coming up with creative ways of making this happen. I will also be on the Thursday broadcast. With appreciation.
slow jog
We can't just walk Dean...Not in this market....Ok,Ok, slow and steady is the way to get stuff done but some days I just want to pop with speed..
I still think I shocked them when I told them, when i was on stage to kick the naysayers in their family to the curb but that's what it take some times. Got a few post on that one but it is what it is. I love the DG family as much as mine but they both need to get it done for themselfs first and then others around them. I hope I connected to some people at the edge and I look forward to doing it again after I rock 2013. See you thursday...NOW GO GET SOME
Thanks Dean. It's definitely not a sprint. I make sure I do something every day REI related and I know I will reap the benefits of all my work eventually. Just have to help enough people get what they want in order for me to get what I want.
I agree with what you say, but sometimes I feel like the picture of the two buzzards and the one says to the other "patience my a##, i'm gonna kill something". lol I feel like i'm never moving fast enough and even though I know i'm farther along everyday, I still need to move faster. getting up on that stage I didn't feel much like a rising star, but i'm gonna be. it also helped me get comfortable being uncomfortable. everyday I do something with real estate. now I need to make those small adjustments from activities to results.
thanks for all you do and "keep moving forward", rob
Right on as usual!
One step at the time, it is a marathon! If we do one thing a day towards our business, in a year we would have done 365 things.
Thanks Dean!
Dean, Thank you for saying that!!!
I soooo needed to hear this message! I sometimes feel a bit down because I haven't felt the wind beneath my wings yet, even though I have been moving forward every day, and I've bought 8 properties so far in the last couple of years... but I feel that I am moving soooooo slow! It drives me crazy!!! I just want to take off and.... sprint!
(Also, I was always a sprinter as a runner, never ran a marathon in my life, so it's something I need to re-program my mind for!)
I have to keep reminding myself to take a peek backwards every now and then, to see how much I've accomplished already! And above all, be grateful for what I have!
I will keep my pace, and keep doing something every day to reach my final goal!
Oh, yes, and I will be there at the live webinar!
So right
Dean, can't wait for Thursday to get here, I am so looking forward.
I am registered
and I can attest to the fact that a little everyday adds up. I am so so much further than when I started by applying the method you speak about.
Hey Dean, Happy Sunday
I live for the weekly wisdom and Joel Osteens message and Dani Johnson live on Sunday night. It's Mother's Day so I splurged and took myself to Woodlake for brunch. Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms and Mr. Moms out there. I always eat too much but I can not see sitting at home on a special day.
Great message today - inch by inch and step by step will make progress. Joels message today is God will complete the work HE began in us so we must maintain faith and banish the negative messages and vibes we sometimes get. Just begin again. Ignite a fire under our dreams and desires and as you say Dean "go for it".
Rob, You reminded me of my father. He had a picture of those two buzzards hanging on his living room wall and it meant a lot to him. Jack of all trades and master of none working himself hard into the ground. We will get there Rob, we will.
Val, you have eight more deals than I do. Keep your chin up and do not be discouraged. I am doing something everyday in REI and practicing what I preach. I could let life get me down but I refuse to. On Friday I was hired to sell as a promoter of an energy vitamin drink in Costco and Sam's club. Only two 8 hr shifts per week but it will take the edge off and allow me to still contribute the major portion of my week to investing. I need to average $1,000.00 per month even if I only do a $3,000.00 deal every 3 months. When I turn 66 there is no limit. Systems seem to be the key.
Can hardly wait for the live cast on Thursday. I could listen to all of those speakers on cd over and over and over again and eveytime I would hear them I would pick up on something new. Dean, is there any chance that you could put them on cd and allow us to buy the cd's one at a time or all at once? That would allow you to increase the content available in the shopping cart and if the cd was $10.00 each for every 10 people that is $100.00.
I'd love to be there but I work nights. Hopefully you'll have some way for me to watch later.
Just what I needed to hear!
Thank you so much for this blog! It's just what I needed today! Seems I get going, then something negative or disappointing jumps in my path. Too many "no's" from banks, too many negative family members, too many depressing things happening, too many memories of past failure, the list goes on. I'm not making this post to be a crybaby, but I am just so thankful that I have someone in my corner to help me get back up, even though I've never really met anyone here. Onto a new day and time to move my aim a little to the right. I'll hit the target yet!!
Obstacles Are No Match For YOU!
Hello Dean,
I was never a sprinter! I am a long distance runner and I have run a marathon before. Well I am glad that applies to Real Estate too. When running races I always killed the competition in the later stages because I had the endurance and enough strength to "kick it in" at the end of the race.
Well I am "kicking it in" Dean and I know you will hear more from Jaguar Investment Group.
Roger Schafer
Jaguar Investment Group
Sometimes, I should say more often than not I Go Go Go like I am going to a fire. Recently an event happened in my life / after listening to your weekly wisdom which really made me see how precious life is and I need to step back and smell the roses more often and take one step at a time and I will attain my goals! Life is a journey (that will always have obstacles and goals)....not a Sprint. Thanks for the awesome weekly wisdom Dean, Have a Great Week....!!
Not a Sprint but it's a Marathon
Dean you have proven this concept in your own life and it has been a great example to me. Thank you so much. Us new, up and coming Real Estate Investors need examples like you to overcome our demons we fight, overcome family problems, battle the negativity in the world and those people who sit and want us to fail. Your Weekly Wisdom segments help remind me of my potential, even though I realize I have potential it's good to hear it from someone else. I struggle so much with self doubt and fall short. I truly want to succeed so I can spend time with my family. I have spent the last three years away from my wife and 2 sons (Phoenix, AZ) while I have traveled for Boeing (Design Engineer, Contractor) to support my family, doing what a loving & supportive husband and father should do. During that time of being apart, my wife has fallen out of love with me and desires to divorce me. For me she is the love of my life and was devastated to hear her say the word divorce. 27 years of marriage with 3 wonderful kids and a newly born granddaughter. It feels like having my guts ripped out. The 7 whys for me was certainly more than money, freedom from an sob boss, it was my family, so I thought. Honestly I've licked my wounds as much as one should or can, but I have to move on with my life and I know Real Estate Investing is my desire and it is my destiny. I screwed up and wasted so much time (last 8 months) with feeling sorry for myself when self pity does nothing to give me freedom to work when I want to, quit my job, spend more time with my children. Dean I want the feeling of raw adrenaline of closing my first deal, staring at the check worth $5000-$10,000, celebrating my success, proving your teaching techniques, rewarding myself & family, kicking it into high gear to do it over again. Dean in some ways I'm sorry for not reaching success yet, to be able to prove to others that your teaching systems work, but I'm more angry at myself for the wasted time, time that is gone, I'll never get it back. That's enough of all of that, I will reach my potential and the level of success I want. I'm a Platinum Member of Insider Elite (Since it first started) to speed up the process and the amount of information and instruction is awesome. I certainly can say you over deliver. If I fail it is absolutely because of me, not the info you provide. Thanks for all you do for us, your DG Family.
LIFE is a marathon
Hi Dean
Spot on message this week because whether we're striving toward financial freedom or trying to do our first deal, we need to take things one step at a time. This all resonates so well with me because I'm an "all or nothing kind of person". So much so that in 2013 I adopted the theme BALANCE as my personal mantra. If I try to tackle every idea and piece of wisdom in one week that I've learned since joining your program June 2012 then I will just feel overwhelmed and eventually defeated. Instead, I'm learning to embrace balance and not be so over the top about whatever I'm obsessing about.
As the great Gina H. suggested, I'm measuring my success from EDGE to EDGE and adding a journal entry each day on this site of the things I did that day. I'm not stressing about it - as long as i do ONE thing a day, I will have done 100 things in 100 days (as Ali says) or 365 things in 365 days as Michael states above. Either way, I'm going to get my piece of this action!!!! Closing deal #6 this month
See you soon
never to late
Dear Dean, As usual I agree with all that you say. We simply need to do a little by little each and every day. As a result we achieve our goals and
Thanks Again,
Thanks always for the
Thanks always for the encouragement! I will get there! Looking forward to Thursday also. Thanks!
A nice reminder that we r ok on this journey!! We all want to sprint but to hear it is the MARATHON that we r concerned with makes us feel the pace we r on is ok ..... The trouble with myself now is I want and WILL start picking up the pace in this MARATHON. I,v gotten my second wind n i can feel the uncomfortable coming n I intend to face it HEAD ON !!!! Thanks Dean for all your insight. I overwhelmingly feel blessed to have taken action with your gifts !!
Not a sprint
Dean thank you again for this reminder. It is so easy to get overwhelmed with all the changes you want to make so I have to remind myself of this everyday. I am making great progress since the Edge
Thank you so much again!!
Weekly wisdom
Wow! it is so very to get frustrated at not being there right now, but as usual Dean puts it all into prospective. One step at a time, it's not all accomplished over night. Great wisdom.
Thanks Dean for the reminder that being in charge of your destiny is up to you and taking baby steps is the way to make sure you achieve success! Progress is Success no matter how Small!! thanks for being the light at the end of the tunnel for us as we walk through the dark tunnel of self doubt which is easy to be held prisoner by, our demons within! Thanks for being the constant voice of believing in your dreams for us and staying in Marathon Mode!!
excellent blog
Thanks Dean: Cant wait until thursday evening,for the Free live cast training, Carol in texas
Thanks Dean
I really needed to hear this today. You are so right about it not being a sprint it's a marathon! Thank you for the words of encouragement.
Dean, I fill like I am running in place or on a treadmill, I can't get in gear, I really really do look forward to the live cast. Yup I missed the EDGE, so any little clip you send is a breath of fresh air, glad you have your oxygen mask on. WHEW.....
You are right
Thank Dean, I totally agree, real estate investing is a marathon, not a sprint. Really thank you.
I can't believe it!!!!! :(
I'm sorry Dean
I will be traveling and am almost 99.999% positive that I will not be at a destination that will get me internet access at the time of the livecast. ( I have too much experience now as this is my 5th trip to the same destination so I have the dead zones pretty much figured out
For the first time since becoming part of the DG family and IE network, I am not signing up for the livecast
The good news is that I was THERE at the EDGE and I soaked in an awful lot of info so I guess if I forget anything, I'll need to go back and watch the event again. (I won't mind it as it will bring back a lot of good memories for sure
As for the message this week, it brings me back to my days as a High School Junior Varsity cross country runner. I was a slightly chubby kid at that point and I'm pretty sure the coach recruited me just to have enough members on the team. Hard as I tried and practiced, I was always the last or next to last to finish a race. The problem was that I was not listening and burning myself out at the start of the race so I had little energy at the end. I made it to the finish line each time, but most of the time it was while walking or crawling or on the verge of collapse. BUT I made it!!! At my last race of my cross country career, it was a mixed race with JV and Varsity runners. I made a private goal to myself to not only not finish last this time but to beat a varsity runner. I had to keep rethinking about what the coach had told us all season long " It's not a sprint, it's a marathon!" It was the longest race to date at 10 miles so I knew I needed to be patient and pace myself.
As I crossed the finish line for that last time, I turned around to see the final 3 three runners cross the line. 2 were from the school we were running against and 1 was a varsity runner from my school. I FINALLY DID IT!!!!! It was a small victory however cause the bottom line was that the finish line looked no different coming in 12th out of 15 as it usually did coming in at 15th (a.k.a. LAST).
So even tho I am not where I want to be yet with my RE career, I just remind myself that this is a marathon and not a sprint! I know I will get there, I always do. Maybe not as quickly as others but the finish line looks the same when you cross it, whether first or last. The whole key is to cross it. AND I WILL CROSS IT!!!
Sorry to ramble but thanks for the memory
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC and IE member