In this edition of the Weekly Wisdom, Dean does a quick sit down with his good friend and credit expert Phil Tirone. Just as Dean has done in the area of real estate education, Phil has earned the esteemed reputation for being the “go to” guy for ethical, effective solutions for getting your credit score where you want it to be. They discuss how to use his insider secrets to boost your own credit, but also share a little known tactic to increase the number of deals you do by helping your buyers credit too! Register for Phil's webinar today!
Phil's webinar
I've registered for Phil's webinar! Thanks!
Dean! Dean! Dean!
You are the man! As the days go by and I commit to be on the DG site everyday, the more I get to know you and love you.
One day, (this is my goal, just like Mr. Edwin C. Barnes in "Think and Grow Rich" was determined to meet and work with M. Thomas Edison), I will have lunch and get into some partnership with you. At this point IT is no longer about making my first deal. It is about setting my goals HIGH! As Les Brown said, the reason many people are not successful IS NOT BECAUSE THEY SET THEIR GOALS HIGH AND MISS, BUT BECAUSE THEY SET THEIR GOALS LOW AND HIT.
Credit Repair Solutions
Hi Dean, and Phil,
Another informative Weekly Wisdom....
Our credit rating plays a very important part in our everyday life.
Standard and Poors...downgraded The USA's AAA+ Credit rating.
It took five years, but now US government is suing Standard and Poors:
" The U.S. government states Standard & Poor's knowingly inflated its ratings on risky mortgage investments that helped trigger the 2008 financial crisis "
Now Standard and Poors will be on the receiving end ....having that " proverbial " 800 lb Gorilla chasing them.....
Hi Dean and Phil!
it was a nice surprise to see Phil on this Weekly Wisdom! I watched his webinar in the past, I believe a year ago (?) and it was really good. Phil is a pretty awesome guy; he replied personally by email to a question I posted on his webinar since he had run out of time to answer the many questions people had during his webinar, which I thought was very cool!
I'm registering for his webinar again; even with good credit, you can always learn something of value from Phil.
Thank you Dean, for giving us access to great information to succeed in rei!
Looking forward to Phil's webinar...
Thank you
Thank you Dean and Phil. You are so generous and king to offer this to us. God bless you both mightily!
Im definitely showing this to my dad! You guys rock! I really appreciate it! =D
More tools
Hi Dean,
It's great to see how you help us in the many areas we need to improve. I've watched Phil's webinar before and I'll sign up again.
Just had an sealed bid accepted on a tax property in Wisconsin, assessed value over $100,000 over one acre of land, 2 fire numbers on property one house one trailer. Needs septic system on house and drain field on trailer (may have to replace trailer). In a township where there are no codes.
Only paid $15,000.00
thanks dean and phil
100 points in 30 days is possible? wow!!
keep moving forward, rob
Phil Tirone is the real deal.. Dont psss this up!
I purchased Phils course 2 years ago & in less than 6 months I raised my credit score from a 640 average to a 710 .. I highly recommend purchasing his course!
Credit Repair Solutions
As an Insider Elite member I had the privilege of taking Phil's course. Even though my score was excellent, I took the course antway and learned great tips for my self and to help my investers.
As an Ohioan I am proud to report that if you caught 60 minutes last night you know the Ohio's Attorney General, Mike Dewine, is investigating the credit reporting agencies. It was a scathing report.
What Phil is doing helps right now and what Mike Dewine is doing helps in the future.
See Foxnews' report:
You give us some great tools to use when inviting
Awesome guests like Phil!! Credit repair is the solution to CREATING
Byers to put on your list !! Thnkx Dean for bringing on THE BEST !!
Excited to hear Phil
I can not wait for the webinar! Thanks Dean for showing us without a doubt how much you are working everyday to give us more opportunities to succeed!
Your mind must not rest! You are constantly coming up with new and creative ideas!
great advise
Dear Dean Phil, This is some very valuable info,
thanks so much for what you two are doing today.
THX i got some free time.
Thanks Dean Phillip is a real great gift from you to all of us
Hi Dean and Phillip,
Thank you for introducing us to Phillip Tirone. Dean and Phillip are both the real thing. I took Phillips class last year and I am now getting all kinds of emails saying congratulations your credit scores is higher than most. I am beining offered all kinds of free credit reports but I am sticking to what Phillip says I am not playing with fire.
Phillip are those even real or are they scams that lead to identity thief? I am getting card companies trying to get my business. But I am only going to do business with the card companies That Phillip Tirone recommends as with him, on our side we are safe from the credit card tricks and scrams.
Phillip with in the next few weeks ( when I have the money, I am back to working side jobs, my leg is healed) I am going to the website you gave us to check out my credit score, I can't wait to see if all the congraduation for high credit is true. I only trust the websites you give us. THe last time I checked my credit score was almost at 800.
Phillip I am concerned about my score dropping if I apply for another credit and they pull my report and do not give me a card as I am still unemployed. My concern is that my score will really drop if I get too many credit inquires because of being unemployed. How many credit reports does it take to really hurt or destroy good credit?
Dean & Phillip thank you soooooo Much for all you do for your students.
Love Hearing you again.
Your Sister I Jesus
Debra Ann
Thanks Dean Phillip is a real great gift from you to all of us
Hi Dean and Phillip,
Thank you for introducing us to Phillip Tirone. Dean and Phillip are both the real thing. I took Phillips class last year and I am now getting all kinds of emails saying congratulations your credit scores is higher than most. I am beining offered all kinds of free credit reports but I am sticking to what Phillip says I am not playing with fire.
Phillip are those even real or are they scams that lead to identity thief? I am getting card companies trying to get my business. But I am only going to do business with the card companies That Phillip Tirone recommends as with him, on our side we are safe from the credit card tricks and scrams.
Phillip with in the next few weeks ( when I have the money, I am back to working side jobs, my leg is healed) I am going to the website you gave us to check out my credit score, I can't wait to see if all the congraduation for high credit is true. I only trust the websites you give us. THe last time I checked my credit score was almost at 800.
Phillip I am concerned about my score dropping if I apply for another credit and they pull my report and do not give me a card as I am still unemployed. My concern is that my score will really drop if I get too many credit inquires because of being unemployed. How many credit reports does it take to really hurt or destroy good credit?
Dean & Phillip thank you soooooo Much for all you do for your students.
Love Hearing you again.
Your Sister I Jesus
Debra Ann
Signed up for Phil's Webinar!
Thanks, Dean!!
Ready to see what magic Phil can work! Another great resource, Thank you, sir!!
Here's to an AWESOME 2013!
Chip Follis
Phils Back!
Hey guys great WW video. I got involved with Phil's program about two years ago. My credit was in pretty good shape but I went through the coursework anyway. I did raise my score some but more importantly I learned what not to do to protect my score. Last year I refinanced my personal home at a real nice rate and went from a 30 to a 15 year mortgage. I will be going through the materials again as I have had to leverage my credit cards as I started up my business. It's all part of the ride, learn the rules!
Phil's webinar
Thanks Dean and Phil.
I took phil credit course in 2011 and I was able to get my credit from a low 500 to above 750 and I am pushing for the 800 range. I just want to say that phil's program is awesome. It is a guaranteed way to take control of your own credit.
Thank You so much
Jean Felix Surpris Jr.
Phil's Webinar
Just what I needed! Thanks Phil and Dean!
Thanks Dean and Phil
We signed up with Phil a few years ago and we are glad that we did.
Thanks again Dean and Phil
Steve and Veronica
Phil's Webinar
I am excited to what I will learn so that I can go ahead and buy some good deals...
Hi Dean and Phil, thank you
Hi Dean and Phil,
thank you and looking forward for this exciting topic
Hello DG Team
Ironic timing.
Last night on 60 Minutes there was a segment of the show dedicated to the Credit Score Scam.
As most people know, there are only 3 Credit Score Companies. Those being Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
60 Minutes did an in depth research and report on all three of these companies and the bottom line is, well let me put it this way, do you remember Fannie May and Freddie Mac?
These Credit Companies are not linked but are and have been acting the same way ever since they began.
These Credit Companies, that are literally holding thousands of Credit Worthy people hostage DON'T actually do anything!
They collect your information and then rank you on an unknown formula, actually NO formula at all. Then they keep your files but do not update them.
All these 3 Credit Companies are SHAMS. They should have been closed down long ago along with Fannie May and Freddie Mac.
What these Credit Companies are doing is ILLEGAL!
If you follow Phillip Tyrones program then you may have a chance on getting your Credit Score to where it should actually be.
BUT, if you think that you can call, email, mail, or make contact with one of the BIG 3, then don't waste your time.
It was shown on 60 Minutes that these BIG 3 Credit Companies are literally holding law abiding, credit worthy people hostage.
They will NOT do anything to help change your Credit Score no matter how much proof you have.
If you are not even the same person, they will do NOTHING about it. And that is a common and large problem.
These BIG 3 Credit Score Companies are a BIG hinderence to A LOT of good Americans.
Why does the Government let this obviously CORRUPT system go about ripping off the population of America just like they did with Fannie May and Freddie Mac?
The real answer to this is that now just like with FM and FM, these BIG 3 Credit Companies are now too LARGE and too mis-managed and too un-organized to do anything about.
They have grown into 3 BIG Monsters that have NO oversight, NO limitations and NO HEAD.
60 Minutes stated "Don't waste your time trying to fix your Credit Score with these 3 Companies as it will only be a waste of your time"
And there's never been a more truthful statement than that.
Time to improve my credit
Signed up for the seminar.
Thank You Dean and Phil
Thank you Again Dean for introducing us to phill,
I can't thank you enough for always pouring knowledge out to us and giving us these Golden Nuggets to help us succeed Every week
looking forward to meeting you at this years Edge Event and personally shaking your hand and to Thank You.
Looking forward to the webinar
hi dean and phil
I do need my credit repaired. I will try to attend your webinar.Thanks; Mark
Phil and Dean
Thank you for having Phil on this week Weekly Widsom, I was glad to see both of you together.
last year I registed with Phil and his program really jump start my score. I enjoy Phil's emails. God bless you both, Phil is a good honest and helpful person and I am so glad last year I took a chance and got his program, never to old to learn.
I missed all the last Webinars and I am Excited to see this one!
I just registered.
I am looking forward to learning more info on improving my credit. I am working with someone local after a bad experience with a national company. But the more info the better!!
Thank you!!
We are registered for the webinar. Thanks,