This Weekly Wisdom is all about helping the folks whose lives have been affected or even devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Post an encouraging message to those on the East Coast and we will donate $5 bucks for every comment left.
Again, everyone who watches this video and leaves a message of support will help raise money for the good people affected by Hurricane Sandy. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore hope to hurting people. Thank you.
PS- If you haven't already, you can still test drive Insider Elite for just $1!
Hurricane Sandy Victims
My brother in law and his wife and daughter who have lived in island park ny were totaly devistated. lost everything.
In times like these it 's a strange thing how family comes together. I have been helping him clean out and start anew.
I wish everyone who has been affected by this "SUPERSTORM" to keep the faith, because New yorkers especialy , are the most resilient people I know.
May everyone get through with the support of Family.
Sandy victims
There's always the hope of a new tomorrow.
Hurricane Sandy
Prayer going out to my East-Coast family. The tri-state area got hit very hard...NY,CT and NJ but we all stick together in tough times such as these. Though it is a major set back, we are still here. For those of you who lost loved ones, my heart goes out to you and may our heavenly father make your loss a little more easy to deal with,,,.just take it one day at a time. I too reside in the tri-state area and affected by the hurricane however, my concearn are for those who are less fortunate than I was and just want to say that I am holding "ALL OF YOU" up in prayer.
Grace,Peace and Mercy!!
Thoughts and Prayers
I'm originally from Connecticut and have lived through many hurricanes but none were ever as devastating as Sandy. My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to everyone on the Eastern seaboard that has been effected.
To Dean ~ Thank you so much for encouraging all of us to get involved. I am so impressed and touched by your compassion, thoughtfulness and generosity. And thanks to all of the caring bloggers.
Help for Victims
Thought I had left a comment, but not sure so I'm leaving another one. I can't imagine what these people are going through and don't want to experience it. Hopefully by leaving a comment I'll have some good energy on my side and it will help those in need.
I was lucky when Charlie and the others ripped through FL. I came out of that untouched. I hope a lot of people get help. I hope everyone is able to get help.
This is why we all need to be successful. So we can help those in need when the time comes.
Thanks Dean.
JR Picklo
Prayer for Hurricane Sandy victims
I pray for all of you affected by this disaster. My prayers go out for you and your families. Here's to a speedy recovery as God can provide.
The Hurricane
My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who was caught up in the hurricane. It is wonderful that the DG family can come together through Dean's resources and bring aid and comfort to those in need.
The Hurricane
My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who was caught up in the hurricane. It is wonderful that the DG family can come together through Dean's resources and bring aid and comfort to those in need.
Blessing to Hurrican Sandy victims.
Got in a little late here - I hope this comment will still count toward helping the many folks in need of assistance. Way to step up Dean, and all of the DG Family! Donald Trump clouds my pride, but everyone here makes me feel proud to be an American REI! Keep rocking!
Going through these rough
Going through these rough times is a part of life we wish we didnt have to go through. It could be anyone at any given time. Stay strong and keep your head up. Time will pass and everything will get better. We all pray for yall, god bless.
prayers for those hit by hurricane Sandy
I can't imagine what you are going through, but I pray that you will sense God's presence with you giving you strength for each day. God says, "...My strength is made perfect in weakness." II Corinthians 12:9. Also, in Romans 8:37 we are reminded, "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him (Christ) that loved us."
Prayers and Caring to Victums of Storm Sandy
Hope that everyone effected by this storm recovers ASAP. Sometimes you have to keep going and not give up even when it seems that it will not get better - because it will get better - and help will come. Life gets busy and you tend to forget but are in our prayers. Thanks Dean for sending money and your commitment to help.
Healing Vibes to People on the East Coast
If this is a way to help, I'm signed up. Sending love and healing vibes. Wish there was something more I could do. Prayers to all suffering and hope you all get help as soon as possible.
DG family contribution
That is Awesome! Thank you for a Rock Star and supporting some many people on this planet, one way or another!
Our church, my wife and I will continue to pray. May God heal all the pain you have been going through.
Encouraging words for the east coast
To all of the people living on the east coast, my prayers are with you and your families. This is a time when we all have to come together and help those in need. We can do this by prayer, donating goods to local churches and charities in our communities to help those affected by hurricane sandy.
I am sorry to hear of the
I am sorry to hear of the devastation you are going through. Although I may never understand the extent of your loss, please know we are all praying for you. May God get you through this very difficult time.
Hang in there, and stay strong.
Thoughts on Sandy
It is woderful to see how we can all come together in these moments that count the most to help one another, I am certain that we will get through this tough time one step at time and triumph as New Yorkers that we are. I am saddend by the events and pray for everyone affected by the storm.
Hurricane Sandy
Thanks, Dean, for your generosity and kindness. I never thought I'd see such destruction in New Jersey, but with all of us pulling together, I am sure we will recover.
Sandy relief
Sorry for the delay Dean, but I've been out of pocket for a little while. But I'd like to see you keep this effort going for a while. All too often there's a decent response right after the devastation, but the focus fades way before everyone is back on their feet. We need to keep making donations as long as we can.........
There will still be plenty of work to do in the spring and I hope to spend some time in Jersey after the initial response has subsided.
Does it still count?
I just came back today after being gone for a while. Does the offer still count, Dean? Anyway, I pray and have been praying for the folks on the east coast. God bless every one of them. Thanks, Dean.
How about twice?
Can we post twice and will it count too? lol. I hope so.
I just want everyone who has been affected by Sandy to know that we're thinking about them and praying for them. God bless.
Hurricane Sandy
Thank you to DG to organize this help in favor of all victims of Hurricane Sandy.
We work to help all people touched by this catastrophe. May be we also may find some possibilities to reduce in future some of the effects of such extreme weather events.
We have to bundle our efforts to help each other!
Loving Hands
Thank you lord for all who have come together to give in many different ways to alleviate the pain and suffering of others. Thanks for your love.
God bless you all.
prayers for all in Sandy's path
as someone who lived in the South, I know what its like to live your life in the eye of a storm. I also know the difficulties that those on the East Coast are facing in rebuilding, not only now but for the next few weeks (and months) to come. My heart felt prayers go out to all who were affected by Sandy's wrath but please remember that "in all things we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS through Christ Jesus who loves us..." YOU WILL CONQUEROR THIS!! Weeping may endure for a moment but JOY WILL COME IN THE MORNING!!!I will continue to pray for you all!!
God Bless
All of you affected by this hurricane, my families thoughts and prayers go out to you.
my prayers to every one afected by the huracane
i know exactly how you feel. living in the carribean, puerto rico to be exact we go trow many hurricaine alerts 10 to 15. but went you go trow one hurricane you are never the same one. you will never take a warning for granted. you try to calm your family telling them than everything will be fine. you may loose one thing or the other but as long as every one in your family is ok an your are healthy you can always get back on your feet.
god bless you dean for helping all this people.
j cruz
puerto rico
Hurricane Sandy
My prayers and concerns are with the victims of the hurricane. They have taken a double hit. Thank God for your efforts Dean.
Hurricane Sandy
I'm from New Jersey and yes we did get smacked hard by mother nature. But let's stay positive. It is true that even though most of our shore icons are gone, specially the ones we grew up with. We will rebuild stronger and better. Materialistic items can be replaced. As long a s we have our loved ones with us in safety. Remember be "JERSEY STRONG"
Hurricane Sandy
This planet is going through a major change and I pray for all the souls that have been caught in the storm and their love ones who we're effected by it. May you be comforted by the creator of the boundless Universe an be guided by the Great Over Soul with endless love.