First of all, to everybody who left a post last week, you can click below to get your FREE copy of "Totally Fulfilled."
Get Your Free Copy of Totally Fulfilled!
This week, Dean reinforces his mission for this blog. To arm you with tools to be on the offense, to go out there an conquer the obstacles you face and have the life you desire.
He reviews the lessons of the past weeks in a super fast summary and makes a big promise for what's coming. You are part of something bigger than yourself and we are so grateful to be with you through it. Enjoy!
Live your dreams!
Great stuff once again Dean...and thanks for the book, can't wait to read it!
Yes, association is very important, and this site is a great place to associate with like minded people. I have met some great people here, many of which I can call my friends. These are the kind of people I want my kids around.
Thanks for making that connection possible!
thank you
Dean you are an amazing motivator. Even thowgh i am skeptical some times, i know you want to help people from the bottom of your heart.
Weekly Wisdom
This just whatI needed. I seem to go at 100 MPH or 0 mph. I feel like I have the drive but sometimes loose my way. This message has set me back on track....Forward toward that first deal.
Another Home Run
I'm one of those who have been on the site for several years and have a heart for real estate investing. I've gone through and still overcoming some challenging life circumstances. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and will continue to press through this physical and mental mountain.
I have not at this moment gotten my first deal. Well as you said when it's my time, it will be my time.
Never giving up.
M Ward
Just what I needed!!!
Thanks once again for that winded speech. It couldn't of come at a better time. Sometimes there are so many obstacles in my life that seem to want to bring me down but your encouragement truely keeps me going. Please keep those winded speeches coming!!!
Thanks, Rocky
Thank you, Dean!
Thank you for the digital copy of your book, Totally Fulfilled. I'm only on the second chapter but I'm already hooked. I hope you will consider creating a digital copy of all your books.
Thanks again for all you do for us!
No Stopping Here
I have been going back and watching the older weekly wisdom blogs. I just discovered the training with Dean and Matt. I am totally stoked to continue with the 25 to 1 strategy. The only pieces of the puzzle left are buyer's list and seller's lists. I'm looking forward to my first deal.
Thank You for all your advice
Thanks dean for all your blog they keep me going, so I won't give up... I'm still looking for real estate agent, so I can get deal off the ground. lead me to were I can find a good one PLEASE...
This web site is so amazing
This web site is so amazing and it keeps me pushing... Can't wait every week for the weekly wisdom
Thanks Dean
Weekly Wisdom
Thanks Dean for picking Me up and pointing Me in the Right direction.
I Really had the "wind knocked out of My sail" Today.
But like you said...I can't let the people I love down just because I stumbled and got My feelings hurt.
Thanks Again,
movie for children
Here we celebrate international's cildren's day on the 1st of June.
For all the children in and around DG family a nice 6 min. movie - the dog and the dolphin. ENJOY!
thank you so very much
for the e-book! It is so inspiring to know the challenges you faced and you know how truly difficult and depressing it can be to feel like the world is against you. The book has been VERY motivating to me, and I am not even done with it yet. I have to say, thanks in part to your weekly wisdom, I have a long term plan now, I am not feeling drug down anymore. I have been one of those long term watching your weekly wisdom people but just too deep in debt and negativity to take action yet. Well I have accomplished a major long term goal as of this week, and your book came just in time to remind me that I can reach my goals. So here's to my plan in action,,, that I can get on board with your training sooner than later!
Thanks Dean again!
Dean another great weekly message. It really feels good to believe that we can do it and every week listening to your messages give us courage to make ourselves better and better. Thanks again!
The kick in the :)
Dean, your so right about we having excuses, I live them all the time, but you are so true to life about needing to stand up and then help others around us up also.Just maybe the kick in the
is the head start I really need. All the right reason haven't worked but like you said, I'm still here, haven't given up. My time is in the making. Thank you for ever lasting encourgement, I think the kick is in order
LOve your energy in your blogs and at the Edge's
Enjoy & Until
What are those large "presentation papers" that dean uses?
Off topic but It's on my mind because I need one.
You know what I'm talking about? When Dean writes on the large white paper. I need that paper and I also need a stand! Help me with the search terms I need to order that stuff! Stand and all.
P.S. I bought the cheapest tablet I could just so I can read this ebook comfortably at night. Thanks Dean!
Oxygen mask
Good analogy Dean, I am on my way thanks for your continued weekly wisdoms
Even though I'm new to this I realize I need to make a change if I want to see my visions and dreams become reality. Thank you Dean for being a highly Influential real estate investor and not witholding your technics of the many different ways we can get and close on deals. Your books and weekly blogs (especially this week)are truely inspiring and rich with wisdom and knowledge. Thank you for being a true genuine.
Free Book Toatally Fulfilled
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First of all, to everybody who left a post last week, you can click below to get your FREE copy of "Totally Fulfilled."
Get Your Free Copy of Totally Fulfilled!
This week, Dean reinforces his mission for this blog. To arm you with tools to be on the offense, to go out there an conquer the obstacles you face and have the life you desire.
He reviews the lessons of the past weeks in a super fast summary and makes a big promise for what's coming. You are part of something bigger than yourself and we are so grateful to be with you through it. Enjoy!
Dear Dean, Genesisjbus, here and just tried to download the copy of Totally Fulfilled, and box popped up said (File Damaged and cannot be repaired) please help with this situation, Thank You,
Luv U, Julius Barnes,
Thank you Dean!!
once again im amazed by your wisdom and thankful for having found this site all those years ago.Ive told countless people about this site over and over again. If one thing you can gather from this site is inspiration. Deans full of it!
Thank you Dean ,you are blessed and so are we for getting to know your passion. btw,just joined the successs academy and am on my way to making the best deal of all ...the first one.
WOW! Just WOW!
Your words of wisdom really move me. I just came home to Norfolk VA from Calif visiting my Aunt and family after 18 years away. I was able to help two of my family members that needed motivation to be successful only because of your strong positive words to me. I see nothing but great things in their life as I do mine.
Thanks is not enough. I hope to be a featured success story on this site soon.
Weekly Wisdom #185-Non Stop Momentum
Dean, THANK YOU for your Non-Stop Momentum TREMENDOUSLY encouraging weekly wisdom!! Thank you also for "Totally Fulfilled"....both of those are just what we needed at this time. I just downloaded your book, and read a few pages...I can tell it will be an AWESOME book to read. Thank you for helping so many of us! Deb & Mike
Ok, Ok!!! I won't make you mand.... LOL
I like this one Dean!! I am determined to be a part of this great group and to help MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THIS WORLD!!
Thanks for the PUSH to keep going. I actually am excited to say that I will be a DG success academy GRADUATE this week!!! We are so blessed to have a great network of coaches that support us even when we are still working towards that first deal.
Thanks Dean
Thanks for the encouragement
Thanks for not giving up on us, Dean. I loved your message. I did not realize I was not alone in being a part of the DG family for so long and still not having done a deal. I am trying to get caught up with the weekly blogs, complete reading Totally Fulfilled (what a great book), and complete reading for the second time Be a Real Estate Millionaire, and attend one of the live sessions coming up. Listening to weekly wisdom 185 for the first time today, I can see how sincere you are about wanting your students to succeed. I am encouraged to continue with what I'm doing now, although I know I need to kick it up a notch (speed up my reading and read consistently).
Thanks again, and God bless you and your wonderful staff.