This week Dean gives you bit of wisdom you might feel compelled to go out and print on a T-shirt as your personal slogan.
It's all about how to keep your vision and dreams alive in spite of the obstacles in life. Watch and listen as Dean paints a poweful metaphor for powering through the "headaches" of life.
Also, the voting is still open for who we will choose as the "Send Me Away" winner, so if you haven't cast your vote yet, watch and vote for your favorite below.
See the 7 Finalists and Cast Your Vote Here
Thank you Dean
Thank again Dean for once again another great blog. Thanks for taking the time to give us more wisdom. Very good blog this week Dean. We all need to work through what is keeping us from moving on to bigger REI deals.
Thanks Dean.
Steve and Veronica.
loved this weeks wisdom!
Thank you Dean for sharing! Absolutely loved this weeks video! 'do it with a headache' good stuff! Great point!!!
Can't rely on how we're feeling, feelings fluctuate.
Winners play hurt! Think it separates the warriors from the wimps!
God bless,
Jen Gray
I love this weeks wisdom(ofcourse I love all your wisdom).Thanks for sharing,Dean.
Have a great week.GOD Bless you & your beautiful family,Dean.
Corpus Christi,Texas,USA
Keep the mindset !!
We as investors have to keep that positive mindset no matter what obstacles stand in the way, all while looking forward to the big prize. Work it and it will happen! I believe its inevitable!! Thanks Dean!!!
Hello Dean,
Hello Dean,
Thanks for the great message this week! In one of the forum threads around here, I replied with this comment:
"They say here, and in the books, "TAKE ACTION", so as a newbie (who is still at it), I would like to share and add to that, "TAKE ACTION AND BE PREPARED BECAUSE IT IS HARD! IT TAKES A LOT OF WORK!!"
And then now I will revise and add to that what you taught/teach this week:
I'm attending your 3 day workshop this week here. (I hope it takes care of my "headaches", as I try to absorb so much information and am still learning REI to bridge the knowledge gap which I believe is what would also help me succeed at this at a faster pace). I also do look forward to meeting you at The Edge 2012 in Arizona!
God bless you and your family! Thanks for your weekly encouragement!
When the Going gets Tough...
thank you for another great weekly wisdom; I look forward to them every Sunday; it gives me something to focus on for the week, and today's is really powerful. REI is not easy, but anything in life worthwhile is going to take effort, and patience; and sometimes it seems easier to give up than to continue the uphill path. I feel especially blessed for being in company of like-minded people here who challenge me to be the best of me, even when I have a migraine headache-yes, I do get them often, but they don't stop me. At times, when I felt lost in the beginning, other investors on this site were the lighthouse that I needed to guide me in the right direction. This is a place where we can share our victories as well as our turbulances, where we all can help each other find the missing pieces to our own puzzles. And I work at it very hard, no matter what, because you have taught me to have my big WHY that keeps me motivated when the going gets tough.
I am learning every day, I am working hard every day, I am progressing every day,
Just another good one!
Dean, thanks again for the opportunity you and your team presented to myself and Jeri. I start my week day by reading your blogs Sunday evevings and plan myself for another great week. Couple of closings coming up this week with great potential and news, while helping other families. Starting this holly week, we feel so blessed be part of this family. We wish everyone a great holly week and Easter Friday! Thanks again! Tomas
Thanks, Dean.
We appreciate you helping us stay motivated!
Great way to start April
You know today I evaluated the past 3 months and ask myself did I really give everything I have into REI? To be honest I haven't. I let "headaches" and old habits get in my way. Thank you for constantly encouraging us to push through and stay the course despite what is going on around us. New Season. New Month. Game on. You Rock Dean!!!
Successful People Do It With A Headache!!
Okay, that just makes me laugh!!! I will re-word it before I put it on a T-Shirt. Maybe, Successful People Do It Anyway, or Successful People Do What No One Else Will. I don't know yet but "Your Message" is definitely worth putting on a T-Shirt!!
Today's blog hit home for me in so many ways. Mostly good because of what I have done this week, but on the other side it really home because of some excuses I have made about my fitness this week. Excuses about why I don't do things will kill ME!!
You can either make an excuse, or you can succeed!!! Bottom line.
Thank you Dean!!
Do it as if there is no other choice (there isn't)
Lot of truth in your message. It reminds me of parenthood. When you have a child, and they need you (when don't they?) - you do what is required, you do it without sleep, without a decent meal, without a shower, without question - you just do what is required no matter what, and you sacrifice gladly. Any seriuos pursuit needs that.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter.
Great message again Dean
I did chuckle reading your FB post 'Successful people do it with a headache'.
I'm wondering the response I would get from this wearing it to the store with my 4 kids in tow with me
; I'd probably make it into one of those 'people of wal-mart' email messages that go around.
But, its true. I have felt like a walking zombie this past week, but I still keep at it; because it is the ONLY way I'm going to succeed, and I have you to thank for always reminding me with these blogs of what I have to do, and keep doing to get 'er done! Thank you Dean!
Oh, and the analogy of the spouse thing hit home! I always wonder why its so much easier to focus on the negative than the positive. Going back to all my obstacles, and NEVER giving up!
PS. . . biting my nails about the contest; its so cruel to make us wait until Edge to hear the results.
I can hope I'm the winner, but every one of the finalists deserves the win. And hearing from my family 'you'll never win' for another month... AHHHHHHHH! Torture! 
Keep on going
Thanks for continuing to keep us motivated. When it seems like nothing is working, you always give us the motivation to keep going. I want to thank you for that. So I'm sitting here on Monday morning (really early), and writing down my weekly goals so I can look back and see what I accomplished this week.
I'm still watching and listening
I'm still watching and listening, because I listen to success. You have been successful at all the things you do because of what you said in this video. I know I'm going to make it because my goal is to make it with your system. I did realize this morning that my problem is that I make too many excuses to not put priority on learning your system. I too have had some pretty heavy problems. We were in a car accident and my wife broke her ankle, she lost he teeth, I push her in a wheelchair and she eats soup, but she is alive and getting better every day. Where there is a will to get better, there's a future. We live in a split-level house. We are having a battle with the insurance company. Our car engine developed a leak in the head gasket. But, everyone has problems, even you. I know your life is not a bed of roses, yet you stay on top of everything that is important, whatever it takes. I have been successful at everything I have ever attempted in my life that is importat to me. This year marks 50 years in the ministry for me as a servant of God. Last night I was in charge of our Easter cantata, and my wife was there with me. This September 8th we will be married 50 years. We didn't make it by giving up. I can assure you there were things that happened, just like in every other marriage, that could have given us reason to split up. The secret is to keep trying. Each week I try a little harder. I have been following your Words of Wisdom since before you named them Words of Wisdom. I will continue to follow you as long as you keep giving your words of wisdom, because I see a beautiful model. Keep focused in this same direction, and God will continue to bless you in everything you do, because you are truly a caring person. Have a good week.
Pushing Through
Hi Dean,
Great Blog we all have obstacles we have in our life and we have to be able to get through them see can what we want in life. Sorry to heart about the migraine, I've never had one but my wife does (less now with the chiropractor adjustments she gets). I use to feel useless because there is nothing that could help. Keep us sending out the blogs and look forward to next week.
I needed that. It is tough for me right now. I feel like
I am doing a puzzle and all of the pieces just laying
around and I am trying to figure out where to put them .
Inspite of it all,you kept going! I must keep pushing forward
and not give up!
Thanks Dean
Inspiration / Despiration
Hi Dean
Watching this weekley wisdom #176 was perfect timing! GREAT BLOG! Life can offer many challenges, escpecially financial, and the past couple years have been extreemly challenging and at times I have wondered where my career is going and that is still not 100% clear! However, with the coaching and encouragement and support that is given through Deans system I am optimistic that the financial future is getting brighter and clearer each day. "Do the hard things!"
Persistance through the dark times will keep the course
Thank you Dean as always a blessing!
God bless,
Nathan & Sandy
Motivation to keep going
Even if I had no interest in becoming a real estate investor, I would still visit this site to get motivation!
The weekly wisdom can be applied to so many situations in life so thank you for the valuable nuggets.
I focus on my reasons for doing real estate several times a day because there are always things that come up to try and discourage me. My reasons keep me focused and allow me to push through when the rejections come.
I want to share my reasons with everyone here so that it may inspire someone else.
"I will pay for my daughters college education by myself. I will pay my house off I will be debt free. I won't loose my home. I won't be embarrased or seen as a failure by my daughter, father and other family members by loosing my home or going further into exteme debt. I will not work for anybody else in the future, leaving my destiny in their hands. I will have my independence through real estate."
Thanks again Dean for posting the weekly wisdom each week.
Weekly Wisdom Appreciation!!!
Hey Dean,
Great Weekly Wisdom!! You always seem to bring the excitement and motivation each and every week!! Dean, Have you ever considered on adding an additional video blog during the week? Possibly one day you can run one on a Thursday or Friday, which would be a motivational wisdom session to cap off the previous week and to provide any suggestions or wisdom for us heading into the weekend,"Deans Friday Send Off",just an idea!! I ask this because I've recently signed up a few weeks ago for these early morning wake up sessions which run three days a week M-W-F 6:30am est. Each session runs for 30min and its for those like minded individuals who crave the motivation and ability to get any questions answered they might have throughout the week! I like the idea of these three sessions a week but I feel like the guy who presents them is still asleep himself and just doesn't get me pumped up like your Weekly Wisdoms do!! I don't know whether to stay signed in or fall asleep myself!! lol.... Anyways, Your Weekly Wisdoms are awesome and they provide enough wisdom each week!! I love the energy you bring!!!
Tammy- I also had a little chuckle when I heard Dean say:
"Successful people do it with a headache"
Thanks Dean
Thanks for another up lifting message,we all fill your pain.thanks for my Weekly Wisdom and that was a good example,YA GOTTA DO WHAT YA GOTTA DO.failure is not an option for me.You challenge me and its on,thx for everything.
Thanks Dean
Hit us with the motivation as usual just when we need it. Thanks Dean!
Migraines and detox
When the going gets tough, the tough get going (at least they don't stop going).
Hey Dean, if you are having migraines, that's usually a sign that you need to detox! I strongly suggest that you watch the documentary "May I be Frank".
An awesome documentary about this guy who is able to turn his (unhealthy) life around, and by doing so, also got rid of his migraines.
Often when we think we live healthy, we don't realize how much of the bad stuff (food) we are actually consuming.
Anyway, let me know what you think of that movie.
All the best,
Maybe we could say Success is an Attitude
You did it again Dean-- thank you for consistently finding ways from your own personal experiences to motivate and lift us up.
I too am blessed with being quite healthy, but I caught some flu/cold thing a week ago that left my face/head hurting so bad I could hardly stand it, BUT I had just written 139 offers that had to be tended-- submitted, responded to, countered on, and logged for tracking. Offers don't wait for our headaches-- we gotta trudge through.
It seems some folks want to be sick and some want to get better as fast as possible. Some are challenged by others and some are challenged the most by themselves.
When the headaches, surmounting bills, failures, tax time, naysayers, and impossible situations of life, health and family get in our way our attitude may be our key to success. If only the glimmer of the dream, we gotta keep success the mindset to get through. That's what sets us apart in this DG family.
Thanks for the passion, Dean
Persistence, Thanks Dean
Thanks once again for your words of wisdom. Powering through no matter what you are going through. Yeah, you're right, it is so much easier to give up. PUSH, PUSH, PUSH.
Attitude, Attitude, Attitude
Another great lesson for this week.
One that I live everyday. People always ask me how I can do all that do for as long as I do it. I just tell them why I do it and the message gets clearer. I do it in the heat, I do it in the cold, I do it healthy, I do it sick. I do it because right now, I have to. Someday, I will be doing it because I want to. This is what it takes for me to reach my goal.
It isn't always easy, it won't always be this hard. To reiterate what I've read in many other posts throughout this site "How bad do you want it?"
Till next week...
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC member
replies, partners?
First, If I ask a question in the forum, How do I find out the answer if someone answers me? Second, I live in Maine. I have a history with a form of flipping which was mostly successful and a history with a small multifamily which was anything but successful. I want to get started again. I don't want to work alone, I want to find someone to work with me. I am not talking about hiring a coach. I also have no money. Someone who could help me and I help them, also.
Over coming obstacles
Hi Dean I absolutely loved your headache video! I can say that because I just started this last week to try and take someaction toward my future. Of course several obstacles came my way. The investor that wanted to come in with me on my first deal fell through, I had to go into day surgery and winded up in the hospital for two days with fluid in my lungs hard to breath. I just got out yesterday and am listening to your video and trying to come up with another solution while resting on my bed. Yes it is really tuff but I not only have to make this work I need to do this for my future and the future of my family. I started with your program having my bank account in negative with the desire of wanting this to work and your inspiration. Yes I do have the challenge of now coming up with money to get my first deal. Everything you say is abosolutely true! I believe in your strategies 100% It is worth every penny to gain the knowledge you have to offer.
Thank you for your encourgement and I hope to be able to find someone else to me with the funding I need. You Are an Inspiration!!!!
I had to Comment
Dean, I listen to your video every week. See I'm a personal trainer in NYC and a coach who teaches people how to push through the physical limits they feel they have. I coach marathon runners and triathletes. In my life I had failed to practice what I preached. i had trouble making the shift from physical to emotional endurance. I just went through a divorce that has my son in a different state. I joined your site and am encouraged every week by your blog. My son is my "Why". I am involved in many things, real estate your way being one of them.
I have closed on 2 properties that positive cash flow since I started your program (#2 just last week). I would not have had the courage to pursue this without you. I work beginning at 6AM many days and finish my clients as late as 8PM. I work through the headaches, through the heartache of missing my son, and through the stress of having been left with credit card debt from my marriage.
I push through EVERYTHING and anything that may stand in the way of my success. I cannot thank you enough for what you put up every week. It is a source of strength and encouragement every Monday. Thanks Dean.
Keep up the good work. Keep encouraging others and I will pay it forward.