There's a saying, "what comes around, goes around." It is often brought up when we experience some sort of slight in our life.
This week, Dean shares a different perspective on this old adage that will show you how to make a HUGE difference in your life - right now. And it comes not from some business or success guru...but straight from Dean's grandmother. Don't miss this one...
Great stuff
Thank you, Dean. I miss my grandma too. She past away when I was just a boy. You have really treasure the time you spend with you family or close friends and tell them about it and encourage them to be the best they can be.
And of course a lot of hugs. By touching people you are really transferring your wonderful energy to them.
Have a great day!!
Great stuff
Thank you, Dean. I miss my grandma too. She past away when I was just a boy. You have really treasure the time you spend with you family or close friends and tell them about it and encourage them to be the best they can be.
And of course a lot of hugs. By touching people you are really transferring your wonderful energy to them.
Have a great day!!
I was close to my grandparents
Mom was aways kind of hard on me and she mean't well but we didn't agree on alot of things. Her mom and dad where the very best and live long lives and I learn't a great deal from them. My father was a big influents on me. they have all passed on but I still reach for the stars. Thanks for the memories Dean
Positively True!
My grandma was my best friend while I was growing up also. Thank you for sharing the positivity story; it's so hard in today's stressful world to stay positive. Your help along the way is greatly appreciated. Thanks for sharing Dean!
Thanks Dean for that wonderful reminder of the simplest of things. It really comes down to the little things that affect others to help build someone else up. It's great to know we can do that for anyone anytime all day long.
weekly blog #152
HI Dean,Sounds like your Grandma gave you the rock solid confidence that paved the way to your success-She was your angel! Studies SHOW that POSITIVE WORDS/ACTIONS/THOUGHTS actually change your brain chemistry AND CAUSE AN INCREASE IN SEROTONIN(hormone that evokes good feelings),so there is a scientific basis for the "POSITIVITY' effect. Thanks for the encouragement,June K
Thanks, Dean!
I really enjoyed reading this Weekly Wisdom message! Your grandmother was awesome and she was so right. You get out of life and relationships exactly what you put into them. I'm going to leave room for only positive things in my life and my business ... and just let the other stuff go. If I can't change it or make it better then there is no use in dwelling on it anymore. I'm shaking the dust of it off my shoes as I'm moving on. I feel better already! Thank you!
Good luck with the 5k run! Glad to see you're taking care of your health because we need you to stick around for a very long time.
Sometimes we get too busy and forget to thank others
Hi Dean,
Thank you for you for your input, and yes we do forget about others who have helped us, and I will send out an e-mail. I am finishing up this week on my buyers and week 2 of the rock bottom blueprint and moving on to week 3. Thank you and my goal is to have my first deal within the next few weeks.
Dean this is awesome. I have another mentor/coach that at her 2 day event she tells you to send thank you cards/notes and actual handwritten ones to everyone. I wrote one to my boss. Later without me being told I had a pay increase on my check from my full time job. I have many to write of course. But this is more powerful than people realize. Thank you and I'm still working on it. Thanks again and this does relate to real estate and all business'. I sent a thank you note to my realtor once and need to do that again.
Blessings to all,
Cathy L
Thanks for sharing how your
Thanks for sharing how your Grandmother has blessed you. It's encouraging to know that someone cares for you and your success in life.
To Arkad2 Support and encouragement
Deb & Mike
You have pretty much covered Deans blog this week, your e-mail really hit the bulls eye. Your POSITIVE thoughts really helps.
This is so cool to hear from some one so far away. Also to have the support and encouragment that you sent to me.
I apologize for the delayed response. I am not sure if this will get to you. But I hope it will.
I am a novis and getting around in blogs is a challenge. You have no Idea how much it means to me to here from you personaly.
I am a nubee as well. I wish you both the best and I know that we will read of your successs SOON! ! ! Thank you and the best of luck to the two of you.
Grandma's Help
I'm new so don't get mad if i mess up. i'll get better with time. That was a good one I remember from my Granni. I have had people like that my hole life and never realy noticed the possitive input from them. Thank you for bringing it back to me.
Your new friend,
Mikey in Oklahoma
Weekly Wisdom #152
Hi Dean,
You may think what you said has nothing to do with real estate, but it actually does. At least, the things you once took for granted, you now know how precious they are and I am sure these words of wisdom from your grandma have helped tremendously in making you the person you are today. She was setting you up to be a successful person. Some of the things your grandma told you, I tell my children. They don't see it now, but later, they most certainly will. Did you ever wonder how you have that drive that keeps you and your team going? Thanks to Grandma. Grandma's strength came by assisting her brothers and sisters. She passed that onto you. Enjoy your day,
I love it. To give love is our purpose in life!
I love it. To give love is our purpose in life!
You and I have something special in common Dean!
We both love our Grandmothers and consider them our "Best Friend"! Haha, how awesome is that?
To be honest with you Dean, and I don't mean to get all soft or lovey dovey on ya, but this blog made me tear up a little when you mentioned about your grandma telling you how handsome you are and that you are going to be successful and do great things. I can totally relate to that because my grandma practically tells me that ALL THE TIME!
Thats why I am so blessed to have her in my life and I am so honored to consider her my best friend. If it wasn't for her, and another honest and serious note, I would not be here talking to you right now if it was not for her love and support of getting me through everything and I mean EVERYTHING! I here you big time about giving back to others instead of making it all about yourself. I love thinking of Joel Osteen and how he always says "When you sow seeds for others, God will have you reap a harvest full of blessings" and I think this is so true here. Thank you so much again for this amazing blog and I will definitely take the time and thank her for being my rock and being truly giving to me and our family. Take care Dean and I look forward to hearing from you soon!