In this week's blog, Dean delivers a simple, honest message expressing how grateful he is for your use of and participation on this website, as well as how to benefit from it.
Then he talks about some special FREE training videos already available, with more coming this week. Take a moment to watch and listen now.
Dean, you say you are driven by the posts you see on but I am driven by your energy. Your sincerity is evident and every time I see a video blog it inspires me even more. One of the reasons I want to succeed is because you want it also. Thanks again
so much thanks
i cannot begain to tell you and everybody i much inseperation and energy that i get when i get on this site to see the posts and listen to the blogs. it like when i get stress out and down i come here and read the post and listen to the blog over and over it helps keep me on track.i incourage everybody to use this to help keep them motavited and on track and to see the bigger picture of how much this can change your life. again thanks so much.
Thinks again DEAN
It was another great blog as always. I truly believe in everything that you are doing. After being involved with the success academy and receiving such great results when the odds was against me I can't wait to see what you have got coming next. I want it all because I know the knowledge is priceless.As you see I am trying to get more involved. My next step is to be able to get involved in the inner circle. I do know with all the principals you teach the sky is the limit.
Thank you for doing another weekly video blog for us. The DG website is a great place where like minded investors can meet and come for information and inspiration. It is like the old fashioned town hall where people from all over the the community gather for information and events. It is so great to have the DG website and it is a place where all are welcomed. It is the place to come when you are happy, sad, frustrated, inspired, need advice or want to share advice or information. A site that can help you get to where you want to be no matter where you are starting from! Thank you for making the website available to all of us and for everything that you do to help us achieve success! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
P.S. I often think of as our happy place!
"To all that come to this happy place: welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America... with hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world." ~ Walt Disney
Thanks Dean
The weekly blog is like extended food for the soul, the revitalizer. Any added wisdom is greatly appreciated. Thanks Dean and God Bless.
I love it too.
I really love the group spirit here and the support you find here from everyone. I find that I actually LOVE some of the people here. I mean if they were visiting my town I would be thrilled to meet them and help them in any way that I can. It would be great to meet up and discuss RE with them etc. And it's so cool that we met only because of your books & your website.
My fuel for success!
I just want to say thank you to you Dean and to all the great people here at for all the inspiration and the motivation to keep working towards my goal.
I'll be attending my 2nd REI club meeting this Thursday and I'm looking to meet some investors and maybe even a few partners to get my real estate career started. I would not have been able to get as far as I have (which is still not as far as I plan to be) without you and this site.
Good luck too all and much success in all you do!
Rick Merritt
Trident Realty, LLC
Well you said that we are your gas? Well from the way I see it you are like a diesel motor once you get warmed up, you can run a long, long, longtime!
last years edge event
I cant get the video to play I have tried several time any help would be great thanks.
We're Your Gas and You Are Our Oomph!
Yes Dean, this oomph is a word!
Thank you so much for your knowledge, patience, tenacity, motivation, and most of all your sincerity.
Peace and Blessings,
Working hard
You are working so hard for your family, for us, and for the company. You are for a long ride with real estate and i am right behind you))))This website, this business, team of friends on DG website are all part of my life now.
Thank you
Thank you so much!
I think you are doing a lot for me. I think that acrostic about Dean not being a scam came out of appreciation and frustration for people not taking RESPONSE-ability for their own actions and failure and trying to blame their mediocrity on someone else.
You do things for this community that you did not and do not have to do. I personally want you to be assured and I think the whole DG family agrees with me that we will defend you very visciously and feriously to have those nay sayers wake up, look in the mirror and start questionning the only person they see in there.
This video, moved me closer to my goal. I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.
By your generosity, you make me feel guilty if I do not do well in Real estate.
In life you struggle to find a vehicle to carry you to your dreams.
Dean thank you for showing me the way.
Yours, truly
You are a motivational speaker.....$$$$
Hi Dean,
I love your enthusiasm to share your EDGE.
I'm coming to AZ in May, can't wait!!!
I thought I was dreaming last night when I woke to hear you on the TV saying that you where going to be in Denver next week. I jumped up and turned up the volume to see you saying you'd be here next week and it was FREE!!!
Registered right away at 1:30 am this morning.
I'm a DG student and have formed my real estate investing company, Right Time Enterprises, Inc. Working at a major 50 hour a week Corp. Mgmnt. job and striving for self employment and financial freedom. Thanks to your willingness to share I've found a path that will allow me to escape. I'll see you next week and in May at the EDGE.
And thanks to all the successful DG family that posts and helps all of us up that ladder of success.
Take Care ,
Jo Gibson
President of Right Time Enterprise, Inc.
Posting is Pleasure
When you think you have so many problems and can't do a post or two from someone who is there or has been there and your whole attitude will change for the positive. When you feel deep inside that you can't do it or its too difficult...there are those who's postings remind us of the difficult path and that it can be done! Lives have been changed and are changing so don't ever give up! Dean and the DG Family are here to help everyone, I am part of a huge experience and Dean it is always a pleasure to post a remark and read posts from those who motivate me for real estate and a new life. Thank you to everyone from the bottom of my heart. May God bless each and everyone of you as we walk the path for we are not alone in spirit or guidance.
Bill G.
We LoVe The Edge 2009 Kit !
We got The Edge 2009 kit when we joined the success academy last fall. We absolutley LoVe the dvd's. I watch them over and over again, and glean some new information EVERY time ! They really are priceless for getting going in this business. One of the main things I love is that the people on them are just real, everyday people like we all are ! They really hlep us to know that we can succeed at this ! They are very motivating for us ! Thank You !!!!