Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #125 - 7 Deadly Roadblocks to Success

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

This week Dean reveals the brick walls that get in the way of your ability to succeed.

If you haven't made the kind of progress you desire, watch and find out if one of these 7 deadly roadblocks are keeping you from reaching your goals.

The good news is, once you know it, you can overcome it! Have a great week.

Thank You Dean

Thanks for saying you can not do anything about it. (the news) When I sometimes tell people that there are some things that I can not do anything about they give me a strange look. I also say that I never get bored as I have so many interests and I feel like a kid in a candy store. I can not eat all the candy (actually don't eat candy)but I get to pick and choose the best of whatever. Thanks again and have a beautiful day. I am so glad to see your blog each week.
Dean could you send the details on the 7 deadly roadblocks to us in your e-mail that I get on monday? Oh yes and can you tell me how I might get a copy of the magazine? I don't believe I have ever seen that before.

Hey Dean!

laurajohnson's picture

Nice to see your face again on the weekly blog. I guess its time for a new computer for me, because i can't listen to them! I get a few seconds of play, then it loads and loads for another few seconds. But I know you are imparting great inspiration and words of wisdom as always Smiling Thanks for all you've done and continue to do for all of us!


Dean that blog was probably the best blog i've seen yet.I'm not saying the others were bad it's that this one was real good.I really like the statement that you are who you associate yourself with.Keep sending those awesome Blogs and thank you for your wisdom.

Good blog Dean

TrustPoint's picture

this week's information really resonated with me. Keep the faith. Also, kudos to the DGers who were in the magazine; what an amazing and fitting accolade.

We each have a path

steinway024's picture

Really interesting blog today. I don't watch or read the news either. I think we need to be informed enough to vote, but beyond that, I can't keep track of it all and like you said, what can I do with it or about it? But I figure we are each given different tasks and talents in life. For some, like my husband, it seems essential to understand what is going on with politics and current events and his mind and skills work with that information for the better good.
It makes me think about my path in real estate. I've come to realize, I'm not Matt Larson, or Randy Vaughn, or Joe & Stacy, I'm just me. And I'm slower than some and maybe even less creative, but I'm plugging along, just like the tortoise and the hare, I'm going to finish this race victorious. I'm gradually finding my zone and building momentum.
I think we are the most fearful of those things we are most passionate about. For me, like playing the piano in public. I love the piano and the thought of not doing well is devastating. But just like you said, when I venture out beyond the fear - the feeling is great joy.
I'd like to find out about getting the Insider's Edge magazine too. I've completed the Insider's Edge program of classes, but never saw the magazine; must be new.
Have a blessed week. Keep taking care of your family and us - it's more than enough.


Indiana-Joe's picture

Thanks for doing another weekly video blog for us. Its true that any roadblock we may encounter we have to find a way to go over it, under it or even around it. Great message this week about focusing on the positives and don't worry about the things that are out of our control. We are looking forward to the Gain the EDGE event in May. I look forward to meeting with friends and meeting new members at the Gain the EDGE event. We wish you continued success in all you do! Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


Chasing The Dream's picture

Hi!!! It is always good seeing you as well.

It is so true, that so many people are afraid of something. But sometimes that mountain that we think is so huge; is really not huge at all.

I hope that when the other DGers come to a time when they are fearful, they take a deep breath and JUST DO IT! (Those three words seem to be my motto lately. Smiling)

There are the 7 roadblocks to Success- we will face one of them, if not all of them. But don't forget to choose to walk on your "dream path" and go after your goals. It will seem scary at times, but the end result is worth the fight.

Good luck to everyone and all they do.
Carpe Diem- Stacey

Points We Cannot Deny

Dean, You were right on point with your blog this week. These are things we already know, but refuse anyway to defy them. However, it is always great to have them repeated; to keep us in line about what is important. Congrats to all who made the magazine.


great blog Dean

Zion Properties's picture

As usual, more wonderful content!

Where can we get this magazine if we can't get to the Insider's Edge events (4 kids of my own Laughing out loud)?

I too don't fancy the news and keep away from it. I subcribe to a CNN post about headlines and that way I can know if something's going on, but don't spend more than a minute a day on it. I took care of my Grandma for a little over 5 years before she went on to be with the Lord and she would always watch the darn news, and I'd constantly tell her that she shouldn't watch it because it always made her feel bad or sad. (She didn't listen to me though. LOL)

Its so refreshing that your family and kids come first. You are the genuine real deal. You know, the day will come when your daughter won't want you to carry her all too quickly, so its so great you are enjoying it now! Miss holding my son, who is now 12, who used to be my little cuddle bug, and now I'm lucky if I get a kiss goodnight. Sad I have 2 little ones too, but still, my one and only son... *sigh*

The only thing to fear is not doing everything possible to become successful. Sticking out tongue Keep up all your inspiring messages! Can't wait to do my big post about the SA. Laughing out loud Smiling Sticking out tongue

Great advice Dean! I agree

smasuda25's picture

Great advice Dean!

I agree with Zion Properties, you are the real deal. You care about your students, and I appreciate all that you've given us.

I think I'm past the fear now, I know my time will come. I'm further in Real Estate than I was when I first heard about you and your program!

I also wanted to say that, I volunteer my time to work with youth. This program adheres to military standards, but its much more than marching and such. Seeing these cadets grow in turn makes me grow. Its true that we can learn from our youth, and these cadets show very little fear in things. Anything can be accomplished.

Another great blog!

Rick888's picture

HI Dean,

Thank you again for your constant encouragement and continued support.
I unfortunately work around a lot of negative people and in a very negative environment. I keep finding myself in a bad mood because of my surroundings. That is why I started looking at real estate as a way out. I'm so tired of feeling negative all the time and I know that a better life is out there for me and my family.
I've recently started my first postcard mailing campaign using the SFL system and unfortunately after printing and mailing out over 400 postcards, I didn't get any responses. Sad But, I'm not giving up. I know I have to keep trying until I make it happen.
I want to thank all the DG family members for all of their great posts and advice. Best wishes to all.


Morning Dean

steve guy's picture

Thanks for the insiteful comments about fear, hanging with the wrong folk, and focusing on the negatives in the news and in our own life. BUT, we can change things if we push through the bad and stare at the good things we want "vision for the future". My dad used to say that, "even in the worst situation, there is a perfect solution"
Remember that guys, and take what Dean said to heart..cause they work!! Thanks again Dean, and God Bless.

Thanks Dean!

browleyteam's picture

My Husband and I don't watch the news either, and have not for quite a while now. It truly is crazy that I don't feel like I'm missing anything, and like you said - there's not anything that I could do to change what is going on in the news right now anyway. Especially since 98% of all news seems to be negative, and we choose NOT to let that into our lives!

Thanks for this blog, as I always love them each week. I actually started from your first blog and watched them all the way up to today!! Thanks for the inspiration, and we will continue to use your stategies and make it one step closer to our dreams!


Hi Dean,

Nice reminder of our fears and all our roadblocks. We do need to keep hearing the message every now and then. With soooo much going on around us, sometimes it is easy to lose track and/or give in to the fears.

Thanks again,

Anouther Awsome Blog!!!

Hi Dean,

Another awsome job on this week's blog! Sorry to hear the termoil your daughter faced in school, I know how that must have made you feel, but it is a life lesson for her and thankfully all turned out well. Also wanted to thank you for reminding us of the 7 common roadblocks, they are often become overlooked in everyday life. As far as the goverment and world events, I agree, things are not the greatest out there, but we need to take care of our own, while doing what we can to help others. I'll share a popular poem the I read first thing every morning to help me through the day, and hopefully it may help someone else as well, reguardless of their faith. "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the differance."

Thanks again Dean for changing so many peoples lives in a very positive way!

thanks dean

thanks dean for all that u share with us.after readingg ur book i don't look at the news myself i think its best for me also,i have other things to do.i don't judge anyone because at the end i have to be judge.keep up the good work hope to see yall at the EDGE EVENT!!

Roadblocks to Success

stevehunter's picture

Another powerful message from Dean!

The 7 roadblocks to success are all things that have affected me at various times. Especially number 1: Fear. Usually unfounded and driven by a negative imagination. That is why the positive words and encouragement found on this site are valuable.

Positive thoughts definitely help with overcoming fear.

Here's another thought about roadblocks. Inability to accomplish what you want often involves lack of focus. That is why it's good to eliminate unnecessary distractions from your life - like watching the news or having too many projects going at one time.

Here is a quote that has helped me:

"Focus comprises two elements, target and concentration. Target means having a strictly limited number of objectives in front of you at one time. Concentration means bringing to bear all available resources to accomplish those objectives in the most effective manner." - Joe Tye from Leadership Lessons, page 124.

Here's to a great week for all.
Steve Hunter

The government almost shut down ... really?

If it is any consolation, then I didn't know the government almost shut down either Smiling I read the paper to see the weather report and that is about it. I have been busy trying to do my first deal. I know I am nearing the crest of the hill and if I just keep pedalling, then I will reach the top of the hill and start to coast down hill. I had a positive experience with my effort to build my power team. I found out that my son's friends' parents own one of the top real estate investment companies in my area! I couldn't believe it! The owners agreed to meet with me and discuss how we could work together. I now have another buyer on my list and I know what my buyer wants! Thanks for the blogs! They are helping to stay focused and to keep getting back on that horse!

Thank you! We received the

bahney's picture

Thank you! We received the magazine a month ago at a pre-live event. It's good to hear again what we read to remind us to overcome our roadblocks. Also, it was great to see articles about the students we met at EDGE last year and see their successes again.

We agree, we don't listen to the news much either because of all the negativity.

Thanks again.


Our lives are filled with possible roadblocks. We can chose to get stuck or overcome the obstacles and continue to move forward and reach our goals. We all know people who live at the fork in the road afraid to move forward. Let's all make a conscious choice to succeed.


Our lives are filled with possible roadblocks. We can chose to get stuck or overcome the obstacles and continue to move forward and reach our goals. We all know people who live at the fork in the road afraid to move forward. Let's all make a conscious choice to succeed.

Thanks Dean

I have been told that I live in my own little cave, as
I do not listen to the news either. I listen to you and learn as much as I can, still not where I want to be but I will never give up. I have not done a deal yet, but i am not done yet, so everything I do is learn from the best and real every day for 60 mintues, listen to you, and then make my buyers list and sellers list, bandits signs and the list goes on and one. So when it comes to watching tv I have others things I need to be doing.
THANKS Dean for all your hard and committed work

Diana V

Hey ! Dean

helpme2's picture

You finally got a much better explanation of the topics you have been stating to us. Kudos to you for that.
The big news topics like a government shut down though is something you should be aware of as it will have an affect on us and your family. How can you guide us and your family if you aren't aware of an obstacle such as that or new major housing regulations and programs. Unfortunately we have to work with the government from top down to one degree or another daily. We need to know the good, the bad & the ugly of the housing & funding part of the government. How do we make the best of the bad & ugly turning it positive if we don't know. Not able to do deals without the government being open?? Admittedly I don't see the news since TV went digital (no signal). But I do catch bits & pieces on the internet when I turn the computer & internet on. It helps. I do check for posts on here that depict law & regulation changes. It helps. No FHA, Title transfers, Banks, etc = no business.

Great Blog!

jools's picture

Now that I am taking action and not that afraid, I emailed to agents to find one I can work with. One agent responded. Then I made a telephone appointment to interview the real estate agent this morning. I was ready and willing! But to no avail, the agent didn't call.
Maybe, I'm more braver than I think!
Thanks Dean for the great Blog!

Thanks Dean

steve and veronica's picture

For another great weekly blog. My daughter is 21 now and I still wish I could take on the pain or the struggles that she goes through but as we all know it is part of life.

Even in our REI life we all have struggles that we have to get through if it was easy everyone would be doing this. It can be done it is just not easy all the time.

I am glad to see all the DGers in the magazine that you have in the blog this week Dean. We do have some of the best investors right here with us on this DG site.

Still excited about the Edge event coming up. We are looking forward to meeting the DG family in person.

Take care Dean God Bless You and Your Family. Thanks for all that you do for us.

Steve and Veronica.

Great Advice Again

Captain777's picture

Thank you for another reminder to keep focused on our desires and goals. A reminder to believe and resist all nay-sayers. Those seven roadblocks are easily discussed and enumerated, but following them faithfully takes real commitment, especially before your success starts to happen. Thank you for the reminder to keep going with a fresh incentive and determination.

Thanks Dean. Another motivating blog!

jokitty92's picture

I'm like Gena. Still plugging along, but I know I'm stubborn enough and have enough determination to succeed.Your blogs and this website keep me motivated. When I'm feeling discouraged, I just go on here and it somehow helps me get my perspective again. Dean, great story about your daughter. It is so heartbreaking to see your child go thru a trauma even though it is a learning experience. It doesn't get any better as they get older with a family of their own either. It still breaks your heart. I would like to get The Edge Magazine as well. Will it be available to us anythime soon? Thanks for taking the time to give us so much to change our lives in a positive way. Your the best!
Have a great week.
Jo Ann


PaulYoung4ever's picture

I admire you for not letting the negative things of the world distract you. Enjoy your life and your family. Keep going, and keep enjoying. I am still trying to get where you are, but it's not easy. May God continue to bless you. Stay in touch with Him, you are on the right track.


Hello Laura
My computer was doing the same thing it would play a little while them stop. I finally found a free download program an it fix the problem.One program that seem to work well was VLC Hpe this information can be of use.

Great Blog

Thank you, I having been looking for a new path to get to my dream. I am alway positive but alway get a curve throw at me. I thought i was on top of the path to success, the a curve come along i am back in the hole. But that is the past, now let move on to the future of dream of seed of freedom of rat race. Thank you for the wake up call. I appricated