The last time Dean aired a new show and we didn't post it here right away you let us know we should have!
It would be much appreciated if you leave your comments about the show. Don't pull any punches, if there is something you don't like or have a hard time relating to, let us know. Likewise, if there is something you really like or hits home with you, let us know about that also!
Update: Due to popular demand Dean will send the report via email as part of the Blitz going on right now. Look for the email to show up over the next couple weeks. If you are not on the list or not sure, sign up here:
Update 2: We no longer offer the Interactive DVD anymore. You can however still purchase the book.
PS: In this show Dean talks about how he does deals on "regular" houses, which he does. Checkout the Deal of the Month series to see some of deals Dean has done if you missed those videos we posted a while back.
It was great
another great production Dean but I thought you guys were going to changre my horrendous video out with the new one I sent. Other than that great!
Great !!
My Review
I like how you said you buy average houses like I try to do.
I also liked how you explained the real estate market bottom timing with economy turning around as a good timeI to buy.
The home videos are good.
The buy when people sell makes sense once you think about it.
No money and credit is important.
I don't have a tough past compared to most people so I don't relate to that but my problems I have are mostly from not taking action on thing I should so I relate to that.
Overall I like it a lot. Where can I get the report?
Find Funding/Probate Report
Hi Dean!!! Love the great info. I have a question... I'm reading the probate secrets report and am absolutely blown away!!! My question is if this is the same as the Find Funding report on your new show...and if not, how can we that already have your books access it??? Thanks for all that you do!!!
"For a dream cometh through the multitude of business; and a fool's voice is known by multitude of words."
-Ecclesiastes 5:3
All New Show - 5 Stars!
You out did yourself again with a terrific show. The show itself is packed with so much great information, I can picture people jumping off their couches and picking up their phones to order today. We already have your books, but I was so motivated by the show, it made me want to order them again!
I believe the show gives people HOPE! It provides a solution for people looking for an answer to their current situation, it provides a light house beacon of light to provide direction through unchartered waters!
I enjoy Dean's passion through-out the show. The presentation is natural and you can feel Dean's excitement and enthusiasm toward the subject of real estate.
The Special Report, "Find Funding Right Now!" is the icing on the cake! This information is exactly what people need to get started. I also believe it is an excellent value for all your receive. Most people will spend more on a nice lunch than the cost of this program.
So people should not delay and order today! I really was motivated by the new show and I will watch it a few more times for the tips and motivation. Continued success in all your endevours. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Great info. I have the same questions as Dave, How can we get the Find Funding book if we already have your books, Because right now that it my biggest obstacle, FINDING FUNDING.
Thanks for everything.
Great Show Dean!
This was definitely the best of the shows I've seen, in terms of the information, the video editing, as well as the presentation itself.
The information was precise, the pace was great, and I also think you appealed to more viewers in this show.
From 16:00-17:15 was my favorite part. It was extremely moving, truthful, and passionate. It was very powerful and concise-- If I didn't already have your books, that portion of the video would have been the "deal breaker" for me.
Great Job Dean-- tremendous video once again,
Thanks Dean
Thanks for keeping us up to date on what's happening in real estate. Just one question, did I miss it or did Dean explain all the terms he used at 1:24 (probates, foreclosures, short sales)? I know he explained REOs.
There was a lot of great information and I love Dean's enthusiasm. I also would like to know where I can get a copy of "Find Funding Right Now". I feel very fortunate to have come across Dean's website and be a part of what he is doing.
Dean really-really good job lots of info for new people to know and just gets me to go and work even harder. I'm hoping that the viewers understand that you are the real deal and that you are the light down the tunnel keep up the good job.Thanks dean!!!!
Find Funding Right Now report
How do we get our hands on the report?
great show dean !!
very motivating dean .i felt the very same way watching you for the second time.READY to BUY your books and take action. you seem to have that effect on people which is another GIFT to us!!cant wait to be one of your success stories!! thanks dean
Finding Funding Right Now
Many of us (me included) have purchased both of your amazing books. How are we able to attain a copy of the manual? Thanks.
Awesome show!
Great stuff Dean, you are blowing the competition away. Lots of great info, and amazing success stories.
New Show
I thought your new TV show is GREAT!!!!!! I hope that the new viewers see the potential to change their lives and take action with what Dean has to offer them.
Finding Funding
How do we get our hands on the Finding Funding Right Now book report?
Great Video
I can definitely relate. The key is to take action now.
But I want to know is how those of us who have the books already can obtain the Special Report re. Finding Funding???? It's a must have.
Hi Dean,
Very POWERFUL! I'm so happy to be a part of this! Continued success..........Lubertha
New TV Show
Hi Dean,
You are always so inspiring. I am still a newbie, but getting closer to my dreams.
Every time I see you on TV or watch your videos on the forums it gets me more inspired.
I know I can do it and I will be a success story soon.
I also want to know how can I get a copy of the Find Funding Right Now manual?
Thank you
Well if Dean never got the message across to us, he sure did in this new TV video. The information was reiterated several times for us to realize market trends and also to know that the time to act is now. Very good video presentation.
Hi fellow students!!
I watched the show online, however the 1800 # did not show up....plz, i'd want the paperback"get funding now"....deans said it's free! thax
Simply Incredible
Dean, this is the best opportunity out there hands down!!! You got the information and the experience behind you!!! Please help me with my first deal!!! [edit: do not post your phone number or email address on the site please].
Wow dean
I mean wow... I thought the first one motivated me, but this was like I really need to order these books and get a move on and then I was like wait a minute...... I have the books and am inches away from my first deal... That makes me look back and say, "Dang this mans good." lol, but seriously dean way to go, were all proud of you!
I think this is the best one yet! Dean, watching you a year and a half ago (when I RUSHED to order BARM), I knew you were sincere. Every new infomercial shows the same caring and sincerity. This is my favorite so far. I agree with the others who have said it was the perfect combination of giving the information, student success stories, AND the way you relate to EVERYONE, no matter their financial circumstance, BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN THERE, every stage! I think you reached deep into the hearts that are fearful, as well, and face that as their biggest obstacle. I hope you have the biggest turnout of callers yet, because it would be so awesome to see thousands/millions of people be able to turn their lives around while this window of opportunity exists. I know we will ALWAYS be able to make money in Real Estate, but like you said we've never had such opportunity as now! May never again!
Thank you, thank you, again for all the hope that you give us, and for providing the tools and encouragement we need to succeed!!!!!
Sincerely and SO happy to be a part of the DG family,
Latest Video
I love the way you tie everything up in a pretty bow and really leave the viewers with no more excuses! I, myself, am drilling down on some brand new, single family homes, never lived in foreclosures for sale for less than $100K each in Los Angeles County. Working on some of the banks who own these. Anyone got buyers for these kinds of properties, let me know.
I love the personal videos on this latest one! I get a lot from the people who've done deals!
Thanks Dean, et al!
find funding
great show ,they just keep getting better but like everyone else how do we get that special report "find funding"
anthony palumbo
Keep up the Good Work
Dean you're so GREAT. This is another innovation for us members of the Dean's family to keep closely in touch with you. You never stop doing something good for us. I am so motivated that I encouraged all my friends and relatives to buy your book for us to form a team. They love the idea of doing business with no money involve by flipping the transaction. This is just a piece of information I shared with them, hence I asked them to buy the books so they could confirm the statement I shared with them. Again, thanks for another "Job Well Done". dom...
Great Video
I love to listen to Dean, he speaks from the heart. I just finished the book, and getting ready to get my 800 number. I live in Palm Beach county, where can I get the report?
New Commercial
Very informative and motivating, great job Dean. I just received deans book 2 days ago and I can hardly make myself put it down to sleep or go to work. I have already read half the book and can't wait to get started. I believe this guy is sincere and really wants to help people. Would like to know how to get the new find funding report. Dave in Dallas,Tx.
New Show
The best I can say is, if I were not already signed up, I certainly would. Im new and have seen only 3 or 4 videos. I'll be awafully surprised if I ever see a bad one.
Since every body is asking, I'll add my request for a copy of the Funding Report. After the complement I received, I was a little disappointed that the system wouldn't let me log in to the website so I went rabbit hunting. I was going to read all the bonus material I received when I ordered the second book. Well, you know about that. There must be enough information to fill a month of sundays.
I wound up reading chapters 7 and 8 in Real Estate Right Now. I'll have to go back and do it again. If there are more live examples available, I'l like to have the ural. Keep up the good work. Jimbobs
Funding Report
Watch your emails... part of the blitz everyone will get a link to the funding book. I don't know exactly when the link will be sent out, but it will be in the next few weeks.
Use the signup form here if you are not receiving the emails or not sure if you are on the list: