Sunday's Webcast Replay Available!

The Sunday webcast is over, but if you missed any of it you need to watch it ASAP! If you have not signed up for Insider's Elite, do it now before the amazing offer ends!

Become an Insider Elite Member Today!

PS: We drew the winner of the house and it was David Careau. Congrats David!

Note: This version has a couple recording glitches in it and we will be posting an official version within the next 12 hours that includes a couple missing minutes.

Two Days of Priceless Information.......

SKL Properties's picture

Hi Dean,

Wow.....Two days of priceless information and interviews with your top students.......I watched every hour..........

Thank You for all you do....


Wow, what an entourage!

Valuni's picture


all I can think of is, WOW! What a day today Sunday was! Every guest speaker did an amazing job; so inspirational and such great nuggets of information!
I thought I would sign in and listen for a while, but I just couldn't pull myself away! I didn't want to miss any of it!!!

Many thanks to you for doing this all day event, with a smile on your face all day long! and to all the speakers for sharing their success stories and their strategies that they use!

It really felt like a family reunion!!! but better!!!!


Insider Elite Opportunity & PMI Education and Purchases

homeruns's picture

The Insider Elite Package appears to be a great deal and opportunity, however, what are the advantages if you are a student that has purchased the PMI Education, taken advantage of the coaching and purchased items that may be duplicated in the Insider Elite Package?


HarjoteSingh's picture

The webcast was unbelievable!

The only thing I keep thinking of is that I'm from Toronto, Canada.

Most of the testimonials I hear are about folks down in the U.S...and I rarely come across folks from Canada here...

either really excited to see whats in store!!!

Love it love it love it

Lizeth D Galvan's picture

What an amazing program I'm addicted 100% to Insider Elite. So much great information available. I've always known I wanted to get involved with real estate but I never really knew how or what I was going to do. Now I can see where I'm going and how I can make this work for me. Thank you so much Dean for putting this together. Can't wait for the credit repair and Matt's program Smiling

This is freaking awesome!!!!


cathyb's picture

Was phenomenal. I don't comment much about your videos, but I had to log in to say great job.
Every single person brought something to the table both days was worth taking the time to watch. Thanks Dean and crew for putting it together. Now if I could just my IE login to work......

Nuggets of Information

jkelly1's picture

I just want to say that I plan to watch the replay even though I saw the majority of the event, there were just so many pieces of information that you can take and do something with tomorrow, especially Matt Larson's 1 dollar EMD strategy, that was absolute gold. If I loved it, I know other people did as well.

In the making Bullet Proof Monk

evolkers's picture

Crazy how things just happen all of a sudden when you really want it. I am an Elite Member as of today and ready to rock the charts. Dean you are the man and looking forward to being your next success story while helping people on the way. Awesome Videos past few days. God Bless

Eric V

To whom it may concern

dgadmin2's picture

Over the last couple of days, I've received a lot of emails, read multiple posts and spoke to a few of you on the phone.. all about the same question.. "I'm already in Dean's Success Academy, should I cancel and get this" or "Will there be duplicated educations" Or similar questions..

Dean's Insider Elite program and the Success Academy are two different programs and can be used together or separately. Any of the DG programs you have previously purchased, Success Academy, Boots on the Ground, EDGE, from one of Dean's seminars, etc are all KILLER programs that NO DOUBT will help you become more successful if you simply just follow the steps. And no you should not cancel your current program just to get into the Insider Elite program.

But I wanted to spend a few minutes and explain a little more about the IE program. Insider Elite is a program that's not based on education as much as "group support" The program does have the Rock Bottom Blueprint, all of Dean's books, webcast archive, recorded Inner Circle events and MUCH MORE.. But, this program is designed to show you the life alterations you'll need to make it to the next level.. With 3 different suggested roadmaps, you can pick which level you're at and work your way up from there!

We have added all sorts of cool features and benefits like a full life coaching staff, expert panel full of great successful investors, 24/7 live chatroom where we will hold big events just for networking..And also some other features to make sure you're going down the right path and to hold you accountable if you start to fall of track and we don't hear from you in awhile Smiling

The Insider Elite program is a community to join and the support system you need to keep pushing you further. If you have a bad day or need to be around positive people, sit down, plug into IE and get your daily fix that keeps you striving for more.. Dean always says, keep the naysayers away and you can believe me when I say, there will be NO naysayers in the Insider Elite group Smiling

Hope this answers your questions. For those of you on the fence about this program.. Take the step and do it. Join something bigger.. Become a DG Insider Elite Member TODAY and get on the FAST track to the life you DESERVE!

PLUS just announced tonight. Phil Tirone will be including his credit score program worth $1497 to anyone who orders before midnight and the same goes for Matt Larson as well with his WHOLESALE Mastery Program which is pretty much priceless Smiling


And to those who have join the IE community..

dgadmin2's picture

Congrats! Dean and our team really believe in this program and believe it's exactly what you need to keep striving for more and achieve higher levels. Dean has a lot in store planned for this group so sit back and get ready to change your life for the better and look back and be glad you decided to join! We’ve packed so much into this membership and know it's going to make a HUGE difference in your life Smiling

Talk to you soon,

a day in the life of a successful person

Dean, we hear people talking about mindset and how successful and wealthy people view success and money differently. We are told to model them, to follow their proven systems and we will be successful. I believe all this is true. I think since you are an inspiration to many of us that it would be a good idea to allow us to see how you go about your day so that people can see what successful people throughout their day. How you manage your time. You are obviously a busy man. How do you find the time to be able to do all these things? We all have the same time in a day. Successful people make the most of every minute. So, I thought it would really be neat to see a day in Dean Graziosi's life. Just a thought.

WebCast was Awsome....Money well spent!!!!

I'm so excited about the Elite program I've been surfing it since I signed up on Thursday and I've already have learned so much in the little time I've played around in it...I can see how much of a great tool it will be...Dean you are the Best....Thank you for being you...and the Live Feed was awsome and I'm so happy that I've become one of the family....

The IE Program

dgadmin's picture

Anyone who joined the IE program, congrats! If you have any issues email [email protected]. As we get so many people at once we are bound to uncover a glitch or two so if you notice anything let us know and we'll fix it ASAP. As the original IE members know the first version IE was a totally different platform but it just wasn't as intuitive and we wanted to only give you guys the very best. So... we scrapped the old version a month before the release and worked 24/7 to make it the really amazing system it needed to be and got done just in time! We are really confident there is nothing else that even comes close to it in the REI space. Plus, since we were working right up until the last minute we still have a huge list of ideas, automated tools and improvements (you wouldn't think it could be improved on, but we have even more ideas). These are being rolled out on a ongoing basis so you'll always be loving it more and more as time goes by.

And yes, anyone who is in the Academy, Boots or other premium training and education - this is not a replacement and since it is apples and oranges they can't be compared as one being better than the other. To steal what Dean said, this is like putting the high octane fuel in your car. If you're in our other education that is like being on a toll road to get to your destination quicker and safer - taking the straight line between point A and B. But if your engine isn't running well you might break down a couple times along the way. This is to really give you a REI tune-up each day and be an extension to any path you are already on, not a totally new path.

Again, congrats to everyone in IE - we're looking forward to hearing about your successes and your favorite ways you utilize it. Those who didn't get in IE, remember that you can always enroll later when you're ready.

BTW- Some have asked what this means for it will always be free and be the cornerstone of everything we do and our students do just like it is now. IE does not have the forums, groups, classifieds, journals and other things like does on purpose - this is and always will be the place to learn from other students, share knowledge and get the moral support for IE members and non-IE members alike. IE is a collection of tools, resources and services to help keep you on track and make each day a little better, more productive and boost your performance.


I WILL Join.

Hello Dean,
I was totally blown away by both Fridays and Sundays presetation. I watched every second of both and loved it (Especially Matts Orange Lambro). I will be joining your IE program after I get my first deal under my belt. I tried to sell or trade my Sazuki 1400VS Intruder Motorcycle last night (and my motorcycle is my life right now), but had no takers or response, so I believe I am going to sell it on Craigslist or EBay. I will do what ever it takes to make this work. I have no doubt in my mind that your system works and changes peoples lives. I have read 3 of your books and literally studied every part of that I can absorb in my pee pickin brain, and still discovering parts daily that I did not know exsisted. It's like one big treasure hunt for my future. Thank you Dean for what you have done in my life and how you are inspireing me to do the same when I become successful. To Pass it on to someone in the same position as I am in now.

Thank you again.....With all of my heart and soul

HFB in Orlando, Florida

All signed up!

KRISTIN's picture

All signed up and using the site!!!! Thanks so much for everyone dedicating so much time to make this site KILLER!

I've already suggested an iPhone app and received feedback from the DG team that they think this is a GREAT idea! Also, sent an email to the support team because I can't get a picture uploaded. Waiting to hear back.

But other than that, I've asked an expert a question, RSVP for all the upcoming events, checked-in twice, posted on people's check-ins and getting familiar with all the wonderful things this site has to offer!

Thank YOU

Fridays replay

Is it still available? I thought I bookmarked it but it takes me to the day 2 replay, does anyone have the link?

Great quote

I found that goes along with the event:

“Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”
Napoleon Hill (1883-1970)

Right on the money! Smiling

In the words of

JoshV's picture

one of my favorite speakers.. "Just Do It." - Art Williams... IE is awesommmmmmeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank You Dean

I had issues with the computer and couldn't get continuous audio. I sent a couple of e-mails to Jeremy out of frustration and to give some feedback. Bless his heart. He was on it and quick to reply. I was just so frustrated wanting to hear and be a part of this two day event even though I have no funds to take advantage of the offer. Still I did manage to take the time to hear the replays. Audio was delayed by 10-15 seconds or so and I made an effort to listen and not look at video while I took notes. Everyone was great and had lots to share. I was particularly impressed with Courtney and her journey. Stepping out of the comfort zone is not easy and taking the risks. I can see that it really is necessary to have that quiet confidence and just jump in. And Jen was right on when she spoke about having her come to Jesus meeting. The program seems so simple and then goes to overwhelming with all the thoughts of what needs to be done. I am not ready to give up or to quit. I know this will work and I know I can do it even though I am alone. It would be a whole lot easier to accomplish if I knew someone had my back or if I had some human support. I have all your books and materials from the success academy and I have everything I need inside of me so its go time. No money to work with so will have to be creative with bandit signs. Only a quarter of a tank of gas to last the rest of the month so some of my work will have to be done on foot. My plan is to embrace this. Eat, sleep, drink and breathe real estate. Then call the For Rent numbers and make a flyer to put out. I hit a rough patch last week but it is a matter of snapping out of it. I could go on and on and on but I think this is enough for you to see I am determined. I so appreciate your efforts and your time. Watch that blood sugar Dean. I know you are stoked but my goodness, you gotta be sure to snack on good stuff a little more often.


do you really think I could make my money back in 30 days. I have no money for the program for next month. After I pay my rent I won't have 253 dollars to make payment on this fantastic program. I'm able to come up with the initial payment to become an Insider Elite and even that should be going towards other bills. I'm frustrated because I dont want to miss out on the extra bonuses like Matt's new program or Phil Tirone's credit fixer. I dont want to have to return the program. Anyone in the DG family have any thoughts or advice on this? I would really appreciate any and all input.

Thank you

Answer to question

This really sounds great and me and my husband want this and need this bad. We are thinking about joining the "silver package" what is the differance? Dose Dean put up some of his money to help us finance our deals at the begining or how does it work? NEED AN ANSWER FAST-B4 MY HUSBAND GOES TO SLEEP SO WE CAN SIGN UP OR NOT.
msleas@**** please e-mail me fast

Thank you for all of this

Donna Doo's picture

It is so inspirational to hear everyone story and watch you smile and be proud of what you have helped these people accomplished. You are a giving person thank you Dean.

Friady's Broadcast

Last Friday I tried to watch Fridays Insider event but my internet ws terriblyslow and mostly did nothing but buffer. I see where you can replay Saturday's event but I don't see Friday's replay. Is it available anywhere?

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