Dean just got back from a 3 day event Joe Polish hosts each year and took away soooo much!! The biggest golden nugget came while he was with Arianna Huffington (Creator of Huffington Post) and Brendon Bruchard (Author of the Charge.)
If you feel any of your life is out of balance, you have to watch this video right now. It's time for you to have the success you deserve and we're committed more than ever to make that happen for you.
My Ah Ha Moment on Redefining Success
Imagine, I am 53yrs old, An Electrical Design Engineer for the Boeing Company, going through divorce, living in a trailer park (Cut cost) and renovating by first home. I refuse to leave my mobile home until I get my 1st $$Million by Mar 12, 2015 (54th birthday).
A good contractor is hard to find when rehabbiing a home as some of us may know. I found a GREAT contractor who was my next door neighbor in the trailer park. He does plumbing, electrical, framing, drywall, cabinets, he does it all. He is 32 yrs old, like my own son. I love him as a son and want the best for him as well. He has taught me so much about renovating I am writing a book to save other from so many headaches.
He suffers from depression and decided to try to take his life over the weekend. My heart felt so sorrowful because I thought he was dead. I was truly grieving while at work Saturday and while rehabbing the house Sunday. A call came in on early Sunday afternoon and he was ok in the hospital. My heart was filled with joy and myself and the rest of my crew went to the hospital and I expressed to the young man the importance of life and how he was needed and he has friends and family who need him.
I at times get down on myself or feel depressed or like a loser, but what happened has touched my heart to remember that God needs us to succeed to inspire and encourage others to overcome the daily obstacles. Our families, our friends(Work, church) and DG Family need to know of our struggles and our successes so they can appreciate and understand those of us who are doing it struggle just like they do each and every day.
I treasure life and all the blessings I have each and every day. Thank you
Hello Dean
Thanks for sharing this great weekly wisdom. You are an awesome man and I really appreciate you for wanting us to have all the money in the world.
Yup I will definitely right the things which are holding be back from being successful
Please Dean do me a favor and reopen Matt's training video so I can register.
Favorite Qoute of Today: "God has put people in your life on purpose, Don't live to get, live to give."- Joel Osteen
Weekly Wisdom 302
Thank you Dean. Looking forward to your upcoming messages too.
WW #302
thanks Dean..once again..for a very timely topic. Take this to heart dgfamily!! It is sooo easy to get caught up in all the details and excitement of your growing business that the really important things in your life get sidelined. Semper Fi D-LO
Success Re-Defined!
Hi Dean
Thanks for the wake up call......Health and family come first.......
....everything else comes after........
I look forward to hear your messages over the next few weeks........Thank you
Have a great week........
Great Message
Well said and so true.
I started practicing this years ago and my life has changed so much.(ALL GOOD)
I urge everyone to make the shift to this way of thinking. Great things will come.
Such a great message. We so often just push through instead of listening to our heart and our body. Then when we collapse, mentally or physically, what was it all for.
Thanks for your efforts to keep us all grounded.
Awesome message as always Dean

This is definitely going to the top of my priority list !
We do tend to get so busy in wanting to be successful that we tend to overlook a few things ,important things like our health and our body, heart etc.. I totally agree with Karen ,what was it all for,
Thank you again Dean for Keeping us in check , Success is and has to be the complete Package
We have to carve time out to take care of ourselves
Awesome Message Dean
Darren from Calif
Thank you Dean!
Thanks for sharing what you learn at your seminars that you attend, and also for providing us with amazing tools to achieve a complete and wonderful life!
I read Arianna Huffington's book Thrive that you gave us at the Edge; her stance about nurturing our human capital vs money and power beliefs of success are pretty powerful.
Tony Robbins also taught us about recognizing and balancing our lives at the UPW event in a very powerful way.
Your life coaches at the IE were key in getting me to re-focus my attention to all areas of my life, not just the financial area; so I have been making an effort to grow not only financially, but spiritually, emotionally, socially, and physically with the help of the goal setting worksheets and my visual board
The time management worksheets have also helped me tremendously; I use them every time I feel out of balance to see where every hour of my day is spent, and then make adjustments to get back on track!
Your book Totally Fulfilled is also a must read for everyone!
Thank you Dean!
Outstanding message Dean!
Life is such a balance and you do a great job at helping us remember and giving us ways to create daily rituals to help us keep this balance. Focusing on my 3 wins of the day and then creating my 3 wins for tomorrow have really helped me, also practicing gratitude everyday. Thank you for setting up discounted Tony Robbins upw tickets having my family go to this event has truly changed our lives! I began to give to myself again every morning with my hr of power: breathing, feeling great full, green drink, exercise with encantations gives me such an EDGE for the day! My family is very grateful and appreciative for all you do to help us be totally fulfilled in life!! Thank you!!
Make it a great week!
Ps: Matt's training is unbelievable!! Matt and Dean you FREAKING ROCK!!
Thank you Dean!
Thanks Dean for sharing your wisdom. We learn so much from it and also inspire us. I have been broker than broke at one point in my life. However, I have grown so much from that and what I don't want for my life, I want more and more for our family. Since I started real estate investing it has changed everything in my life. Last year I retired from corporate America and my goal this year is to retire my husband.
Tina Scott
Dean - Your shirt...
Hello Dean
Thanks for another really inspiring video about finding a balance in life.
Sorry, but I couldn't help but LAUGH at you when doing your video.
You mentioned you had just hopped off a plane 2 minutes prior to going in front of the camera. I believe you.
Did you notice yet that you had your SHIRT inside out?
Haha, I couldn't help but laugh when you started talking about people who were working so hard and fast that all they could do was pet their children's head.
I know you aren't that way, but it was pretty funny.
Thank you for your concern Dean.
*Has someone else noticed your shirt yet?
yes balance
Good stuff keep it coming Dean I so look forward to hearing you every week. yea. FYI I got the Matt class & am rocking it now adding new buyers to my list!
I just used the technique Matt says when my buyer asked me how I was finding my deals I said "man I wish I could tell you but I don't want to lose my advantage"
He loved it! He cant wait to get deals from me & he buys them cheap!!!!!!
Thank you for book
I love Ariana's book. Thank you so much for giving that out at the EDGE event.
Thanks for the reminder that we have to take care of ourselves.This is a good idea.Thanks.
Great wisdom!
Hello Dean,
Thanks for bringing this up. Many of us, myself included, loose focus of ourselves and let the world determine when we should or shouldn't look after ourselves. That is the way we eat, the time given for exercise, time allotted for rest and time to smell the flowers (enjoy life). Why are we taking the steps we do? Is it to drive ourselves to the brinks of disaster? The more self neglect we allow to happen, the more our surroundings will suffer. The neglect will transform itself into lack of concentration and focus which will negatively affect our family life, our business, or friendships and so on.
I want to thank you for shedding light on this one.
My best regards,
4 weeks to freedom
I cant get any audio on the replay. I missed the live cast and need to watch the replay. I have checked my computer and it is not at fault. HELP PLEASE !!!!!
Now dean that was an eye opener. It hit home hard because of the phone next to the bed, not getting your work out in and taking time for me. Will let you know at the edge next year how it worked out.
Thanks for the reminder Dean. We keep going and going, and do need a reminder.
Thanks for being that caring person.
Balance in life
Love the message. How we fall in to a routine of craziness without the balance.
Thank you for the wait up call.
Great reminder to take care of ourselves.
Balance is HUGE!
Keep my life balanced is something that I have been paying more attention to recently and it's very tricky. Hard to break away from the years of habits that need to be changed, but persevering and liking it!! Thank you Dean
love the....
love the.... weekly wisdom Dean thank you so much!
God Bless You
Dean I always tell you that you are a awesome gift from God to us I thank you for always looking out for us and willing to go the journey with us all Thank you so much this means a lot to me Lorna
Life re-examined
HI Dean,
It took a cardiac scare for me to just cut my hours back to 15-16 per day on no caffeine because my Dr said my heart was about to explode from what I was doing to myself. It was, however, a hermit's life I was living.
It's a great feeling for sure. I only wish that with the upcoming lessons you will share Dean, you can get more people to be fulfilled as well. I started reading THRIVE after the EDGE only to find that I had already lived Arianna's life. It may not have been with all the same money and glory, but it was the same results. I don't think I need to finish reading it. I get it.
I think I've shared this with you before and my apologies for repeating it if I have.
About 7 years ago, I went through a divorce which forced me out of my comfort zone and hectic lifestyle of work, work then more work just to make the bills. I had gotten into a routine of heavy caffeine intake to go 20 hours per day which left me very little time for me to spend with my wife or daughter. Today, I am still paying for the lost time with my daughter.
In my search for a new post divorce place to live, using my previous RE knowledge, I found a little place, so far out of the mainstream of things, that I just fell in love with. It so fit my personality. It was a little mobile home on almost an acre of undeveloped land. The neighbor had fish ponds that were in front of my house's view and the backdrop from there was a pine forest. Being so far from town, I didn't leave the property much to save on gas expenses. Since I worked inside my old house and now outside the new house, my work hours were limited to daylight hours only so my nightlife consisted of taking a chair into the middle of the yard and just staring at the stars in the sky. That gave me time to reflect. Time to see clearer. Time to better understand my life. You see, prior to this work life, I was rather fortunate to have traveled to most of the places I wanted to see, worked the jobs I wanted to work and done most of the things I had wanted to do. I was fulfilled but didn't realize it. I thought a wife or child or something to live on after me was more important than what I had. I listened to others tell me that was so and I foolishly listened. I lost my fulfilledness. This time in the middle of nowhere gave it back to me. I work hard now because I enjoy what I do. Through your help Dean and my life coach on IE, I am working more efficiently and effectively, not just hard. I treasure my time to think, to observe the nature that surrounds my house, to listen to the birds singing in my trees or in the forest next door. It's healed my body as well as my mind and more importantly, my soul. I don't desire to have more or better than...., I desire to have just enough because just enough is enough for me.
As you may remember, I lost a number of family and friends between 2013's EDGE and 2014's EDGE, which gave me pause to once again re-evaluate my life. Only this time, I concluded that I am where I should be, doing what I should be and living the life I want to live. I am, once again, fulfilled.
Once again, a great WW and my apologies again for another long post.
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013 & 2014 EDGE alumni
Thank you Dean that was a really good video
I thought that was a really good video because it is factual and yes you do need those things to be balance.
I did sign up for Matt Larson 4 week to freedom class and was glad I did
but then I was having technical problems with the videos on totalview
and it was on the site end not mine.
And then I emailed to csmanger and I believe it took them
six days to email back to me
and told me they would look into it. So then I panic.
I panic in my head what if this what if that bla bla and I called your Academy phone number and got my money back from the nice girl on the phone Before Even Watching the First week Training. I regret getting my money back I asked myself what did I just do. It has actually been eating at me all week because of me getting out of the class.
I am telling you this truly not to complain but thought you should know
what was going on with the site 4 Weeks To Freedom with the Technical Difficulties.
Love your two sites and Insiderelite
Your Book 30 Days To Real Estate Cash Great! Book few more pages to go.
nothing to say about real
nothing to say about real estate. It is the ultimate thing we see everyday. Real estate is developing as well as destroying everything including our economy.
Great message and reminder.
Great message and reminder. Boundaries are key. What good is a bunch of money if you are out of touch with your family?? That's not true success at all! As I heard someone say when you're on your death bed you're not going to ask for your bank statements! Or as another statement says, you've never seen a U-Haul traveling behind a hearse! That doesn't mean not to have money and not to pursue your dreams, but its about realizing not to overlook the small things that really make life worth living.
Your Message
Thank you for as always giving us a great message. It's so important to realize that we have to take care of ourselves and not over stress. When we know that this very moment we live in is all we really have we can begin to enjoy our lives more. The past is gone with no chance to change anything and the future isn't here and could hold anything in it. Now is all we really have. Make the best of it. I appreciate all of your weekly wisdoms. I've been watching them for a long time.
Thank you
Thanks for the timely reminder. We don't accomplish much if we lose our vitality and good health. Enjoying wealth means less when we are distracted by a body that doesn't function as well as it could it we would have taken time to VALUE it and ourselves through good self.
The best message yet
I love this message. It doesn't mean we shouldn't pursue our goals, push harder - it just means success is measured in innumerable ways, and money/career is only one of them, and for most, not at the top of the list. You have to BE STILL to hear what's next. Every breath can be counted as success with peace inside.