Real Estate Investing Weekly Wisdom #299 - What do you really want? EZ Success Secret #4

This week Dean shares a success secret shared to him by his good friend and incredible Entrepreneur Joe Polish.. You can't miss this one...

Not registered yet for the LIVE Web Cast with Dean's top student Matt Larson on Tuesday the 29th at 6:00 pm PST and 9:00 EST? Then do it now!

Click Here to register for the webcast!

Hello Dean

I'm new here. I plan to see you tuesday night. Thanks for the help you give.

Re: Wow that was a scary good weekly wisdom

My why I remember you explain the 7 levels deep to find out
what our why is?

And if our why is strong enough that nothing and no one will stop us.

Thank you Dean so very much for all of your help though these weekly wisdoms and your other site www.dginsiderelite

My mind is prepared....

AndyS's picture

I have my spot reserved for Tuesday night. My mind is prepared to be blown Eye-wink

I'm currently working on my new "way to get there". Circumstances, good ones for a change, have made me need to redo my "How I'm going to get there". I believe I have found the solution and look forward to seeing how it all plays out. I'm thinking and acting positive.

Hope you guys enjoyed Marco. I go there to fish with one of my customers. I would have enjoyed having you Dean, and Matt join us. Maybe next time?

Thanks for another great WW. See you Tuesday:)

Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013 & 2014 EDGE alumni Laughing out loud


Incredible whys will make you overcome incredible obstacles. These same obstacles will become smaller and easier to conquer as the why gets stronger.
Great Wisdom Dean. Thanks!

My bests regards,
Dan V.

What secrets from Matt?? Can't wait. And growing Whys

steinway024's picture

I'm all ears whenever Matt speaks. I'll be on the call!
Here's what I'm learning about your why - it has to evolve as you do. Sometimes we actually achieve our why! Hallelujah for that!! Then we have to grow it, add to it, make it relevant. Why's are not stagnant. Make sure yours is alive and well and pulling you forward.


Amer Brdjanin's picture

I'll be on the call!


I have been digging for a Why and looking at others Why. I have no childeren, my house car and everything else is paid for. So again looking at others why there is one Why that fits best for me and I wanted to know if it was deep enough. The persons Why I look to is President J.F. Kennedy. He did not have a Why but instead he had a Why Not.

Thank you Dean for Another Awesome Weekly!

Valuni's picture

I'm so excited about Tuesday's live webinar with Matt!!!! Smiling

Thank you for sharing with us everything you learn at your 25K seminars!

My WHY is that I want to be beyond financially secure so that I can be 'the captain of my ship'.



kcw6150's picture

Dear Dean, you are making Tuesday a very exciting event. The anticipation is certainly
growing. Can't wait to hear what he has to share.

What do you really want? EZ Success Secret #4

SKL Properties's picture

Hi Dean

Another great assignment to think about, than do......Eye-wink

I have my spot reserved for Tuesday night.....I'll be listening.....Smiling

Have a Great Week.......Smiling


Tuesday Webinar

yedinak's picture

Hi Dean,
Can't wait for the event on Tuesday and listening to what Matt has to say.
Have my spot reserved.
Until tomorrow



Jay Sthilaire's picture

Looking forward to hearing some AMAZING new tips to add to the toolbox !! Can't wait !!!

Dean here is my why

CaliTony's picture

I want to be able to pay for the eye operation which is coming, stem cell research, to restore my vision & thereby help my family, by giving them an example to follow.

thanks Dean see you tomorrow.

Makes Sense

Valiant's picture

Looking forward to Tuesday's live cast.

Thanks as always.

Replay Of the Matt call

Some of us have a JOB yet and I will be working at those times, can you please put up a replay?

Much Thanx


I'm so excited for tuesday!!!

Ray28CT's picture

Thanks Dean for this message, and reminding us to focus on knowing our why.

Matt's Live Cast ,....

CandC's picture

DEAN, Thanks for hearing us and getting Matt on the Live Cast! Can't wait for tips on how to build a unique Buyers List. Still working on first deal. Gosh I get besides myself sometimes... But then I have my why, with the economy so uncertain and only getting older my wife and I need to be able to care of ourselves and not be a burden to our already burdened children, but we want to help ourselves, put the mask on first and help others. To be a happy giver.

looking forward to

femailceo's picture


Matt Larson webcast Tuesday night

I would love to watch this event but I have to work please let me know if there is a replay Thanks Rich


I love your enthusiasm Dean. I find myself watching whatever I can because you give to others so freely. I will be there tomorrow night. I really some help. Looking forward to it. Thank you.

Weekly Wisdom #299

Hi Dean,

In the this video it's as if you reached into my head and pulled out my thoughts. This Wkly Wis. is me. Thanks. Also the concept of fast fwd your life by 1 year and looking back to see what happened in that year, great way to help accomplish our goals.
Thanks for this and all the Weekly Wisdoms


I will be there at the live cast! Thanks again for a wonderful weekly wisdom. I am always amazed how good I feel when I listen to these and it makes me want to shake myself when I don't.

Now, future, how.

HomeRoots's picture

Some folks have expressed concerns about not being able to make it, but I know that you always post a replay on Insider's Elite website, which is great. I will be there live, and always eager to learn more.
My why is that I want to be able to help my daughter pay off her student loans, and I also never ever want to have to apply for a job again. I must be my own boss!
Where am I: I am jobless, but I did set up my own business.
Where do I want to go: I want to have 4 deals done by the end of this year, + I want to lose 40 lbs
How am I going to get there: with a coach, by exercising and eating right.
See you tonight!

Pat Visser

I Really want to do this!

Matt and Dean,

Thank you so much for the live cast last night.
Man I wish so bad I had $997.00 on hand I would do it. But the fact is
I do not.

If I had a credit card I would charge it but I do not have one.

The People that want to do this can they Pay so much money a month to do this?

I wanted to ask that question.

Thank you so very much for all the information that I did receive last night
Thank you very much you two!


I have posted three times on this one live cast after watching it live last night and watched it again today.

To you Dean and Matt I appreciate what you two offered last night and all the extremely valuable information that you two shared.

On hand I am extremely low on money no income in a financial bind but I will do my best to find out if I can get the money.

Thank you two again.


Hi Dean will there be a replay of you and Matt last night, I dont have access to a computer at that time of night working hard to change that( working out of a college library and they close before that time) much success , Jim

My why has changed

TinaScott's picture

Originally my why was to have financial freedom from the rat race and to spend more time with our family. My why is now since I have quit my job (my husband Bo still works at his job till we get to a certain point), is to retire my husband from his job so he will be happier and not have to go solve other business's problems and just focus on ours and our family, for him to go to all kids functions during the day, travel when we please, travel with ministries and missions with our church that we are involved in and not just me, so basically freedom of the time. Since I quit my job one year ago our real estate business has really taken off starting with one deal at a time. Thank you for sharing all your great wisdom!!!

Tina Scott

Exploring the why or whys

Exploring the whys is not enough. FINDING the why is hitting the target right in the center. The true why is going to be our jumpstart into action to where we want to go and how we are going to get there. Great thought, Dean.