To date I have been unsuccessful in obtaining funding through friends, colleagues or relatives, to move forward with purchasing property. So currently I am researching funding via this site and others. My hope is to get funding for 1-5 properties [whose profit will allow me] to build a fund of my own to use for investing.
Obtaining financing not only gives you an estimate of what you can afford, it also enables you to move quickly once you locate a property that interests you. In addition, When you approach a borrower/owner or a foreclosing lender about a property, secured financing will demonstrate that you are a serious buyer and are ready to buy quickly.
I am sure we can apply for financing for free. I hope to find out where, do it, and then post the finding here for everyone's benefit.
Respond as needed or advise as appropriate.
Jeffrey Morlock
Attention Real Estate Investors
August 3rd, 2011 | posted by jbaud23If you are looking for leads in the saint louis area or southern illinois pm me I can find you great deals for a small fee.
Looking for an investor-friendly realtor
September 15th, 2009 | posted by apocolypsI am looking for a realtor who is also a broker, who would be willing to help me out with some short sales that I need for one of my investors.
The start of my journey from Money Poor.
March 7th, 2009 | posted by JeffreyMorlockGreetings! As you can see my name is Jeffrey. If you have looked at the profile provided, you can easily see that I am not terribly well-educated [regarding academia] and am not wealthy [as some would measure wealth in a strictly financial sense]. I am blessed with a wife, a home, three kids, three dogs, two cars, and a whole lot of debt. In short, I am an average “Joe” and, as they say in this “neck of the woods”, I am money poor.