How to find out which bank Owns a Property

Hi, every one. Just some good information obout how to search for properties that interest you and how you to find out which bank owns that specific property.
Know how for Free. It is poblic records.
Happy investing,

How to Repair Your Credit in 90 Days!!! Part 2

June 21, 2011

Federal Trade Commission
Consmer Response Center- FCRA
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20580

Dear Sirs/Madams:
For the past several months, I have been disputing several inaccuracies that are listed in my credit report. I have written three letters to the credit bureaus in which I requested these inaccuracies be removed. Unfortunately, the credit bureaus have refused to comply with my requests. The inaccuracies are as follows:

Bureau: Equifax
List all the Account names and Account#s

Bureau: Trans Union Corp.
List all the Account names and Account#s

Bureau: Experian
List all the Account names and Account#s

The AHA! Moment to Dean’s sauce!!

Thank You, Dean for the power of a paradigm shift of seeing the AHA! Moment in correlation with your Grandmamma sauce that was amazing. It is the beginning the root of real estate investing. All is on the rock bottom blueprint. Thank you, Thank you, and
Thank you, Hahaha My Sauce came out amazing good like your Grandmamma with a couple of changes that added my style and personality in to it.

Ps. We just need to work on or behavior and attitude to make it happen.

Sincerely Yours,
Wening Eye-wink

Success and Nothing Less!!

Step 3 Get organize.

It is very important to get organized with all the tools that you need. Have every thing is in order.
1. Documents
2. Forms
3. Sites
4. Data base
5. Follow up list etc

Thank You,

Step 2 get adds

Get Adds going to get your market audience.
Deliver as many as you can in different marketing Web sites. Google it.

Step 1 on getting things Done

1.Get a Voice mail Service that provide you with good Service and all the tools that you need in one place.

I have join the DG Real Estate Academy!

Hi, Dean and Dean's Family,
Thank you to Mr. Terry, Mr. William, Ms. Amber and my future coach Ms. Diana. I am sure that Real Estate Investment will work to the perfection with Dean's Books and coach services and training. I will be the next... Real Estate Millionaire by Dean Graziosi. "Be a Real Estate Millionaire.
Secret strategies for lifetime Wealth Today"

Formula: Focus +Dedication +Goal Setting +Action = Accomplishment!!!

Thank you,
Wening Cintron

How do get proof of funds with no money?

I just talked to a Realtor and he says he needs proof of funds.Do I just move on? Of course he said the market here in Omaha is tough. Can I get proof of funds with no money out of pocket?

How do get proof of funds with no money?

I just talked to a Realtor and he says he needs proof of funds.Do I just move on? Of course he said the market here in Omaha is tough. Can I get proof of funds with no money out of pocket?

How do get proof of funds with no money?

I just talked to a Realtor and he says he needs proof of funds.Do I just move on? Of course he said the market here in Omaha is tough. Can I get proof of funds with no money out of pocket?

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