Happy Holidays

The holiday season can either be a great time or a terrible time depending on your financial and social status. We can all feel lonely or loved, fortunate or unfortunate, but no matter what your situation is, we're all family. We're all human beings, and we all have enormous potential. So regardless of how your holiday season may be this year, be thankful for what you have. Don't be ashamed of what you don't have, or what you can't afford, none of that matters as long as you know where you want to go with your life. A good person is good no matter what, whether they're rich or poor, lucky or unlucky. Think about the things you would like to change and why, and use that as your motivation to make next year better than this one.

"When the world says, 'Give up' hope whispers, 'try it one more time'." -Author Unknown

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Love this and the way you used your words


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