Closing in on my first bids.

It's been a week since my 3 day seminar and i have been looking,and finding,a lot of possible deals.
Still working on building up my buyers list but am closing in on that as well.Going to some auctions this weekend to fill my list.
I am pumped up about this awesome opportunity!

3day seminar

David, can you please give your opionion on the 3 day seminar?
Thank you in advance

3 Day Seminar

DavidBoisvert's picture

Hey Raymond,

The seminar was great! You can read all the books you want at home and learn alot,but when you spend three days having it all explained and put into perspective by people who have done it already, it really comes together for an "Ah HA" moment when it just clicks, and you know you can achieve everything you have been thinking about.
If you get a chance to go to one jump on it,because you can never have too much of an education.
