DavidBoisvert's blog

The Edge Event

The Edge Event is awesome,lots of great info,and i'm only an hour into it!

Buyers List

Added another buyer to my list,that's 3 now,if anyone out there wants to be on it please contact me and let me know. Lancaster,PA. area and also Northern VA. and D.C. too.

Beautiful Day

It's a Beautiful Day here in Lancaster,PA. Perfect spring weather for beginning a new life and facing new challenges. Because lets face it,a good challenge is very rewarding when you conquer it and move on to the next one.

I'm looking forward to a couple good ones today!


New Inner Circle Member

I just joined Dean's inner circle and am very excited to get started on what i believe will be a very fun and rewarding adventure.

I am looking forward to working with everyone involved and hope that i can be helpful to others as well. I am 100% committed to this and sure that i took the right steps toward my goals of be financially free in the near future.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step and i just made the most important one.

See you at the TOP! Cool Cool Cool


Closing in on my first bids.

It's been a week since my 3 day seminar and i have been looking,and finding,a lot of possible deals.
Still working on building up my buyers list but am closing in on that as well.Going to some auctions this weekend to fill my list.
I am pumped up about this awesome opportunity!

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