51yrs. Young. Married with 2 Unbelievable Children, straight A+ Valedictorian student caliber, And my Son is also on a Baseball team in which 336 kids tried out, and Only 12 made the team. And he did, what a catcher and at only 9 too.
Me I owned my own Photography Studio for 25+ years. The due to a Bad car accident, 6 back operations, & 2 foot operations later, my doctors told me to close shop or look at an early death. At 45 yrs. old I went back to school for something I knew nothing about, Computer Networking Securities. I graduated with a 3.5 GPA. Heck the last time I was in school was 1976. Got a job with Vonage, worked there for almost 5 yrs. And with NO warning got laid-off. It now been 15 months of NO work, Unemployment has almost run out. My health has gotten even a little worse, enough where my doctors are telling me I should go on Permanent Disability. I don't want to. I want to provide for my family, my future, & theirs. My username is even a clue of what I want to achieve with this program. Once you get to know me, ask me and I'll tell you. SOOoooo Dean, if your reading this, which I Really hope you do, I have a lot of not just drive, but also great reasons to succeed with this. And anyone else reading this can comment &/or inspire me. So you see I can NOT fail at this. and I Pray to God that this program, Mr. Dean Graziosi, is what will make me a self independent individual, and some money would't hurt either. Krurunda
Hey brotha ! My name is young Money on this site(real name is Simeon) and I just wanted to say that you will succeed in this next phase of your life. I just turned 34 this past saturday and while it was a blessing I'm still not satified. I know there is more for me and I believe there is more for you too! I'm new to this and I'm just getting started with dean as well so lets conquer or fears together and make the rest of our lives the best ever. I firmly believe that God before us who can be against us. So lets come out swing and go to the top!! YOU CAN DO IT I BELIEVE IN YOU !!! This is your friend young Money
love and live life