
All About jcuilty

jcuilty's picture
james cuilty
Orlando, FL
About Me: 

I'm a Fitness Trainer and Coach and just got married to the love of my life 16 moths ago. My wife works as a groups Manager for the Disney Cruise Lines. We both have a pssion for health and Fitness and Jesus Christ. We are both trying to rebuild our finacial lives do to previous marriages.

We both are stuck in the rate race working for a pay check and realize that unless we do something now we will both be a slave to someone else for the rest of our lives. I hate that we can only see each other a couple hours in the evening and on the weekends.

Our goal is to pay of all our credit card debt and be Financially Free in the next 5 years. I don't want to have the best years of my life wasted on corporate america and then have only a few years in my 60's to spend with my family. We both want to build our wealth now so we can enjoy our lives together like God intended us to. We also have a burning desire to help the children living in the garbage dumps of Cambodia. These poor kids live in conditions worse than wild animals and have no hope of any future and we want to make a difference for them.

We are committed to investing so we will have the time and resources to help those children of Cambodia have a life and show them that they are not forgotten and that people do care about what happens to them. We want to be the miracle so many people pray for.

I love to exercise and help others make a change in their physical life. I love to encourage others go for their dreams. I love to be the miracle that so many people pray for.

Topics I've Participated In

Need some encouragement jcuilty1214 years 50 weeks ago
Weekly Video Blog #47 - Important Update On SuccessFest! dgadmin28015 years 13 weeks ago
"Please Let Us Keep Jeremy In Our Prayer" SanBern2315 years 17 weeks ago

Basic Info

Fitness Trainer and Health Coach
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Indiana-Joe's picture

Welcome to the DG website community. The DG website is packed with great information and inspiration. I just wanted to stop by your guestbook and wish you good luck with real estate investing. Each day continue to increase your knowledge with real estate and before long good things will happen. You can do it! Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe