The blog training video this week is profound!
Dean breaks out the markers and flip chart to Introduce you to a concept that you most likely have Never seen before.
He draws an illustration that details the place, where most of you who will be reading these words are in life.
Watch and see where you think you fall on the scale...
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Dean your belt
Ok I love the weekly blogs, Dean always inspires, but my comment is on the belt, Dean I had that belt senior year 1978 and I want to know how you found it I have been looking everywhere. LOL. It took me way back, guess I just exposed my age but it was like omg I had that exact belt. Sorry, going a little crazy.
Thanks for doing another weekly video blog for all of us. The exercise is so true about where people are at and deciding if there are ready to take action and climb the ladder to get to something more. As you and Matt said, the key is just keep pushing forward, get through the burn and reach your goal. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Thanks Dean for the video blog. I would like to hear from you some basic input for non-acadamy people who are struggling due to finances or bad credit. Your words are inspiring. There are some of us who do not have family or friends that will give up money to invest and/or loan. In addition, the forum is so pacted with information its too much when searching and questions arrise that your book does not necessarily answer. Oh well, I hope that you or even one of the coaches will consider doing a weekly blog for us newbies -
Sounds Great!
Great blog, it is valuable information you give us virtually ALL THE TIME! I look forward to your blogs every week. Can't thank you enough for all you give.
Exercise. Since you said you don't exercise enough, hey I heard trampolines are a great way to go - when you use a trampoline you exercise EVERY part of your body! And they're fun too.
Where I am..
First I want to thank you Dean! The weekly blogs are a great asset.
I believe I am one of the 4% at this point fighting my way up the ladder to be in the 1%. I can see it and want it sooo bad there is no stopping me now. I'm not willing to stay with the rest of the crowd doing what doesn't work anymore. I want more out of life ! Lisa
I love perspective and I believe that 99% of us on this site are in the 4% group on our way to the 1% group. (I believe that the other 1% of us are already there!)
Yes, this is the uphill push for most of us but y'know what, that puts us all in the top 5% overall!
Now, up and over the hill people!
Dean, this is the best blog you have ever done!
Thank You!
Enjoyed the diagram
Hey Dean,
Thanks for nailing down what I needed to hear tonight. Had so many deals fall through the cracks the last few months. I think I'll just base jump off the top of this peak to get down the hill faster & meet Matt on the way down. lol
Success is within all of us, we just need to let it come out.
WVB #65 ~ YES, Smack-Dab!!!
I'm a 4%er and with your help (and those around us), we refer to as our brothers & sisters, our DG_family, I'll soon be a 1%er! Awesome video Dean.
THANK YOU Dean & family, in advance!
"The whole point is that action and mistakes ALWAYS outweigh analysis and paralysis." - D.G.
YT yrep! (page 67)
Right On
As usual the blog is one part of a Monday that I always look forward to. Can't wait until I get my hands on the DVD of Matt. I might watch it more than our DVD!!!!!!Jan
Thanks a million
For your inspirational wisdowm. I have taken other courses, but this does not compare. We have no reason not to succeed.
Great blog, THANK YOU!
Watched it and it is exactly how I felt, that 4%. My husband and I feel more like we're going up MT Everest than a hill. Tonight it will be his turn to watch the blog, and he will be just as inspired as I was. Have a board in my bedroom and I will draw your illustration as a reminder that my husband and I will be that 1% soon. Looking forward to sticking our flag on the top.
Best Blog
Dean, this blog was great. I loved the fact that you had it all drawn out for us. I think this was the best blog yet!
Dean help!
Hi Dean,
I like your blog and i always follow it. I spend a lot of time on this website and read all your books. I love all your books. However, recently i joined your Success Academy and i'm very disappointed with the result. Everything i've learned so far is in your book. I haven't learned anything that is new to me at all except staying at home and studying after studying. I still believe in you and your system and i also believe that i have paid for it. I was promised so many things before i'd joined the Success Academy with no result. Could you please help me get my money back and let me stick with your website? I still want to stay as a family without holding any grudge.
Thank you
Weekly Blog #65
Great blog Dean. I think we should all be thankful that you joined the 25K Group because it enables us to learn things discussed by super successful entrepreneurs like yourself. We hear pearls of wisdom and gain priceless information through you that we might otherwise never hear. Thank you Dean for being so generous with your knowledge and for caring about us. Thanks, Dean for all you do and for who you are.
Terry Smith
(I think there will come a day when there will not be a spot on a beach available because they will all be tied up by a bunch of very wealthy, very happy people, obviously stress-free, who are through working and set for life. The one thing they all have in common is they all obtained a copy of "Dean Graziosi's Road Map to Freedom" and then took "Dean Graziosi's Road to Riches" which becomes "Dean Graziosi's Highway to Happiness", which led them to Freedom Beach, an ultra exclusive stretch of beach, open only to those who got the road map...and read it...and followed the directions. LOL)
I feel the same as the
I feel the same as the person who wrote under the subject DEAN HELP. I've been to REI club meetings and it seems they have more interest in my money than anything else. I can't even get a foreclosure or REO list without spending yet more money. Financially, I'm tapped out. I'm left with a very empty feeling.
Blog #65 - Are You Smack Dab In Between “Freedom” and a "Life Tr
This has been the most moving video clip to-date!
Latter today I have my 1st Academy phone lesson, and even before it all I can say is:
I have the Willpower, Drive, & Commitment to "Climb The Ladder of Success"!! Thanks.....
The now 4% Soon to be 1%!! Kurunda...
I think this video is great. I can see that I am in the 4% just by looking at everyone else around me unwilling to change and try something new. I was in construction for 15 years and decided to get out. everyone I know is still in the industry right now and I am watching them work 10 times as hard for less money because there is very little work. I cant wait to be in the 1% and see Dean at the 25k club. I look forward to meeting him and everybody else on their way. Brandon
Dan and Dianna's 1%
Dean and All... We love this POST and wanted to Thank you for your weekly Inspiration and Motivation... We are on our Second Flip in a year since we started with Dean... We are in the 4% and working our way to the 1%... However, I would bet that our 1% dream is far different from most others and I will explain why... I am a Design Manager in the Engineering field and make a good living... I actually love my job... My wife is a Stay at Home MOM (2 Boys) who helps out with the REI Paper work and Book Keeping... So we are doing this Part Time with a Goal of Paying off our Primary Mortgage and Heloc Loan which would make us dept free and that would be our 1%... We are not looking to become Millionare's... Just thought this might help some of ya's...
God Bless You and Yours
Dan and Dianna (Mcarlo24)
4% to 1%
My man Dean your blog this week has me fired up now more then ever!!! I love how you showed were most people are, were most people should be, and if you have any life in your body were you want to be. Well I've just become part of the 4% and I'm am pumped! I'm reading one of your books and am getting ready to get involved in the success academy. So many people need to know that they don't have to be in the 96% and can easily be in the 4% with there goal reaching 1%. My next destination is set for 1%, see you on the other side DG family. This is your boy young Money
love and live life
It was really cool to watch this week's blog! I just want to say THANK YOU, DEAN, for taking so many of your students to the 1 percent!!! And for getting everyone else ready to get there!
Thanks to YOU, the Success Academy, and everyone here in the DG Family, I have to say what starts out SOOOO hard (at the bottom of your chart), get easier in the middle, and just keeps soaring!!
I know it can happen for everyone here, if they never give up. Thanks again, Dean, for a GREAT blog and for sharing once again more of what we need to keep pushing on! Always a blessing to be part of such a wonderful thing..
Dean, you are such an inspiration!!! I am a newbie and everytime i feel like I'm climbing and climbing and climbing, I just watch one of your videos and Im back on track. The DG family rocks!!!!
Good Stuff
Thanks for sharing what you paid to learn. This alone is priceless.
Good Stuff
Thanks for sharing what you paid to learn. This alone is priceless.
Video Blog #65
I am smack dab in the 4% and have been there too long! I am determined that next month will be the jumping off point for our new life. I have been interested in real estate investing for a long time, but the FEAR kept me from getting my feet wet. I am looking forward to being in your mentoring program and making our dreams for financial and time freedom a reality. Thanks for all you do to encourage me to take the big step into the future we want for ourselves and our children.
Smack Dab inbetween
What a smack in the face, but as real as it gets! You are so right-on with the people being in the middle, however the DG family are working their way to that 1%.
One last thing, you are too cool with your shirt tucked in and the belt! My, the belt was off the 70's chain!
Peace and Blessings,
Love ya,
Great Message
Hi Dean,
As aways, great message and info.
Donna...ditto on Dean's belt. It took me awhile to focus on the message. That belt was a little blinding...hehehe.
Sorry, Dean, we love you.
Always Amazed
I am always amazed at how the weekly blog is DIRECTLY related to something I have just experienced in the days prior...its really spooky haha. Even though I have been actively working towards success for the past year and a half - and not doing too badly - this past Friday I took the jump into the 4% big time! I gave notice at my job Friday to clear the way for my move to Wisconsin and to climb the ladder up to the 1%! So exciting. Thank you Dean, as always - for taking the time to inspire and encourage us all!
Great blog, It really got me to thinking. A lot of people might think this is selfish but if they do I am sorry.I have hit enough obstacle in the last year its almost unbelievable, And even though I have done 15 deals with no money of my own I am in know way satisfied. My goal is to be in that 1% . And for the gentleman that's having trouble with the success academy, I read the books and understood them to. But for me the success academy has been GREAT, And I still use it today,
Thanks for everything Terry/ Randy
Am really looking forward to meeting you Dean.
I can use your help!
Hi Rina,
I like most of the things you write and i always read it but when someone tries everything and could not succeed, wouldn't you give up and start something else? I'm a member of the success academy and i've tried everything they've told me to do with no result. How can you help me?
Yes Dean, You are always right!
Thank You Dean! I love to listen to You! And You are right with the 4%! It is not easy to get over it, but everybody can do it!