Joined: 2009-07-20
Points: 140

Dee Johnson
Title | Poster | Replies | Updated |
Dean's Finance Center | dgadmin | 287 | 8 years 22 weeks ago |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RINA!!!! | laurajohnson | 69 | 10 years 32 weeks ago |
RINA'S Daily Journal: Chapter Two - The SECOND $1M | Rina | 432 | 11 years 8 weeks ago |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #108 - Where the Jingle-Bells is the P.M.? | dgadmin | 172 | 11 years 23 weeks ago |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #102 - | dgadmin | 710 | 12 years 6 weeks ago |
Hi Steve and Veronica,
Thanks so much for your email! I just sent an email to all who have emailed me to see if we can get together on the 22nd. If you are interested we would love to meet you. My husband and I are new investors. We have been married 33 years and got so excited with Dean's program. We've read his books and have the EDGE program. Would love to hear about the academy as well. We too lived in Illinois and my husband is a bass fisherman
Best of luck to you in your Real Estate endeavors!
Dee and Ed
Welcome to the DG website community. The DG website is packed with great information and inspiration. I just wanted to stop by your guestbook and wish you good luck with real estate investing. Each day continue to increase your knowledge with real estate and before long good things will happen. You can do it! Believe and Achieve! - Joe
Hi, I am up in Grass Valley area and purchased Dean's book and am working on getting the LLC & phone system set up. I am very new to the investing field. I work for a Real Estate appraiser and see all these great oppertunites and I just can let them slip out of my hands anymore! I would love to network with locals in Sac area & find a mentor. When is the next meeting & where Roseville/Granite Bay area? Can't wait to get my feet wet.
Wanting to network with fellow investors in the Northern California/ Solano County area. Joined Dean's academy and am looking to invest in the Sacramento and Central Valley areas.
Hi. My wife and I live in Vacaville in Solano county and want to get together with some other investors. We joined Deans academy we have our LLC in process but the local real estate clubs
are suspended in Vacaville and Fairfield Ca. Jeff&Deanne
would love to meet investors in the area or would love to get to go to a meeting
Hi friends: MY husband and I and one son live in Stockton, CA. We have one daughter that lives in East Roseville/Granite Bay area and another daughter in Sac. I ordered Dean's books in early spring, 2009 and have read them from cover to cover and then some. I also read the daily newspaper listings of foreclosed properties. Have held off on joining Dean's success academy due to my husband's cancer diagnosis and on-going chemo treatments. The academy knows the reason why. I have not felt I could devote enough time to it. I do drive around and look at properties. As you all know, Stockton has been a foreclosure capital. Would be wonderful to get together with others interested in real estate. I have my husbands support but right now he doesn't have the energy to assist me. He would be willing to go along with what I would suggest. Keep me posted as to any meetings that might be coming up. I need the encouragement to just take the plunge. Thanks, Kathy and Ernie
Hi Everyone,
I apologize to all of you for not responding to your postings as I just realized that all of you have been posting to my Guestbook. I am so thrilled that you have taken a moment to post something as we all have a common goal - to become successful real estate investors.
Please join our blog under Northern California Real Estate Investors. I will also start checking here as well.
I will also respond to all of you individually.
May 2010 be your best year ever!
Happy New Year!!
Thank you so much for your note on my Guestbook page. I hadn't been checking there for postings and just realized that I had several comments.
I really enjoy watching your progress and reading about your continued success with DG and look forward to the day when I can contribute and help others as you have.
It was so nice of you to take the time to welcome me.
Wishing your family the best in 2010!!
Hi Im in Davis and Sacramento getting close to investing and would like to network --have been to some real estate investment clubs in sac area
Northern Ca is a great place to live! I am interested in hard money lenders in that area. Although, I can't attend any of the meetings, I would love to keep in touch and be a part of the group! My mom is still in the Sac area. I's like to get her home situated. Any suggestions?
Northern Ca is a great place to live! I am interested in hard money lenders in that area. Although, I can't attend any of the meetings, I would love to keep in touch and be a part of the group! My mom is still in the Sac area. I's like to get her home situated. Any suggestions?
live near sacramento looking for other DG investers
My name is Justin I am in the East Bay area. I was hoping to attend a meeting with investers or at the very least meet up with someone in my area to talk to about the program.
Thank you
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REI club
Hi. My wife and I are in the Sacramento area and we want to get together with other investers. We Have some investing exp. and we just joined Deans academy.