
All About Anointed1

Anointed1's picture
Rodney P. Cobbler
Florissant, Mo
About Me: 

I purchased my first Real Estate Course while serving in the US Army in 1989. While seeking self employment and creating a stress free life for my family, I realized the service's we provide could help many homeowners rest comfortably at night. In addition, I wanted, as I still do, to encourage anyone with a dream to go confidently in the direction of their dream. After studying my course for several year's my wife and I had our first home built in Fredericksburg, Virginia in November of 1994 and purchased our first investment property in May of 1995 in Dale City, Virginia. Our out of pocket expense for both properties was a whopping $2600.00. We accomplished this by using resources at our disposal through the government and later helped a homeowner, perhaps like yourself, get out of a very uncomfortable home situation by assuming the loan and taking over the payments. We were able to pay her commission and closing cost using other people's money while saving all of her equity. We later sold the property to another investor pocketing a very hansom profit for ourselves. Since then we have bought and sold 11 properties in the states of FL, DE, OK, VA and MO. We currently own properties in OK and MO. Although JRAC Real Estate Investments Inc, was conceived in 1989, we were not incorporated until the year of 2003 in Tulsa, OK. We are currently operating in the Show Me State of Missouri during business throughout the country. I'm currently working short sale and looking to purchase Foreclosures as part of our investing strategy. Over the last 15 years we have had the privilege of working with some of the best lawyer's, investors, title companies, mortgage companies, real estate agents and brokers in the country to assist us with achieving our objective of owning houses and land throughout the country. With that, we give our sincere thanks to all our friends and partners.

Investing in Real Estate, Helping People Make Money Working From Home, Spending time with my Family, Bowling, Watching Sports, Working Out!

Topics I've Participated In

$$$ HOMERUN $$$ reinvestor42509 years 14 weeks ago
7 Levels Deep - Dean's Video Messages dgadmin8710 years 11 weeks ago
Short Sales Ali30510 years 18 weeks ago
Motivation. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. Zion Properties910 years 35 weeks ago
Lisa's First Success Journal!! smurfy10110 years 43 weeks ago

Basic Info

Retired Army Currently Working from Home!
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit


Aloha & Mahalo!

JJD's picture

Hello and Welcome to the DG Community!
May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site. Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available.


Thanks Aloha & Mahalo!

Anointed1's picture

Thanks for the welcome and sorry for the delay. I'm still learning how to find my way around and how to respond correctly.

Again thank and much success to you both.

thanks for the prayers

and may you and your family be blessed sounds like you have your power team in place I am back on track after all of the curve balls and now am ready to go and help all the unfortunate people in the world who have been cought in this horrible situation we are blessed to have this opportunity to help people out of dire situations and hoppfully we can teach them to fish like we have been taught if there is anything we can work together let me know sal from pittsbugh

Thanks Sal!

Anointed1's picture

Just saw your post! Glad to know you are still in the game.

Wife will be travelling home from Pittsburg on tomorrow.

Awesome time right now! Remember, we make money when we solve a problem. Many problems in the real estate market as you mentioned.

Stay on the Wealthy Track!

Peace and Prosperity Too You!


thanks for the prayers

Thanks rodney for keeping in touch I am finally coming out of the depression I had been going through. This I know to be from the enemy. My faith has always been strong it seems the the lord needed to take me through this so I can help others going through it. now I feel like a stonger person through my faith in Christ. Now as I begin my journey to the top I have a much better understanding and compassion for those who may go through such fear and anxiety and life problems as I went through.I started a marble restoration company without any training and became the best. this will be a walk in the park with all the training and hotline and help from the dg family such as you.

I have a small buyers list which I need to prequalify and I need to continue to build it through for rent signs etc. there is so many techniques. I have a question about mortgage assumption i think this is someone like me who wants to get someone in there as a rent to own. they have a lot of them. is there anyway to make money on these thanks sal

ing property

my man roddney thanks for thinking about me I am ready to take off if you are reAady to invest in pittsburgh I canrun some nubers ect. by moved into the old nebisco plant and are buy property east liberty just went through a major renovation a target a home depot and there is a lot of abandoned and good looking property around this is where hienz, frick, westinhouse,etc, all lived I have a 2 apartment house with 4 bedrooms above for 70000 10 yrs ago.I know this place is ready to rock time to cash in
thanks sal

thanks fpr the posts

Rodney I appreciate you contacting me are you looking to invest in the pittsburgh area let me know what you are looking for and if I can help you in any way.
thanks sal

thanks fpr the posts

Rodney I appreciate you contacting me are you looking to invest in the pittsburgh area let me know what you are looking for and if I can help you in any way.
thanks sal


interviewing agent tommorrow and the second friday

touching base

hey rodney if your wife ever needs anything brother let me knoe steelrs play tonight.I just talked to 3 re agents I think i have the one i would like to work with put up bandit sighn the ball is rolling need to get buyers list confirmed hope everything is well with you may the lord richly bless you with all the spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in christ amen brother your brother in christ sal

Hey Sal!

Anointed1's picture

Hey Sal! Hope all is well with you and your's.

Just recently visited the Pitt! Mother In-law past away while I was visiting the wife there.

We had to drive to St. Louis to pick up the kids and then headed to Maryland.

Just got back Wednesday evening.

Wife just returned to the Pitt on Sunday.

All is well and God is Good!

I see the Pirates put it on the Cards this time around.

Talk with you soon.

Hi Rodney

Valuni's picture

just signing in your guestbook to say hi and to check on your recent deals, and to wish you even more success on your rei journey!


Hello Valerie!

Anointed1's picture

I was just about to post my latest deal just signed today.

Hope all is going great with you!

Sayin' Hello

AndyS's picture

Hi Rodney:
I was reading some journals and saw your comments so I thought I would stop by your page and say Hello.
I am an investor in Central Florida (Lake Wales to be exact). I was interested in where in FL you bought your properties. Do you have any interests in the Polk county market?

Look forward to speaking with you.

Andy Sager
DG's AndyS

Homeowner Called With Another House as Promised.

Anointed1's picture

A couple of years ago I bought and flipped a house from a lady who promised to call me with another when she was ready to sell.

Well, I got the call yesterday and she is ready to sell. The house is owned free and clear.

I like that!

After doing my due diligence we will meet on Thursday which is tomorrow with contract in hand.

Made a quick $1000 on the first look to make $3200 on this one.

I like that too!