I purchased my first Real Estate Course while serving in the US Army in 1989. While seeking self employment and creating a stress free life for my family, I realized the service's we provide could help many homeowners rest comfortably at night. In addition, I wanted, as I still do, to encourage anyone with a dream to go confidently in the direction of their dream. After studying my course for several year's my wife and I had our first home built in Fredericksburg, Virginia in November of 1994 and purchased our first investment property in May of 1995 in Dale City, Virginia. Our out of pocket expense for both properties was a whopping $2600.00. We accomplished this by using resources at our disposal through the government and later helped a homeowner, perhaps like yourself, get out of a very uncomfortable home situation by assuming the loan and taking over the payments. We were able to pay her commission and closing cost using other people's money while saving all of her equity. We later sold the property to another investor pocketing a very hansom profit for ourselves. Since then we have bought and sold 11 properties in the states of FL, DE, OK, VA and MO. We currently own properties in OK and MO. Although JRAC Real Estate Investments Inc, was conceived in 1989, we were not incorporated until the year of 2003 in Tulsa, OK. We are currently operating in the Show Me State of Missouri during business throughout the country. I'm currently working short sale and looking to purchase Foreclosures as part of our investing strategy. Over the last 15 years we have had the privilege of working with some of the best lawyer's, investors, title companies, mortgage companies, real estate agents and brokers in the country to assist us with achieving our objective of owning houses and land throughout the country. With that, we give our sincere thanks to all our friends and partners.
Aloha & Mahalo!
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