All About rednative

rednative's picture
Miss Harris
New York!!!!!
About Me: 

Hello im 30 years old. Graduated in college in 2004 with a liberal Arts Degree. I pretty much went to school for my grandmother not for me. lol

I started getting interested in becoming financially free while i was in college. I started reading self-help books instead of the vanity magazines that the media wants for you to read. The more i read the more i asked questions and the more i asked that questions the more of got the "I DONT KNOWS" for an answer!!!! (SOO ANOYING!)

So i started changing the people i was spending time with and starting investing my time with business people, seminars, and network gatherings. Thats when i started to get the answers I've been looking for all my life. Now i wanna take it to the last level and that level is going into the action direction!!!

I Believe that Dean Graziosi and the people on this site will help me along my to becoming financially FREE! I've been looking for the right TEACHER to give me the tools that will help me in becoming the millionaire im suposed to be. I purchased the book in SEPTEMBER 11, 2008. (MY GRANDMOTHER'S BIRTHDAY) My book should be here within 2 to 3 buiness days! i cant wait. Im also getting his system later in the week! yey!!!

I ran into Dean's advertisement on TV! (2 weeks ago!) i was stressed i turned down a hand in marrage over the phone from my boyfriend of 7 years (i know get married already you say!) lol well i told him i wasnt ready because i wasn't in the right financial situation to do such a thing. While i was crying and feeling like i was stuck Dean Graziosi's advertisement came on and thats when i wiped my tears and started to write down the information and started looking on the net to do my homework on him. I came across this site and started reading the blogs and his advice of the month. Now i am apart of one of the most respected realestate investement support team on the net!!!!

I love to pole dance! (just to stay fit) awsome workout. i also love to read and talk with people about their goals and dreams

Topics I've Participated In

Think Big! but Start Small cbrpower2814 years 14 weeks ago
My Add ran on craigslist BMiller811416 years 19 weeks ago
NEWbie tifferbo616 years 19 weeks ago
VERY discouraged! Need some encouragement. dhillhouse3253516 years 20 weeks ago
Man I Love This Game....YEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!! cbrpower1016 years 23 weeks ago

Basic Info

home attendent
My Pets Are My Kids
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Hi! Thanks for the comments you left on my guest book. I admire your ambious and i wish you nothing but the best. Wow, you turned down a marriage proposal? Well, i know you have done it for the right reason and i know good things will come your way. Good luck and happy investing! lloydsap