You may know me as: E, -e, just plain-e, just plan-e, or Erik. I am m-e. I've been on this site pretty consistently for almost 3 years. I've done many things in life to make money: Busboy, waiter, cashier, traffic flagger, doorman, bartender, landscaper, sandwich artist, sculptor, blacklite artist, plumber, builder, unlicensed contractor, day laborer, painter of houses and art, book keeper,classic VW mechanic, homeless street artist, homeowner, collector of cans, furniture mover, cabinetmaker, driver, newspaper bundler, forklift driver,mover and shaker..and mostly carpenter.
Think a Little Different
How much of successful property investing is Mindset?
July 16th, 2012 | posted by StuartYoungHi there, I grew up with the mindset that you had to work hard to be successful. My mum and dad both worked really hard and eventually sustained a reasonable lifestyle. Sadly my mum died before she could enjoy it and now my dad is retired, he lacks the motivation to achieve anything else.
Live from DG's Boston Insider's Edge 3 day RE Investing workshop
June 9th, 2012 | posted by LonestarGumby08 June 2012 // Day 1
I am so excited for the 3 day interactive RE investing workshop to (finally) begin. I have been waiting for this workshop for nine (9) weeks due to scheduling conflicts with my nephew & business partner. Now the BIG event is here and I am bursting at the seams.
The seminar is being presented by Marc Hrisko who is absolutely fantastic. His delivery is top-rate; he is extremely knowledgeable; he is energetic and engaging; I am certain he will provide the knowledge, motivation and tools for me to overcome my fears and to become the RE Investor that I have always dreamed of being.
looking for team members
June 4th, 2012 | posted by alaneleoI am in the las vegas area and I am looking for people to join my team.
Want to help each other out?
let me know what i can do for you.
alane leo
- by alaneleo
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Great night club for sale
May 23rd, 2012 | posted by DavemchsHappen to run across a deal on facebook about a night club in my town that they could not sell. I contacted the owners and turns out they were denied a liquor license by the nebraska liquor control commission twice. They put well over 200k into the place, have a great business plan and were simply denied because the commission hates the guy.(there words not mine) The club is called smooth. The current owner has already copyrighted the name for his own brand of vodka that he has started making. The guy has some hollywood friends and Bruno Mars is already on bored to be the new spokesman. Its one of the nicest bars/night clubs in my town and by faaaarrrrr the cheapest.
- by Davemchs
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Locking Up Deals/Assigning
April 18th, 2012 | posted by reinvestor42from dgadmin 3/11/2008
Locking Up Deals / Reassigns Locking-Up Deals
This information is based on the Think a Little Different course, so if you have the course you can reference the material mentioned. If not, you can ignore those parts.
The following steps will assist you in locking up a property for 30, 60 or 90 days and assigning it to an investor.
Step One
Finding Great Investment Property
Using Dean's "Think a Little Different" Real Estate Program To Help You Find Property
July 20th, 2011 | posted by Jay SthilaireANOTHER LIVE INTERVIEW...PHONE WITH GREG CLEMENT !!....check this out and grab ANOTHER NOTEBOOK FOR tips,wisdom and WHAT TO DO NOW before its too late !!.the market is at the bottom and if you listen and take action with what dean says ...OVER AND OVER... you WILL PROFIT !!! i GARAUNTEE IT ....I HAVE !!!!
lets see who WANTS MORE !!!!
mike koenig INTERVIEWING DEAN want ...WISDOM ??
July 19th, 2011 | posted by Jay Sthilairehey i just watched what dean uses to become successful.
just HAVE TO SHARE this with you....our dg family.....i know i learned some VALUABLE tips .i know we learn A TON on here from dean but this is MORE GREAT STUFF. let me know how u liked it
July 13th, 2011 | posted by Jay SthilaireThat you can get DEALS ...BEFORE ANYONE ELSE ....just by registering to recieve local paper by email or smartphone.
This may be bold but...I NEED your help now!
June 21st, 2011 | posted by Lane McCawOk you all know me, you know my drive, my passion, my accountability and my WHY for doing this. To support my wife and kids and provide a way out of the stressful life we are living right now. I am coming to my online family tonight to ask for support and comfort. I am more stressed now than I have ever been. I'm woking two jobs and woking on motorcycles and ATV's just to pay some of our bills. I can't get ahead and its stressfull!