08 June 2012 // Day 1
I am so excited for the 3 day interactive RE investing workshop to (finally) begin. I have been waiting for this workshop for nine (9) weeks due to scheduling conflicts with my nephew & business partner. Now the BIG event is here and I am bursting at the seams.
The seminar is being presented by Marc Hrisko who is absolutely fantastic. His delivery is top-rate; he is extremely knowledgeable; he is energetic and engaging; I am certain he will provide the knowledge, motivation and tools for me to overcome my fears and to become the RE Investor that I have always dreamed of being.
I am actually so excited and stoked from the entirety of Day 1 that I cannot calm myself down enough to organize my thoughts for an intelligible post to the forum; so please bear with me and forgive my wandering report.
*IF* you have ever dreamed of B-E-I-N-G a RE Investor, and not just talking about it or buying and reading courses [I believe the phrase is "a seminar junkie" {been there; done that!!}], then this three (3) day workshop under the DG umbrella is THE answer to your hopes and prayers. It is not how much it (the training) costs you; but rather how much are you going to make off of it?? I am 100% confident that this workshop will allow me to quit my under-employed part-time job as an Insurance Agent and to attain and achieve financial freedom.
Thank you Dean Graziosi! I will continue to Think a Little Different and will soon be on my way to achieving my dreams and financial freedom.
So excited for day 2 that I cannot sleep; up at 5.36 local time (4.36 for me as I am from Texas).
My business partner (& nephew) just graduated college in May. He is an obama statistic in that he is the 1 out-of-every 2 recent college graduates that cannot (or has not) found gainful employment. To be perfectly honest, that is also why I wanted him to join me here for the DG training. It is my hope and desire that he catch the fire and see the light, and never have to subject himself to working for a paycheck in a job (J-ust O-ver B-roke) that he despises just to make ends meet. I would rather he learn & become a RE Investor to provide the financial freedom that I know it can and will; and then he can follow the desires of his heart.
That is why my gift to him for his college graduation wasn't money for him to spend as he so desired; it wasn't an itunes gift card, and it wasn't any other of life's many Doodads......but rather a means to Think A Little Different; to realize the potential of RE and to gain the financial freedom that it can provide, and to pursue what his heart desires and where his relationship with God leads him.
Where is the schedule for this somebody.
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It is very early Sunday morning, so please forgive any misquotes etc. lol
Day 2 was chocked full of information and just as engaging as day 1. We discussed financing options (conventional loans, hard money, private money, Community Reinvestment Act money, etc.), contracts, DG's transactional funding, foreclosures and reviewed some real-life local RE deals (they, the instructors already had the property locked up under contract) and the Property Trend software (I purchased this from DG a few years back but never knew how to use or apply it....gotta dust it off now and get it loaded onto my computer.
I am well aware that this is an intro to RE Investing....I have been a "student of RE Investing" for 5+ years now but never pulled the trigger since someone "moved my cheese" in 2009 just as I was getting ready to do my first deal (i.e. I got caught up in the AIG fiasco and was laid-off along with 20% of my co-workers without any prior notice or inclination). That really rocked my world and was a major setback until this weekend.
Now I am ready to counter punch and make my dreams come true!! Day 3 begins in less than an hour.....
To answer femailCEO's question.....look for DG's infomercial on your local tv station. You will be directed to call and attend a local 2 - 3 hour presentation in your area at a hotel conference room.
At the local 2 - 3 hour conference, they will sell this 3 day RE Investing seminar to be held locally in your area soon after the 2 - 3 hour presentation. This 3 day training is what I am attending atm.
IF you are new to the concept of RE Investing, this is absolutely for you. The training provides an overview of many different methods of investing in RE. It is not an in-depth bore-you-to-tears type of training....but rather a very high energy, get motivated, and see the opportunity to change your lifestyle (via RE Investing) that is possible.
These are not just some "trainers" who teach from a manual; no, they are investors to different degrees themselves. And they are currently 'doing deals', as one of the examples they provided in class THEY CURRENTLY HAVE UNDER CONTRACT!! (sigh)
This 3 day seminar is a college graduation gift to my business partner and nephew. He just graduated < 3 weeks ago, and before he gets locked into a lifetime of working jobs that he hates, I want him to at least look at the possibilities that RE Investing offers. If he decides it isn't for him, that is okay....he is his own man and makes his own decisions. All I can do is help to point out that opportunity is knocking.....only he can answer his door.
Excellent (and fair) question. Actually, no I did not....but I will soon. Let me explain.
As noted in my original post, I have been a 'student of Re' for quite some time. I was just ready to sign a contract on a foreclosure house that would become my new residence in March 2009 so that I could then make my current house my first landlord property. Then one morning my manager @ AIG called me and 20% of my co-workers into a meeting and the President of our AIG company announced that effective immediately we were each laid-off.
As Mark Hrisko just had us do on day one (1) for homework, someone moved my cheese. I had read that book back in ~ 2000, but it was the furthest thing from my mind that fateful Wednesday morning when my cheese was moved. I was, absolutely to the 'T', the mouse "Hem". To those of you who have read the book by Spencer Johnson, you might know what I mean. I was just so certain that the cheese would return...and I waited, and waited and waited.
Now further to your question. Shortly after they moved my cheese, I attended EDGE 2009 (the first one!!) and received some other Advanced Training courses from DG including the Success Academy, Automated Foreclosure Finder, etc. However I now had one little problem in that I did not have a W-2 or W-4 documentation to qualify for a conventional loan, and therefore could not see how I could continue with my plan (at the time) for RE Investing. That, and the fact that I needed to lick my wounds (so to speak) just a little.
Being on DG's mailing list I continued to receive updates about upcoming events and I went to see what was new. I invested in the 3 day RE Seminar workshop because of the Insider's Cash transactional funding.....this is the difference maker for me. This will allow me to actually get offers in front of bank REO departments and very soon my first deal under contract.
I am so confident in this; very much so, that I made a deal with my business partner and nephew. If I do not get my first deal under contract by Labor Day weekend (it just happens to coincide with his sister's {my niece's} wedding, that I will give him (my nephew) every RE book, tape, video, software, that I have that is related to RE. Please understand all told I have invested the short side of $35k into various RE (advanced) training courses, so this is nothing to sneeze at. Well I do not plan on giving my courses to my nephew; he can borrow them, but I am extremely confident that I will have a deal under contract in less than 90 days.
And Trones, at that point, after I have done at least 1 deal (hopefully 2 or more), then I will invest in more of DG's ADVANCED TRAINING. But I first need to see some R on my already current (o)I in RE courses before I invest another dime in more training. It doesn't need to be a home run mind you, but I have to have just a little R (o) I on my dime. I know I won't get the discounts offered during the seminar, but again it is not what does it cost me, but rather How much will my advanced education make for me.
I am one of the 1% -ers.....and that is not a reference to the occu-poop wall street group. I am and will be one of the 1%-ers who comes back after the seminar and purchases more advanced training. I believe in DG, I know he is the real deal; I met him in Phoenix at EDGE 2009 (the first one!!!). And I plan on being nominated for those contests as an outstanding student of his in the near future. So get ready DG world....here I come.
Congratulations on what you have done so far!!
You have all the educational products that you need. Get out of the theory, training mode and out into the real world to receive the rest of your training. Don't become a professional student that thinks he must know everything and never pulls the trigger!! When you have gotten your "real world" education come back and help new DGers!
Get out there and try to flip a property!! Try and see if you can negotiate directly with any asset manager at a major lender.(NOT!) See if you have a better chance at a small bank or credit union. Find out who the big REO listing agents are in your area. Research properties, research rehab/remodel costs. Build your buyers list. DO WHAT THE BOOKS SAY!! THE KEY WORD IS "DO"!!!
Get all the details on how the transactional funding works and find the title company or attorney that will do the double close. None of this matters if you don't have a cash buyer in place for the b to c. Coastal will not fund the a to b unless your buyers money is in escrow for the b to c!!
SO, get properties under contract at a price that your real CASH buyers will take while making your fee. THAT IS ALL!!!!!! You don't need to know anything else at this point. Everything else is a waste of time. No offers = no money.
Good luck and go make offers.
Michael Mangham
Mentoring/Team Building Nationwide
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
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and rooting for you!You've got all the training you need to get started..and now you have a goal..a deadline..and sounds as if you really are ready to Take Action!! Show us how its done! Thanks for sharing your 3 Day workshop experience, Semper Fi! D-LO
now that you have all the momentum built up within you, go out and take some action... it's great that you started your journal-it will help you stay focused and keep yourself accountable.
Remember that no matter how much you learn from the books, manuals, etc. nothing will happen unless you put it all into practice. Don't worry about making mistakes, or hearing 'no' more than once... that's how you get closer to making a deal!
Wishing you great success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
Michael, D-lo & Valuni,
Thank you for your words of encouragement. I will keep this thread updated with my progress!
Great post and I am glad that you took action then and there and purchased more advanced training. I am all for advanced training, and certainly believe in it whole heartedly. As part of my investment in RE training to date, I have invested in one of DG's competitors to the level of $23k (PM me if anyone wants to know more about that) and about $12k with DG. So I am certainly not against paying for or buying advanced training. I just need to see some (R)return (O)on my to-date (I)investment {ROI} before I make any further investment at the moment.
So my goal also is to wholesale 1 or 2 deals, and then to contact DG's folks again looking for more (I) investment in advanced training. A discount would be nice, but it is not a 'deal breaker' imo.
Sure we can be each other's 'accountability partners' keeping each other on track and moving forward; I've got no issue with that. I will be returning home soon and have to set up my C-corp for wholesaling. I have looked into it in the past....I want to say that it runs about $350 in Texas, give or take.
And Trones, we are not in direct competition with each other....we are winners all! But we can both push each other to the highest level of success that we can muster!
Day 3 of the DG RE workshop began with an in depth study of Rehad and Remodel. This section of the workshop was very was very informative and directly gave me confidence, as estimating repairs was somewhat of a concern for me as I am not a carpenter or handy man by trade. Now I am not saying that I all of the ins and outs of estimating (can anyone say Advanced Training?? lol), but Marc Hrisko did provide an accurate strategy for what comes first...landscaping, drywall, framing or foundation (THAT IS NOT the right order folks). Marc also provided some great insight into how to find a good contractor, and NO, it is not Angies List.
The rehab training also included very good insight into some common mistakes to keep a watchful eye on. And NEVER skimp on permits!
Day 3 continued with a review of the Foreclosure process, Judicial vs. Non-Judicial states, etc. and Marc's personal advice on Foreclosure
Auctions (what each of us should be doing at the courthouse steps....). Day 3 also included a segment on Asset Protection; what has been used in the past, and what most investors are now moving to and why. And the good news is that DG seminar attendees get the new Asset Protection at cost....much lower than you would expect.
And the final portion of Day 3 was completed with a Business Plan for each of us who did not purchase any of DG's Advanced Training then and there. Again, kudos to DG's staff and Marc Hrisko for this final bit if information. It really does bring the full three (3) day weekend seminar to a grand conclusion, providing us with the necessary tools to move forward in our RE Investing careers.
If you are new to DG's website; if you have read a book or two (2) of his, if you are serious and need assistance in moving your REInv career forward, I would strongly encourage you to attend the next DG 2 hour workshop in your area. This will provide a brief into to RE, and it is where you can learn about the upcoming workshops in your area and where and how to sign up for them. Most importantly..... Just Do It!