Im new to the real estate world and i have a few questions i would like to be answered the first is would it be ok if i get my real estste licence and with that could i represent myself when purchasing properties 2 Is that allow? 3 And if so what are the pro and cons of doing this thank you my fellow dg family.. I might also add i thought of this idea to cut expenses..
this is just my opinion, others think differently. i have my license and i'm just about ready to give it up. every meeting/class i go to just enhances that feeling. being an agent also adds more liability to what you are trying to do. you will not be cutting your expenses by any means. my membership fees cost me over $700/year. my MLS dues are $143 every quarter. my brokers get 30-50% of any deals i do as a realtor and 20% of any deals i do as an investor. you may also have other fees to pay. one agency i was with charged $300/year for membership with the franchise. believe me, you would only be adding to your expenses and your liability by getting your license. i'm sure you will get some other opinions on this. just my 2 cents.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
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I just don't think the time, effort and cash tied up to attain and keep a license would really make a significant difference in my ability to be an investor. My best advice would be, let those who already have the license and are the "experts" in what they do work to your advantage. This business is not as much about what you know as much as it is about WHO you know. Just my opinion take it for what it's worth.
Lance J. Palmer
Silver Key Properties of Idaho, LLC
Silver Key Properties of Montana, LLC
But only my opinion also.I am not an agent but looked into it because I thought it would give me more wisdom and access to the mls and the DEALS first.
have HER send u all the mls DEALS and use HER to partner on deals......she has the access to mls and u can make offers...................on the flip side linda sees the mls DEALS FIRST so she has an unique opportunity.
I believe all the $$ spent and time on showing properties to others,paying all the fees linda rightly states and updating your courses troy .....not to mention what she said about splitting with the broker.Now if your goal is to become a broker and also be an investor then this is a stepping stone for you.In thinking this way I would say ...when u gain experience as a realtor/ investor....u r working your way up the ladder so when u do become a broker then u WILL save AND COLLECT commission from all of .....YOUR agents.. And others.....
Depends on your goals and future plans.............I can say that putting deans strategies to work NOW an investor will put you closer to bringing in passive income per mnth than spending all the extra time showing others property every nite! !!! Just my OPINION...................besides that's what you have linda for! !!
Will be interesting to hear more from more agents or brokers!!!!!
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Thank you all for your replies, that is why i asked before acting..
If you're an agent you have access to the mls comparables, you can write up offers on the spot, you can walk right into a property on your can list your own properties if you want and get the commission. So I guess overall you have the benefit of not waiting and depending on your agent when you need something done asap..if you find an investor friendly broker that would be a good start. I've heard good things about keller williams.
As for being a realtor and dealing with fsbo sellers, I dont think it will be a big issue as long as you make it clear you're interested in purchasing their property..not collecting a commission on it. If anything, the sellers will probly be reassured because you know what you're doing.
So I will be getting my license after I get a few deals under my belt...i think its the best option if you're in it for the long haul.
Just my opinion
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do the things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do"
paid through the Broker of if I was to do BPO's for any Banks today I can't work directly with the bank as I am not a Broker I am a Licensed Agent. There are Pro's & Con's to having a license...I think if I didn't have one already and know what I do now through Dean's books, I probably wouldn't get one. That is just my personal opinion.
I agree with most people who have commented here already; just another thing that I may add...
if you have a license, you need to state so for every deal you make a offer on.
Here's another thread where the topic has been discussed for some more comments.
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know my thoughts on this process so I won't incite a riot again.
Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors
I am interested in buying rental properties cheap, then renting them out for cash flow. I have enough cash to buy 1 or two properties but refinancing to pull the cash out is a problem as I am only employed parttime and was laid off about a year ago. Does anyone have any sugestions for me, I am looking for direction.
Thanks, Joe
"dump the clutch and nail the throttle"
"Just do it, Get it Done!"
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