It feels great to know that if I follow what I'm taught, then it follows that I WILL succeed.
I put the Automated Forecloser Finder into motion.
I set up the 1-800 # and the online survey. then I put out some signs that read...
Don't Let Them Foreclose
I Buy Houses
Fast Fast
Two days later I got a call, he filled out the online survey and the automated system notified me. (Even though I was out of town at the time.)
First thing Monday I called him and he was very pleased with my quick response. Said he had called a few others but I was there to meet his needs.
We looked at the property Monday afternoon, and signed the Purchase Agreement Tuesday morning.
Now I'm going to work my Buyers List and 10 or 12 online classifieds.
So far I only have about 2 hours in this and Wow --
am I excited!! I'll keep you posted.
David England
David England
There are only 3 kinds of people in the world.
Those who MAKE things happen...
Those who WATCH things happen...
& Those who WONDER what happened...
DECIDE who you want to be...
You mentioned that for this particular deal, you will get 2k at the closing. I was wondering why you didn't get the money now, when you assigned the contract to your buyer. Does your buyer need bank financing? Are you doing a double closing?
Hi David,
Thank you for sharing your success story with the DG family. It is nice to hear that IF you follow what Dean has written you can success. I hope this deal goes through and the next one will come easier...and your will be rockin' and rolling on the fast track!! Please keep us updated. I am going to bookmark ya and watch this one play out!! How exciting. Plus you have everyone on this site rooting for you! Have a great day.
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
I just locked up another one. I found an ad for a little 2 bed frame house that needs a good bit of repairs. She had it listed for $20K. I met with her and as we walked through it She did most of the talking and I asked a few questions. Then I asked what would be the least She would take and after a bit She said $15K. So we wrote up the purchase agreement and signed it the hood of my truck. I already knew that ARV would be around $45K to $49K.
This one I put down $1 Dollar as Earnest money just to make it a binding contract.
Back to the buyers list...
They are out there...
Go find em...
David England
David England
There are only 3 kinds of people in the world.
Those who MAKE things happen...
Those who WATCH things happen...
& Those who WONDER what happened...
DECIDE who you want to be...
Congratulations on your first deal! That is awesome. Keep up the good work. Continued success in all your future deals. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Way to go!! That is great inspiration for everyone! Great job of taking action and thank you for taking the time to post on here to share your successes!!!!!
Sorry Delete this post
David England
There are only 3 kinds of people in the world.
Those who MAKE things happen...
Those who WATCH things happen...
& Those who WONDER what happened...
DECIDE who you want to be...
Go for it David, I wish you and all new investors all the best of luck in the world Keep us posted
Congratulations on locking up not 1 but TWO deals!! Wishing you many more.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Congrats Dave on your accepted offer. We expect to hear the details of the closing soon. All the best on future offers. God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Congrats Dave!
Put at least 5 bandit signs near the property to get a buyer and build your list. Good luck!
congrats, on your find with 25.000 instant equity,
and owner wants to walk. I would do research on
TV to see what the property is worth, also rental
status on 4x2. Ask the owner if Loan is assumable?
with the equity in this home it's possible to
finace with no money down, could be a nice rental
with cashflow, so much potentials. Why don't you
become the BUYER? just my thoughts, only joking
go find anotherone.
How does it feel?
Congrats and keep the ball rollin.....
Move fast go to REI clubs and post ADs
Dave you got me excited about your I did the deal myself lol. Its great to always hear when people ACTUALLY read instructions then take action and be successful simply amazing ! Im waiting for you to post the next thread about how you got it CLOSED and deposited the check !
*Disclaimer I am not an attorney nor am I offering any professional advice, just some thoughts I am sharing*
congratulations Dave on taking action! Your thought process is fine-sure-it helps to have that buyer list first-but this business is part art/part science and part luck; the bottom line is win/win/win and the order doesn't matter long as it gets done. So once-again-congratulations! I am in central Tx and hope to have similiar fortune...
JER 29:11 Thoughts of Hope; thoughts of a blessed Future
Congratulations on your deals! That is awesome!!! Keep us posted
Congratulations that was really fast.
Love and Laughter make the world a better place.
Why don't you consider putting an add in your local newspaper with this property. It will help you build your buyers list. The newspaper is a great way to build a buyers list using a property for bait. It works!
Just a suggestion...
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson
Thanks Carol,
I've been chewing on that idea for a while now. At least putting my own ad that says WE BUY HOUSES or some thing simular, but siftting buyers from a retail ad is something I hadn't thought of. Unfortunatly I can't right now, my funds simply do not permit. I do have 2 persons that are interested in the 1st one I signed.
One is from an investor whose sign I called while out on my travels yesterday. He has a buyer who wants to assume the remainder of of the sellers mortgage. I'm not quite sure how that will all play out with regards to my assignment position.
The 2nd one is also looking to assume the note, but he is from my real estate agent, who naturaly wants her commission. Like I said I'm not sure how all that comes to pass.
I will call on my advisors in the DG succees acadamy here in a little while.
They have always been great, I keep them on speed dial on my cell phone.
What I do know is that this time last week, I was thinking about
Real Estate, and this week I'm doing Real Estate. For all the new people who are following this thread, I say thank you for your kind words. Now go pick up the phone and make a call, Call an ad you found, or call an agent to find one you can work with, call the ads that say We buy... Cash Today... etc. You have to start working it before it can work.
Thank you to everyone who has been so encouraging in this forum. It really does help to keep me motivted.
David England
David England
There are only 3 kinds of people in the world.
Those who MAKE things happen...
Those who WATCH things happen...
& Those who WONDER what happened...
DECIDE who you want to be...
It's an inspiration to read what you have put into action to get some deals going. Thanks for sharing. One more thing, can you explain about your on-line survey? Did you develop one yourself or did you use a resource for a script?
The survey is one component ot the Automated Foreclosure Finder (AFF)
The website has a setup page where you can go and coustomize it with your name and contact info. I also pay $30 a month for a 1-800# that ties back into that system. I put the 800# on my signs and flyers. If someone calls,
it caputres their number. If they listen to the prerecorded message, it leads them to my website where they can take the survey. Either way I have at least a phone number to make a call to a warm prospect, or their full info and
e-mail. at which time the system once again kicks in and sends out pre-recorded e-mails for about 8 days, or until I call them,then I shut off the
e-mails. Go take a look at my 2 different sites.
Hope that helps.
David England
There are only 3 kinds of people in the world.
Those who MAKE things happen...
Those who WATCH things happen...
& Those who WONDER what happened...
DECIDE who you want to be...
Thanks for your inspiration brother. I was starting to get down, I hadn't got any calls on AFF and all the pre-fore's had already been emptied, no-one there! So within one day I started to get a little down, got up this morning and now I am completely ready to get out there. I am a firm believer that bandit signs are the way to go, its about to snow really bad here, so I am waiting till evening. Plus my city is hugely against those things, they will snatch them up in a heart beat! LOL, so I figure posting them at night will give me a few hours in the morning with them out in the public eye!
Proudly serving God, You, and Country,
Edwin Epperson
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one."
-Elbert Hubbard
Best of luck and God's Blessings to all who travel here.
Terry Smith
could you tell me where to find the online survey? Congrats to you, i hope to be able to share a success story one day soon. I am out here trying but no luck so far. I look forward to reading about your future successes!
Hey everybody,
Thank you one and all for your comments and support. Lets not give David the Big Head if you know what I mean. I've been involved with the DG system for about 8 months now and don't come close to knowing it all. There were times I felt stupid and helpless. But spending time reading and studying and then just some down time to think about what I had learned and how that would fit into the big picture, eventually it made enough sense to get busy.
Go on the front page (home page) of the DG site,make sure you are logged in,
over in the left hand menu down towards the bottom is a link that says
MORE DG RESOURCES, click that link and Bam, right there top o the page.
We all want to get the book and go set the world on fire, but take the time to explore all your resources. then start stiking matches.
Thanks again and go get em.
David England
David England
There are only 3 kinds of people in the world.
Those who MAKE things happen...
Those who WATCH things happen...
& Those who WONDER what happened...
DECIDE who you want to be...
David; So you are doing "and or/assigns" contracts with these sellers? Then you birddog assign the contract to another investor? Have you tried owner financing lease option? Do you have a hard money lender that specializes in lending to real estate investors as a backup. Just in case near end of your contract and not found a buyer? I was just checking others backup exit stratagies. I feel guilty with run "Sell your house fast." Knowing I do not have the financing to do so. I've found several great deals this week I wish I could afford to buy and resale. Layman T. Scott President of Scott housing & Rentals,LLC
whats the lastest on your deal David
hope its all going well
Later Fred E
Yes, assiginment of contracts, the simplest of stratagies.
Today I am meeting with a local investor, who is also a mortgage broker and a major buyer in this market. (Dallas/Ft.Worth) As we spoke last night, he showed great intrest in both of my deals and told me he would help me learn even more. I don't have any Knowledge about Hard Money lenders yet. I'm just trying to get a deal or two under my belt before moving on to bigger things.
I have to take small steps here at first,keep it simple,build some confidence,all with NO MONEY to work with.
I'll get there, and I appreciate all the intrest that has been shown on these pages. I really do. I'm growing and learning everyday.
Thank you
David England
There are only 3 kinds of people in the world.
Those who MAKE things happen...
Those who WATCH things happen...
& Those who WONDER what happened...
DECIDE who you want to be...
Congrats....keep up the good work!!!
"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success"
Napoleon Hill
The tax apprasial $ is usuall significantly lower than the appraised value...there is probaly more equity there than you think.Best of luck, and congrats on ur first deals!!!
"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success"
Napoleon Hill