David England

All About David England

David England's picture
David England
Ft. Worth Tx.
About Me: 

I'm a certified welder,most recently working on building the New Cowboy Stadium. I want to build an income and a future with Real Estate.

Topics I've Participated In

What is the best method for getting current FMV on properties? Fleetwood955810 years 33 weeks ago
Tax Lien question? nygnyk304512 years 40 weeks ago
Other Real Estate Experts Products dgadmin7813 years 44 weeks ago
Problems with Success Academy? sat731614 years 48 weeks ago
I just locked up my first one! David England6615 years 1 week ago

Basic Info

Journeyman Iron Worker,Certified Welder
Some College
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Great job

blackboard's picture

I have been using the aff program for 1 year and had no serious responses can you give me some advice what i am doing wrong,THANK YOU

800# system

Hello David,
I have been thinging about setting up an 800 System and was curious as to who you contacted and if you are satisified with it? Thanks for your help.
You can also email me personally at realestate6748@**** rather than going through a pm on this site to reply.

Impressed with your websites

rbbrearthlink's picture

Hi David,
I just saw your websites that were linked to the REI group meeting page.
You have been busy! I'm located in Rio Vista/Cleburne area, am about done with one of Dean's books, and trying to absorb all of the input that I'm reading here. I'm looking forward to networking with you and others here in the metro-plex.
Great work,,,,heavily inspiring!