We are 44 yrs old and we are dedicated to success. We have known about Dean Graziosi for a couple of years and we trust him and his team to teach us and assist us to the success that we expect of ourselves. Our expectations are high, we expect a lot out of ourselves and we realize that the Dean Graziosi Real Estate Academy is a moral, ethical and practical way to achieve the success that we expect of ourselves. Our plan is to have Gina working real estate from home full-time. We realize that that is an aggressive goal yet it is possible. With the instruction, tools and experience available to us, we expect to succeed.
We are very impressed with the instruction and guidance that we have received so far. We are looking forward to hearing others' success stories and sharing our success stories. This seems to be a great avenue to seek assistance and/or to network. Thank you for making this opportunity so affordable and realistic!!! Denny & Gina
Feeling a little lost
Hi! We bought Dean's books about 3 weeks ago. Denny has read Profit...and I am just about done. We've done our first 3 lessons and are anxiously awaiting further instruction. For the time being we're feeling a little lost and maybe that is normal but I think it would be nice to know if others have gone through the same growing pains and anxiety that we are. This is scary and exciting all at the same time!! Please tell me we are not alone!
Denny and Gina