I was reading a thread about naming your business and how to see if the name is in use with the Secretary of State website.
After poking around for a while I had an idea.
What if I searched active businesses for "we buy" or "houses" or "homes"...(you get the idea).
Then, because they're active, you can look up their address and phone number and see what they're interested in!
New York: http://www.dos.state.ny.us/corps/bus_entity_search.html
California: http://kepler.sos.ca.gov/
Florida: http://sunbiz.org/search.html
OK, so we found some businesses that buy and/or sell properties. Sure you can call them blindly and hope they have something to offer.
Or...you could go to the tax assessors website for their county, input their business name and see what properties they own come up.
See if there's a common property type that they are paying taxes on (SFHs, duplexes/doubles, condos, etc).
Now if you have any of these types of properties already under contract...
Well, what are you waiting for?
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
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do you have one for Florida????
Excellent idea Mark, I'm going to try that in Georgia.
Thank you Mark this is so awesome, there is a ton load of information here.
I like it Mark
I looked up my state and have a good list of businesses that I will be researching tonight!!
Thank you for the great idea, I'll let you know what I come up with.
The Browley Team
Working Towards Success!!
Hey Mark ! Great Idea ! ~Bob
Here is the one for florida!!!
Thanks for all the great feedback!
How I search for states secretary of state sites:
1 - Go to Google (www.google.com)
2a - enter your state "New York"(in my case) and secretary of state (don't hit enter yet!!)
2b - notice on google suggest (that drop down list of search terms) where it will say business search or corporation search...click on it.
3 - Pick relevant search result and follow directions on site.
Let's use Juandavid's florida's search example. (even though he found it while I was composing this reply
Enter: florida secretary of state, see "florida secretary of state business search" in the suggestion list, click on that.
Click on the first result from the top of page: Florida Secretary of State - Florida Division of Corporations
And then follow the directions to search.
Words to search by:
Own, rent, buy, home, homes, house, houses, housing, dwelling, dwellings, lease, leasing, leases, properties, propertys (always search misspellings!) etc etc.
Hope that helped!
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
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gee thanx!
I have to say, this idea was incredible for newbies!
I am just getting started in this ever confusing maze of learning.
I followed your suggestions and found over 10 LLC's with names revolving around "we buy houses".
Who knows how many of these will pan out, but this is a great start!
Thank you!
That is a great idea. I thank you for the idea and the instructions to find it in my own state. Wish I had thought of it! Must be that learning overload fogging my creativity.
Again thanks for sharing!
Dream High-Strive for the Stars-Let no one steal your Dreams
That is a great idea Mark! Dean says repeatedly to use creative thinking and creative techniques! Thank you for sharing! Building your lists is the foundation for everything else. You have opened a door and another avenue to connect with investors.
Thank you for sharing!
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Have you found any in your state?
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
Real Estate Glossary - Click Here for PDF
View My Everyday Blog - Click Here
I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and I decided to do something before I receive the book (30 Days....) I contacted this company that I thought was a possible buyer to add to my list, but turns out that they're sellers with their own inventory and looking for leads. They have a Referral Program.
Their ad says I don't have to do the following:
No need to find investment properties
No need to compete with other agents
No need to call to check availability
No need to schedule appointments
No need to drive clients around
No need to spend money on expenses like gas, lunch, etc.
No need to preview properties
No need to show properties
No need to write offers
No need to negotiate counter offers
No need to file escrow work
No need to deal with lenders
No need to deal with inspectors
No need to meet with appraisers
No need for ongoing follow-up and phone calls
Referral fees starting at $1,000 per close
My question is since they already have their own inventory and I will be finding them a Buyer, DO I still do a assignment contract? Once you sign their contract to become an approved referral source, you are allowed to use any of their inventory to find Buyers
Hi Mark Iam going to give that a try, many thanks, Jim
Never ceases to amaze me all of the different ways people come up with to find buyer/properties etc. Great idea. Thanks for sharing it.
"Faith is the eternal elixir which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought.
"Faith is the starting point of all accumulation of riches!"
- Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich
Never ceases to amaze me all of the different ways people come up with to find buyer/properties etc. Great idea. building your lists is the foundation for everything else. you have opened a door and another avenue to connect with investors.
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Good sites. But I believe on Live deals with a broker or agents because I bear an issue on online buying. They deceive with payment, they charge more than the house price.
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