A Creative Source for L/O

A Creative Source for L/O

Hello everyone, thought this was a very beneficial idea that I wanted to share with all outside my journal. A lot may already have discovered, but I just did. lol! Came across it as part of my action plan to call 5 banks everyday until I have 3-5 min to start that meet my refi criteria to roll out of my HM, etc. to set myself up into a longer term hold strategy.

The idea came as after several day of interviewing banks to fit my strategy. One of the VP's I was talking to on Friday was discussing their lending criteria, etc. and this particular lender had some very 'strict guidelines' even for a small bank. BUT it sparked a though. To myself I was thinking "heck if I this doesn't fit my needs PROBABLY doesn't fit a lot of others either". Not strictly limited to investors but retail buyers. We all know lenders guidelines have really gotten tough to say the least. Soooo what I approached with was "in the event their bank rejected the approval of a home loan, even if they were 'close' they just didn't meet their criteria, would she be interested in referring them to me in lieu of assisting the client in strengthening their credit while I was able to get them in a home on a lease option. That with her assistance could get them to 'loan approval' status. She jumped at the idea.

So the retail buyer gets denied, the loan originator already has their credit information and can assist the client in a path of 12, 18, 24 mo.(or whatever) repairing their credit to a point of approval for the home loan. I get a buyer for the property, the buyer gets repaired credit, gets into a home quickly, and the bank has a future customer. So win, win, win!

Just though it was another unique way of getting leads driven to me. You are setting up a great business and two way referral relationship between you and the lender. Then can you do it with the next bank and the next and the next. If they bring the lead, they structure they credit repair and they get the customer. You get in and out of a property. (but always keep a plan B) lol

Oh and afterward she said she was going to discuss with the board of any 'alternative' refi programs that they may have! LOL love it.

Make it happen!



This is a really good way to get clients!

Dan Hilsman, who is in GA, says he does this, too.



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"


"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"


that's awesome! all great minds think alike I guess. lol Smiling

fired up about it though. a lot of possibilities out there is we just "Think a Little Differently" HaHa! Smiling

In case you haven't heard it today....I appreciate all your contributions! True asset to us all!

God Bless,

Kg and Jen

Miss K You are so fast on the draw. I was gonna say the same thing about Dan. I too first heard the idea from him, but I think Jen added more details of how it could work. Of course, ladies do talk a "little" more and that is probably why. (Lol) Great idea and Im gonna give it a go. Karen there was something else I wanted to ask you.....?? Ill remember as soon as I hit post.

Steve Smiling



We seldom get what we want, but we will always get what we expect.

Good Post Jen, keep up the

Good Post Jen, keep up the great work and the sharing.



What a brilliant idea! (I have not seen Dan's post about it, so first I hear about it)
I like it! thanks for sharing,




“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...

Good thought Jen

When you start thinking outside the box, you can up with some pretty remarkable ideas. And remember, it only takes one great idea to make you rich.


Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors

Excellent Point Bill !

Your post reminded of Rich Dad ( Robert Kiyosaki ) when he says "one idea could be worth a million dollars . "

In the market today , you better be able to think outside the box !

Randy S.
Elkton MD

Thanks guys....

Valerie: me either. Hadn't came across Dan's info yet. but I am definitely going to search him out. I'm sure he had great points as to how he handled the approach with the lenders.

Thank you Jim, Bill and Steve for kind words encouragement! You guys are awesome!

Me too

Hi Jen,

I finally found a lender who is willing to help someone with challenged credit, then I'll get them into a L/O and he'll have a borrower in the future. I went through a few lenders before I found someone willing to invest in their pipeline like this.

Thanks for sharing!


Thanks, Nadine
** Realtor/Investor in Lancaster County, PA
His Hope Enterprises LLC

Creative real estate solutions --> www.GetMeOutFromUnder.com
Traditional real estate help --> www.LancasterHomeHelp.com


When you call the banks to interview them, what process do you use?

Who do you ask for initially?

Do you introduce yourself as an investor?

What questions do you ask?

Please give an example conversation.



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"


"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

Hey Karen,I have set up a

Hey Karen,

I have set up a spreadsheet that I use to log all the information for my records/reference. I'll attach a copy when I get home tonight for you guys to utilize. It's not a script but a guide that makes sure I cover all the determining factors for ea lender. Then I can prioritize them.

My strategy is take from Joe & Stacey Jurek approach to contact lenders. (copy the successful - lol!).

In a nut shell when you call of course you get the receptionist. I make sure to have a pen in hand and write down all the names (including hers) as we speak. I have found that since most of my phone time is during lunch I get higher up the ladder (most employees will be out on their lunch breaks). I simply tell her I am needing to speak to someone in their residential and commercial loan department that can give me detailed information on refinance options. At this point she'll refer to the person to transfer me to and I again log the name. So when 'Susie' answers the phone I can call her by her name. Ex: Hello Susie, my name is Jennifer Gray and Candice gave me your name as the person that can provide detail information regarding your bank's refinance options and criteria." (They'll say y or n of course that they are the person that can help you) I tell them I am calling multiple banks that day and looking for a bank that will be a 'good fit' for my specific requirements. I then transition into my questions to include:

-LTV on PP or appraisal (LTV based on Appraisal Value Not Purchase Price, of course the higher % the better) Eye-wink

-Season requirements (looking for a NO seasoning refi)
-Close Time
-In house loan programs
-Banks aggregate
-Do they report to credit bureau
-Any other specific criteria that must be met?

I don't start with I'm an investor, but it always goes there. 9/10 times they've never been asked these questions so you earn almost instant credibility. They will inquire on what you are doing! But at this point, I am filtering banks before I work my way up to the VP or President lol. BUT have been referred to a couple very quickly as I go through the questions because sometimes 'Susie' can't answer my questions or like I said they are out of the office.

I keep a very confident tone but a relaxed conversational pace. I literally tell myself "I AM INTERVIEWING THEM" before making the call. It shifts the tone in my attitude/mindset from needing a refi lender TO Are you going to meet my needs.

I personally started calling the large banks first ONLY BECAUSE I wanted the practice before I called the smaller community banks/credit unions, etc. that I wanted to deal with. Usually the larger banks are harder to deal with, harder to get through to and quite frankly can be rude. I like a challenge, want to stretch myself and wanted the skills to handle each situation. You can also google banks in another state/town and call them first to get practice (LOL).

Hope this helps.



Thank you very much! That is a great help.



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"


"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

Bank Info Sheet

Hey guys, as indicated earlier. I am referencing the bank info sheet I use when calling. Which ends up being a duplicate of previous information. (Sorry thought I could attach a file but don't see that option) Soooo cut & paste is our friend today! Set it up in excel and lost the grid lines and format on transfer. Smiling
Anyway, I was honoring my word. Smiling Have a terrific night!












You are a jewel!


"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"


"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

Jen will you find something

Jen will you find something for Karen to do so she will stop with her welcome scheme.

LOL! Weeelllll I am

LOL! Well everyone loves a warm welcome! She's just showing the DG love! lol