For those who use bandit signs, how are they working out for you all? I am in the Cincinnati Ohio area and for some reason bandit signs don't seem to work as well as others have said they work in there part of the country.
I have tried to use hand-written signs for buyers the past few months with poor results. I have maybe gotten 15 calls from 100 signs over the past few months and frankly I am peeved.
I put the signs on poles where I *know* traffic is constantly backed up during rush hour. I usually put out 10-15 at a time. I know that number wont give me boatloads of calls, but the lack of calls received is disheartening to say the least.
Now I'm told that handwritten signs aren't the best for my city. Rather handwritten signs are great for getting buyers, and press-printed signs are best for finding sellers.
The message on my sign was: "I Pay CA$H For Houses xxx-xxxx". I use a local cell phone number to stay anonymous from the sign police in case they get froggy and want to fine me. It was a thick black marker on a white background.
So right now I'm trying the bandit signs one more time, and this time I am using printed signs that say the same message. But this time the sign colors are purple ink on yellow chloroplast background. It is pretty and ugly at the same time. I am hoping for improved results.
Anyone else dealing with the bandit sign blues?
Are you building your buyers list Joe? Let me know. I have a suggestion that may work for you.
Today is a new day.
I will not let it pass without acting in some way ...
To advance my Real Estate Investor goals and grow ...
So that I can change my life, and the lives of those I know.
In Jesus' name...
I use Badit signs before and I got 2 deals out of 25 that I put up. I spend around $165 for 100 Signs, in a Gold Corrugated Plastic with a black Bold Letters saying "SELL YOUR HOUSE TODAY" then my number. Not bad making several Thousands with only $165 investment. I was warned then by a fellow investor that bandit police in my state are very active in there campaign against Bandit Signs. I still have around 50 signs left. Just don't stop. Try another area. Blessings to all. LA.
Everytime you repeat the words "I CAN DO IT" with conviction, you cancel or override your fear and increase your confidence. By repeating this affirmation over and over, you can eventually build your courage and confidence to the point where you are unafraid. -Brian Tracy-
I was just wondering if maybe my lack of calls were due to the time of year, or are bandit signs to find sellers were becoming stale. Maybe I'm just putting up my signs in the wrong part of town. I try to focus on bread-n-butter working class areas. It could just be bad luck on my part.
As far as looking for cash buyers, my partner has a list of them already he is willing to share with me so I am good on that. I just need to have motivated sellers call me up first.
I have all I need to get deals done except the sellers. What a gag.
Just checking things out with bandit signs is all.
Another strategy is sending out post cards. Look for any vacant property, expired listings (Carol Stinson's strategy), Probates and Tax Liens. You will be amazed by the response.
Bandit signs is one great strategy but entails a lot of work putting them up, hidding from the police because in General, they say it's illegal, BUT very effective. It is called "Guerilla Marketing". I'm not familiar of Cincinnati, but you're right, try putting them in some depressed areas with lots of Board Ups. Blessings to all. LA
Everytime you repeat the words "I CAN DO IT" with conviction, you cancel or override your fear and increase your confidence. By repeating this affirmation over and over, you can eventually build your courage and confidence to the point where you are unafraid. -Brian Tracy-
Check These Out! For an Alternative and QUICK START to the Handwritten Types.
Have A Great Time Putting This KIT of 7 Great Signs to Work for YOU!
Print Them ---
Post Them Online ----
Use for Ghost Ads ---
Copy & Paste Them ---
I'm SURE that you are bound to get some replies when you plug in your info/s into these handsome signs.
Mix & Match, Post, Add Wire or Dowel Rods to Create Fast 'N' Easy Bandit Signs, Use a Permanent Marker or Paint to Write your Addresses and Phone Numbers and OFF YOU GO!..........Let them Do Some Work for You.
Keep In Mind, If you don't get results.....Try an Ordinary Cardstock Material and "Handwritten" but legible and Large Enough to see when driving Style Sign. Most Of All----HAVE FUN! Guys and Gals,
Enjoy with Great Success on Your Journeys!
By the way, do not be so hard on yourself, you put up 100 signs for buyers and got 15 response - not bad! Put out 500, 15% of that should bring you 75 responses!
Wow! What are you complaining about? Out of those 15 calls you work 3 assignment deals at $3-5000 each, thats's $9-15000 from those signs in a few months. You should be thankful instead of complaining. Typical problem of what's wrong with America. "i want more" me,me,me,me,me,me.
Before you start this business, get your personal priorities in order and then make a decision if you want to be in this business.
Easy there onthelynx. We are here to help eachother, not brow beat eachother. Just remember when you were first starting. Try remembering where you came from next time and have some compassion. Your issues are more of what's wrong with America today, not this man trying to better his life.
Today is a new day.
I will not let it pass without acting in some way ...
To advance my Real Estate Investor goals and grow ...
So that I can change my life, and the lives of those I know.
In Jesus' name...
I agree. Blessings to all. LA
Everytime you repeat the words "I CAN DO IT" with conviction, you cancel or override your fear and increase your confidence. By repeating this affirmation over and over, you can eventually build your courage and confidence to the point where you are unafraid. -Brian Tracy-
It's your attitude of assumption that is whats wrong with America. If I made three $3000 deals from those 15 calls would you think I would be here complaining about it? Think about it.
We all realize that this is a numbers game, but it's a stretch to always get 3 deals from 15 calls. Here's my call list breakdown:
4 calls from people wanting to either paint, do carpet, or contruction work for me.
3 calls were from people selling houses but were in lala land. Either wanting full retail price, or they were way overvaluing their junker house.
3 calls were deals that have to be dealt as short-sales. My partner is working on those cause he has the experience in dealing with them. He's gonna give me a cut when he makes money on the deals. One SS he is working on is one that's lasted over 8 months now and is still being worked on.
5 deals were from other investors wanting to network with me.
So you all see that there is no quick-flip leads for me just yet. But I know if I keep plugging away I'll get one. See?
Dont feel bad I'm right there with you!I'm In Deans acadamy and If one thing dosnt work re-write it try differnt phrases.And use craigs list and free papers u can advertise in.
KIMMIE IN TAHOE......."Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well preserved piece,but to skid accross the line broadside,throughly used up worn out, and leaking oil,shouting:
Kimmie in Lake Tahoe
I have tried to use hand-written signs for buyers the past few months with poor results. I have maybe gotten 15 calls from 100 signs over the past few months and frankly I am peeved.
I put the signs on poles where I *know* traffic is constantly backed up during rush hour. I usually put out 10-15 at a time. I know that number wont give me boatloads of calls, but the lack of calls received is disheartening to say the least.
Now I'm told that handwritten signs aren't the best for my city. Rather handwritten signs are great for getting buyers, and press-printed signs are best for finding sellers.
The message on my sign was: "I Pay CA$H For Houses xxx-xxxx". I use a local cell phone number to stay anonymous from the sign police in case they get froggy and want to fine me. It was a thick black marker on a white background.
So right now I'm trying the bandit signs one more time, and this time I am using printed signs that say the same message. But this time the sign colors are purple ink on yellow chloroplast background. It is pretty and ugly at the same time. I am hoping for improved results.
Anyone else dealing with the bandit sign blues?
I know what you mean. I have put out numerous signs and all of mine keep getting pulled. Even the ones I did put out I have yet to recieve a call.
Roland Ochoa
Wow, I would say your bandit sign campaign has been great so far. 15 contacts!
5 were fellow investors to network with! I made $5000 the month of May referring one investor to another and making my fee in between!
3 people called that had over priced homes. This is quite common, you just need to know how to talk to them and let them know if things don't work out to please contact you. After all you can close when they need (can you?) pay cash(can you or are your buyers ready?) and won't waste there time with a bunch of silly contingencies, remember it's not right to lock up a persons property and not produce, I don't care what the guru's say! Did you ask if they knew any one else that might need help?
3 calls were short sales. Three possible deals right there. That is a 3% return on your bandit sign numbers! Ask a marketing professional what a good return ratio is.
Then you met 4 people you could use on your team!
Wow keep it up! Pretty soon you will get one if you are ready to produce and SELL what you have to offer.
That is providing you know how to attain accurate ARVs and accurate repair estimates.(NOT using websites to determine your offer!)
GO Get em!!
Michael Mangham
MD home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site
mangham, I try to do all I can with each call I get. Sometimes the seller really is in la-la land OR they just want all cash 100% retail and are not open to terms whatsoever. Those people I usually get off the phone in under 3 minutes politely. I have my way to find out if they are motivated or not. It's more of a gut feeling along with being upfront with their intentions.
I am all open to being as creative as possible with sellers as long as they know I need to make a profit to solve their problem. But I can smell a want-to-sell call from a need-to-sell call from a mile away.
Even then, if someone needs to sell, they just want too much for their house. As for one seller who contacted me. As far I as I know they are STILL trying to sell their house for too much.
As far as determining the ARV I use my county's auditor's website and to get an estimate on what the house could be worth. Kinda tricky in this economy. But I try to go off of sold comps as much as I can.
All I can do is educate the seller on the situation with the market and explain to them that I'm not trying to beat them up on what I can offer them.
Lastly, I don't use contingencies or weasel clauses UNLESS there is a need for me to get an inspection on the foundation if I suspect something is afoot. Other than that I buy as is and I give a $10 deposit cause I have to run title and hope there isn't a $20k lien on the property.
I can talk the talk, but I need more calls to walk the walk.
Here in the area where I live in Ne Tx bandit signs must not be legal because both signs I put up got taken down from the city before any one got the chance to see them. The second time I put one up I got one call and that was from the city ordnance department asking me to call them back pertaining to me putting up my sign. So am working on something else to get around this and doing research and see if they are allowed on private property close to the street.
My opinion is you never write anyone off in this business until the property is sold or goes to auction. The rude, my house is worth what I say it is guy can and will change his tune as his situation changes. Over 50% of the contracts we get on distressed homeowners are on our 3rd or 4th follow up. Remember, when they are that far off, its not going to sell!
Good luck,
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site
the problem is that all these people that put up bandit signs or advertisements in the newspaper saying " i buy houses for cash" etc etc....all are only interested in buying houses usually %20 to %50 off what the person wants to sell their house for....BUT the reality is MOST people are NOT going to sell you their house for a major discount so other people can make a profit at their expense...i know this as i have called many of the numbers for these advertisements and bandit sign numbers and they ALL said the same thing along the lines of...."well i buy houses but only at a discount so i can turn and make a profit on them".....this is not really any different than people who buy used cars from people and then quickly flip them for a profit in the neswpaper or people than run pawn shops who will buy a $1000 t.v. from someone and only give them $300 for it and then turn around and try and sell it in the shop $800...and basically make a profit while ripping someone else off....i think most people now that are selling their houses don't waste their time bothering calling bandit signs or advertisements in the newspaper saying"i buy houses for cash"..because they simply know the person is going to want their house for next to nothing...think about this..who is going to want to lose money on their house when they go to sell it?
Perhaps this will do:
|I Buy Houses|
|Top Dollar Paid|
Maybe that'll get my phone to ring more BUT that may just get the wanna-sell people calling more often than they do now. But it's worth a shot next time I order signs. What do you all think of that message?
Yogi Berra once said, "no one ever goes to that restaurant anymore, its always so busy".
Sales is a numbers game, no matter what you are selling. A salesmans worst enemy is between his/her ears. lighten up a little and try it out
just my opinion
Peter D. MILANA P.A.
I hate to tell you but there are people that get themselves into a distressed situation that only an investor can save them from. Of course we do this to make money. I closed on a deal June 15th from a call. The guy kept waiting and hoping he would save his house but 2 weeks before the auction he called me. It was to late to list the house and get full price. He had $85,000 in equity! These things happen and I don't care why! Any way, I assigned the contract for $10,000, the owner walked away with $28,000 and my buyer had a $12,000 fix up and has it under contract, making $36,000.
Working on several more and I don't rip off anyone!
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site
Everyone is in the Business of making money. Everyone thinks their house is worth more money than it is in this market today. But as Dean said you have to listen to them as to Why the are selling their house? Then show them why it is not worth the money they think it is. Also show them that what you want to do is help them with a win, win plan. And just like someone said on this subject before if their not at the bottom of their rope now then in a month or 2 things just might change. Leave it open for them to call you back. and on bandit signs if you keep seeing the same signs up with different telepone #'s on them then they are there because they are working. no one is going to keep putting up these signs over & over again if they are not working. Calm down take a deep breath and things will get better. Lots of luck. Bertha
Thank you
What you said is so true. It is very important to listen to the seller and to treat them like a person. Yes we are in the house business, but you have to deal with people. I do what I can to build a report with the seller asap. I want them to know that I'm here to help.
When I get a call, the person asks if I'm the guy that buys houses, I usually then say "What can I do for you?". That right there lets them know I'm there to help instead of just trying to steal houses.
This is good for building trust and more importantly having someone spread the good word about you. I hear that word-of-mouth advertising is the best kind of advertising out there so I do what I can to treat people like people as much as I can.
thats true there are people that get themselves into a distressed situation...but those people are few and far between..the vast majority of people selling their houses are not going to give it away for %20 to %50 off...even you admittied yourself that it was a ditressed seller who contacted you otherwise you wouldn't have heard from the person...
theres lots of people that have tried it out and as you can see their not having a huge success with it...thats why this person posted a comment on here looking for help in regards to why his bandit signs aren't working too well...remember?
I always ask the seller if the house needs work, and if so what needs to be done? If it's just paint, carpet, and basic lawn care then odds are I will not have the leverage to get that big discount. But if they tell me things that will lead to a gut job, then I got some room to play with.
This is one of the first questions I ask to ascertain their level of motivation. I've told quite a few full-retail-sellers to go find a realtor if they aren't willing to deal on price or terms.
I think those people are just calling me up for kicks. Funny how I tell them to go "realtor" themselves instead of hearing me trying to beg them for a deal. Those are the ones I get of the phone with the quickness.
And I'll be happy to do that every single time.
that sign would entice people a little just simply saying "i buy houses for cash' is too vague...i would also set up an answering message for the people that call you so you dont have to waste time talking to people that you know are contractors or people asking too much for their house or houses that are in crap neighborhoods or areas where theres no jobs...just simply state roughly what you would be willing to pay off the asking price,the kind of houses your interested in (3 bedroom or 2 bedrrom etc),the neighborhoods your interested in etc...let them leave some details of their house plus what they want for it and the addrress...the ones that sound promising call back and the others disregard.....i think answering the phone each time gives a personal touch so i can see why you do that but at the same time i think its too time consuming for you and obviously frustrating as you get many unwanted calls from contractors...the contractors know when they see bandit signs that the houses that the person buys are usually fix r uppers so they know they will need someone to do the work for them to fix it up (unless of course you know alot about construction yourself and can do the work) be honest though i think most people that call bandit sign numbers or ones advertised in the neswpaper are desperate sellers...the other problem is is that soooo many other people are advertising the same way....for example if im selling a house for 300k and i call you and you say ill buy it for 250k what do you think the first thing is im going to do ?....obviously i will call another one of the advertisers and say a guy offered me 250k can you up that offer? and the house could be yours...and so on and so on until i get a closer asking price to what i want....basically i would start a bidding war between the advertisers with their bandit signs and ads in the paper have to be aware of this that theres plenty of competition out there and the seller can simply go elsewhere...just take a look around at all the bandit signs and and ads in the paper for people that buy houses for cash.....
Its the 90/10 rule! All the reasons it can't work. Of course the deals are few and far between. If it was easy the 90% would find them also. The 10% that put their head down and get it done will succeed in this business. They don't say it can't be done, won't work etc. Also my marketing MACHINE contacts at least
75 homeowners a WEEK to get 2 a month. We see it and hear it all!! So we are contacting 300 to get 2. Yes they are few and far between if you do 15 a month!
Oh yeah, we also pursue REOs and short sales. We are not doing auctions at this time but may go back when competition there subsides or inventory increases.
So excuses will get you no where, these strategies WORK unless you find reasons they don't!
Joeoh, How many of these houses have you closed on? You may want to change your strategy with "arrogant" top dollar type homeowners. People may work with you down the line if they like you. Follow up and ask how its going at that price? Having a lot of showings? Remember we can close when you are ready, no silly contingencies etc. Alot of times people are asking top dollar because they are in a short sale situation. Do you have a short sale team you can hand them off to? Don't throw away leads until they go to auction of sell.
Good luck guys, be part of the 10%
Michael Mangham
MD Home acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site
if your happy to keep answering the phone each time to make it more personal than thats ok if you prefer that...but it sounds to me like they waste too much of your time...but i guess its just one of the negatives that comes with putting up bandit signs and ads in the matter what you do you'll keep getting unwanted calls...its good though that you ask them about the condition of the house though as thats obvioulsy a top priority..of course a full inspection is also required by a qualified inspector before even thinking of buying the place... not just what some seller tells you on the phone...
WOW..thats a real successful rate isn't is....300 people contacted to get 2 winners..i wouldn't exactly call that doing too is it making excuses by the way?..the facts are plain and simple people arent having a huge scucess with bandit signs and adevetisements...your proof of that yourself only 2 hits out of 300 calls a month remember...oh and how long is it going to take before you run out of people calling you...sooner or later it will dry up...and as for reos...most banks %99.9 of them want as close to the asking price as possible not to mention the mass amount of competition calling the banks...banks don't give peoperty away for nothing...
"we are not doing auctions at this time but may go back when competition sibsides or inventory increases' just admitted right there that theres waaaaay too much competition and you're not making any money in that area...and as for things improving when theres more inventory...sorry...but there will just be more competition again...too many people are aware of auctions,reos,short sales sorry but you need to get a grip on reality and realise you're not the only one who knows about these things....millions of other people do too...