DG Superstar
Joined: 2008-12-10
Points: 2682

New Rochelle, NY
Title | Poster | Replies | Updated |
Ask Dean's Coaches a Question | nstreet | 374 | 8 years 30 weeks ago |
THREAD-O-QUOTES! | AngelaK | 271 | 8 years 46 weeks ago |
see what taking action can do !! | Jay Sthilaire | 19 | 9 years 48 weeks ago |
HELLO EVERYONE - FROM AN OLD FRIEND (Anitarny) | Anitarny | 20 | 10 years 1 week ago |
Creative places to post ads | rp | 79 | 10 years 9 weeks ago |
I did reply to you via PM. I never check this part of my home page.
Dear Angela,
I can see that you have some experience using this forum and are currently online. I have just spent last two days reading some posting and replying to them. How do i know if the person i am asking questions to has sent me a reply? Is this something that i would find under "my account" link, or would i have to try to remember which Forum topic area i was in "marketing" or "networking" etc. and read the last posting on the thread? Please let me know.
Hello and Welcome aboard!
You can click on 'my account' and at the top of the page click on the 'Track' tab, this will bring you to the posts that you have participated in and when you click on a specific forum title it will take you to the updated messages for that particular forum topic. If you sent someone a personal message (to do this, when you see someone's name on the left of their posting at the bottom of that section you will see in blue letters 'send PM'. Click on the blue lettering and you will be able to send that person a specific question that only they will receive) when you get a reply from that person you will see a prompt when you sign in that you have a private message. Click on the words "private message' and this will take you to your account and you can view your outgoing and incoming messages!
I know that it is difficult to remember the forums you have read and participated in, but your account will certainly help you to keep up with that. This site is fun to navigate but I do understand that it can be a little daunting at first. Good Luck in all of your RE experiences.
OOhhhhh, if you are looking for something specific (it is a bit hit and miss for me) you can go to the top of the left hand panel when you log in and in the Search / Enter box, type in a word or words and you will get the titles of forums that cover that topic. For example type in 'Bird Dog', 'short sales', 'assigning', 'whatever' and you will get a variety of older forums with priceless information that you would never get to read ordinarily. Play around, and let me know how it goes!
Regards, Angela
Thank you so much. Now that you have been the first to reply to a message that i have posted, i clearly saw the "1 new" in my TRACK tab in MY ACCOUNTS. I guess everyone else that i have contacted has just not had time to get back to me.
Sorry it took me ages to respond. Did you go to the meeting you indicated to me last month. I'm thinking of joining the Westchester REI Assosiation. http://www.gwreia.com/. Anyway, hows it going with your REI? I am slowly getting into it but no deal yet.
Lets meet someday and talk may be I'LL learn a thing or two from you I just need that confidence to go out there and kick some behind. I'm in Yonkers. Okay, happy house hunting and good luck.
Hi Guys!
Jeremy, (thebossspringsteenfan) and I (AngelaK) have been talking online and we are sending this message to everyone who joined the DG REI club (Tri State Area Investors NY,NJ,PA,CT) We want this club to actually mean something and not just be a “thing to join”
Please send me a PM, (personal message) … find my DG name on the deangraziozi.com site AngelaK and then click on (send PM) send me a message to me with your email address and in a couple of sentences, tell me your position: eg: I have down payment money, I am approved for a mortgage, I own property already , I have nothing, I have no money, I have no credit, I just bought the book, I am new to real estate investing. There is no right answer there is no wrong answer. We are all here to help each other. We are all interested in the same thing and we can all make money right now. Jeremy and I are trying to figure out everyone’s position and how we can help each other right now. Respond quickly,, we are highly motivated and we plan to accomplish! Jeremy and I are going change the world !!! We are looking for motivated people to come and take this ride with us!
(Send a PM message, It is private between you and me … I plan to make a master list of everyone’s email address and pass the completed list on to everyone else in our group.
Did you ever hear from mr.501k about his $5 million dollar lender?
Not a word,
not a posting,
not an email.
You have been a huge help and appreciate everything you have done to help me...Just want to let others know how great you are if they check out your page here...
Thanks marc, you just made my day!
Start with this thread and see how it goes for you! Let me know!
I clicked on the link in my email inbox and it brought me straight to your post - which was confusing at first.
However I am really happy to hear from you either way.
Things are going well overall.
How's everything with you these days?
I have not been online too often lately, so I feel as though I have a lot to catch up on. I have been busy but still looking for deals and working with a couple of the members,, now friends, I have met through this site.
Hi John,
HHmm, I do not know where I read your original messages to me, I thought that it was on this page ....
No matter, I replied to you on your account page and via PM,let me know how things work out for you.
I do have some contacts in your area, so keep in touch and let me know how things are going and I will help you out if I can. I do have some contacts in your area.
To put a picture on, go to "my account" on the left hand side under main section...
Then when that comes up, click on the "edit" tab right next to the "view" tab
You should see the upload picture and browse the computer for a pic...And you should be good to go
That was nice to read, very unexpcted!
You already know that, but had to tell ya anyways!!!
You had me worried for a bit. I keep "seeing" you everywhere also and started to think you might be stalking me.
I am kidding, of course. I appreciate your comments, ideas, and all sorts of input. You may not reallize it but your superstar! Thank you for you.
My journal is titled 'my new life'. It can be found at:
If you have a spare second drop me a line.
by the way thanks for stalking, I mean posting to my profile page...grin
Ps. See you at the next thread.....hahaha
Hi My name is Angel I saw your post on The Great Martini and noticed that you may have a buyer that may purchase in Ca. I live in Los Angeles and As of right now I think my neighbors across the street may be in the process of moving. They are about 90 years old and I saw some family helping them clean out the home, so I'm getting the feeling they may be too old to stay on their own. I'm thinking I could lock up the property and have you investor come check it out or I could email pictures out to them, and see if this flies.
Please let me know,
I left a message on your account page and sent you a PM just in case you did not check in on your account page, (just like I don't all the time).
Talk to the neighbors and let me know what you find out.
I just realized that the stalker comment is simply not funny at all. It was obviously a joke but I should have not joked like that.
I apologize for joking about it in the first place.
One kind of funny thing is that I indirectly called myself a stalker(not on purpose, of course). A post of mine in my profile just didn't sound right. I said "No more stalker. No worries I'll think of something better....."
You and I both know what I meant by that but imagine someone coming to my profile for the first time. I thought you would appreciate the humor in that. I did change it to make it sound better.
PS. It is confirmed!!!!! I am going to the EDGE event. See you there and you can hit me I know I probably deserve it!!!
I just went to see a property that has a brand new sign from a week ago. So apparently the deal is, the company is owned by a family, they have several properties and they are selling this one. I spoke to the niece of one of the owners and it seems she is a broker for the family. This is a 4 bd. 3 bath two story with 4-1 bedroom apartments in back, all legalthey are asking for 725,000 which I'm sure is negotiable. Since I have so so credit i asked if maybe her uncle qould carry the loan. She got an answer yesterday and said he could carry 20% and she gave me a name and number of a friend who works at gem mortgage in alhambra,ca. so this is where I'm at for now. I will go and fill out some forms on friday ands see if I qualify for an amount close to what they are asking. I am in love with this property and are praying constantly about it. My kids are excited,they think they could finally get their own room. Any thoughts? wish me luck.
Thanks for the post, don't overthink it though, no worries, I have the 'something better' for us: from here on out and forevermore we will simply be DG/RE friends!
It is THAT simple This is a place to learn, feel supported and make some contacts!
I truly admire you for getting involved all over the place on this site and being supportive and being willing to learn and share.
You post in many threads., You and I jump in to support everyone! This is why I 'talked' to you in the first place.
Hmmm, was I stalking you or were you stalking me? HA! Couldn't resist! Let's never go down that road again though!
Keep up your enthusiasm!
From your new BFF
I am still here. I do believe you have been napping or something. I also noticed that you seem to have woke up since posting to my profile. You seemed to have found the post on naysayers...lol and did you notice I added some quotes to your quote list? I did notice your newest one.....
I do admit I am behind on posting to my journal but then I am always behind with it. It has been a couple of days already. The way this year is flying by I better start Christmas shopping.
For all your encouraging words I will come back and read them often as I do so many others.
I am not giving up... we recently got some action on our Beach Front Property, we are hoping to make about 50,000 on this one.
Its a slow process though, it really is just Land they are selling cause the house is total trash/removal LOL.
We will have to see how it goes, I am hoping the Guy who wants to build 8 Condos will take it but we gotta see what happens.
Yes I will be posting my first deal every min of it LOL...
When you start posting about your deal, please put a link to it here. I would hate to miss it, there are so many people online now and such a fast turn around with the Forum Topics. You almost need partners working around the clock to keep up with everything and everyone!
I am keeping my fingers crossed for the "Guy who wants to build 8 Condos" to come through for you!
Several of us got together a couple of times last year, we are way overdue for a reunion. Thanks for your message, just might get the ball rolling again! Where are you in the city?
Hi I am from westchester too love to exchange info.
Thank you so much for taking the time to send me a message
Please send me a PM (personal message) with your contact information.
Click on "send PM" under anyone's name, in any post, in any thread, and put AngelaK in the "To" box
Thank you for the well wishes.
I wish you Great Success also!
Hey Angela
I am new to the site but hope to network and find good people. If your ever looking for more networking tools, please visit www.**** , its free and has thousands of RE investors!
I am from New York to and new on the site
i will like to learn the real estate busines from some others investrs
Long Island
New York
I am from New york as well and would love to network with you. Let me know about what you are focusing on and we can exchange Ideas and become partners. I am very interested in having success. Talk to you soon.
... I have been off the site for quite a long time, have not checked in on my account page either.
DO not take it personally if I have no responded to any messages left here or in my PM ... I am making a concerted effort to post more often and to be of as much help as I can be.
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Im new at this, just wondering how to look up the properties in my area. What it gave me was not to much. If you can help i would really appriciate it.