
All About lrababao

lrababao's picture
Baltimore, MD
About Me: 

I'm happily married and a father of 2 Girls 11 and 9. Wish me luck in REI. LA

Topics I've Participated In

Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 45 weeks ago
DON'T Be RUTHLESS and GREEDY reinvestor42317 years 51 weeks ago
THREAD-O-QUOTES! AngelaK2718 years 44 weeks ago
My 1ST Deal - Proof that ANYONE can do this!! bill971011210 years 13 weeks ago
REI Clubs waltfab810 years 18 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


new comer just looking for some advice liked your story.

Hey how u doing my name is anthony and i just got got done reading the book and i find a buyer who spends cash and i have a list of foreclosure homes. But i am kind of stuck on how to put the two togehter could u give me some advice.

Hello Anthony, I want to

lrababao's picture

Hello Anthony,

I want to apologize for not seing your message. I'm not in a habbit of checking my inbox in this website for I have not done any deals yet.

Anyway, my only advice to you is to get yourself a good Real Estate Agent. Tell him to make an offer to a foreclosure property that you think you can make some decent money. Make sure its should be 40% or higher below the FMV. You don't want to do it all by yourself because just like me, we're both newbeas and we cannot afford to make mistakes. Tell your agent how much to offer and he will take care all the paper works. Hope this will help. Please don't hesitate to email me at

Are you in Maryland?


Hey Anthony

Eugene.A's picture

That's good advise, go back to dean's book on page 114 and use the Matt's advise for finding and agent. Send this out to all and any realtors in your area to see if you find one from the very start that will be willing to work with you. Take control right from the beginning and you will make it. Stick closely to Dean's book and read all his instruction carefully.

Catching your attention....

SirJohn's picture

Good Morning,

That was nice of you to say. Up a bit earky aren't you? How are you doing with your REI? Please reply and tell me about some of the things you've been doing in REI; ....and what are you doing currently?
Happily married......I'd say you both are, look at those SMILES Smiling Eye-wink

Keep in touch!




lrababao's picture

You made me smile. I showed to my wife those smileys you posted, lol.

Thanks for asking. Until now, I have not done a deal yet but i'm near to it. I know that this can't be done overnight. I've been so patient doing the business, keep on learning everyday, reading a lot about REI (including your post), have an open mind on every ideas that anybody shares.

Lately, somebody taught me how to do probates and I'm seriously considering it and wholesale/assigning them in the process. I don't have money to buy them for me to rehab or flip since my wife is the only one working now for I lost my job 3 years ago. I've been doing a lot of studying in REI just to help her. Thanks a lot for shedding more lights to it. Great to know someone like you is so generous to share your knowledge.

Maybe you would consider investing in Baltimore/Maryland (maybe you already have).

Thanks a lot for the reply. Best of luck always in your Business


I wish you much succcess

I wish you all the success in building your dreams! I'm new to the site and have not yet took the big step!


Christopher Lee Earls's picture

I'm new to realestate and deans step by step plans sound good, but I'm having everyone around me telling me that I am going to have to have a lisence to do anything. Is that true?


lrababao's picture

You don't need a License to be in REI, although you will need it later on but it's not necessary to start up in REI with a License. An LLC will be great later when everything are already in the right order. Blessings to all. LA


lrababao's picture

Thank you. I wish you success as well. Everybody aims for it, you just need to take that "BIG Step". Blessings to all. La

Aloha & Mahalo!

JJD's picture

Hello and Welcome to the DG Community!
May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site. Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available. It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest as well as creating your own personal journal such as my example here:


Thank you for answer my

Thank you for answer my question.
ps.Adrianne Oliver

Hey another person from Maryland !

I just noticed that you are from Maryland too .

How is the Baltimore market for assignments and double closes ??
I am curious.

Thanks ,

Randy Sherman


lrababao's picture

Randy, Baltimore is great for assignments if the price is right. Thanks for asking. LA

double close

where can i find how it works


lrababao's picture

Are you asking about Double Closing and how does it work? LA

re agent

jefgee48's picture

Does anyone here know of an agent in the baltimore area that would be interested in working with a newbie?


cecil-clay's picture


I noticed you are from Maryland also...I like to keep up with DG family especially when they are in my back yard Smiling
Are you doing any deals? I find that Maryland is a hard state to get things started. I have branched out to Indiana things are really moving out here and it just seems to be easier.
It would be nice to hear how this program is working for you if you would like to share.

Looking forward to hearing from you,