Hi DG Family! My name is Amy and I'm pretty fresh at this. I hope this is the right place to put this stuff because I'm a little lost in the sea of information and wanted to let someone know, besides my coach, that I joined the Success Academy on January 12 of this year and I just bought my first house! It should close in a week, and I haven't done everything textbook, I just felt the need to get my feet wet. I'm the kind that might get ahead of myself a little bit, but I seem to learn faster that way. The lady that sold me the house said that was her first house in the investing world, has moved on to bigger and better things doesn't have a need for it anymore. I could buy the house with a credit card and rent it for double the mortgage. I did put an offer in on a fixer upper last week, was out bid and the agent tried to pressure me to go higher on my bid. I said no and found this great little house for half the price that was in great condition, no fixing at all! I've been finding people coming out of the woodwork needing help with their houses, or commercial property. This is really a people business, and I've been meeting some great people. I sure would like to connect with DG people in Tulsa area if there is anyone out there!
My Beginning in Tulsa Oklahoma
Posted on: Wed, 02/24/2010 - 12:41
What a great beginner's story!
I love it!
Thanks Angela for taking the time to read my post! And Thank you for the encouragement, I appreciate that.
FANTASTIC AMY. keep up the great work....... do you have a buyers list built or do you just plan to hold all your property for rentals ???
Hi Walt! Well, my first plan was to flip it for some quick cash, but when I realized I could make more by just renting or lease optioning it out, that is what I'm going to do with this first one. It's a great little house, nestled in a small farm town about 15-20 minutes to a major university, 3 other larger cities, and for some reason, the folks in the town rent more than they own.
I have another prospective deal that is an assignment of contract that I'm excited about, just trying to get an opportunity to sit down with the gentleman and find out what his needs are. I kinda know already, so I think its just a matter of getting together with him and drawing up the paperwork.
I'm new at this so I look at it as being in an icecream shop...don't really know what flavor I like until I try them all! As far as that little house, I think I already have someone lined up for the lease option who has been wanting to get into the house but cannot get financing, so as soon as we sign off on everything the owner is going to give me names and numbers for all her people-the maintenance guy, the yard guy, and the man that wanted to buy it!
Well, Walt, thanks for reading my post!
This looks as though this is this your journal.
Post often with what you are doing and ask for input/feedback every step of the way.
Huge mistake I made was not to do this when I joined.
When there is no accountability, no one checking in you, you can let things slide.
If you post, even on bad days someone will jump in and bolster your spirits and give you advice and support you.
You have a great start with this thread, use it, post every day - good or bad. You will see, I promise! It is the way that this site works!
I am really looking forward to your success!
Thanks Angela,
I'm not sure how it works, there seems to be so many posts to read and sometimes I sit and imagine that nobody would really stop and read my stuff. This is a great place to connect and even just write things that are on my mind, so forgive me if this turns into just me going on about thoughts that are running through my head. At times I need to just purge my brain into written words then I can organize my thoughts better.
I've been kind of wanting to just say how my beginning in this came about. I was living in sunny California about 6 months ago, in the Napa Valley, my home town, thinking I would settle there, bought a house, had a seemingly great job with the State. Figured I would just do my time and draw my retirement like my folks did from the the same place many years ago. I never thought that a State job would ever be in jeopardy, but to my dismay, the mandatory furloughs came and then they reduced the lab where I worked as a clinical lab scientist to a small blood drawing station. I lost my job, got behind on my mortgage, decided to follow my heart to Oklahoma and found a job. Wouldn't you know it, less than 6 months went by and the reason I moved to Oklahoma wound up moving back to California, without me, leaving me and my 16 year old son in a place where we knew 1 person aside from people I've met from work. So here we are, sitting in the lemonade stand with a pile of lemons...time to roll up the sleeves and start making lemonade! I saw Dean's video just when God knew I needed it..(He's got such perfect timing!) It was just the avenue I needed to change my focus, start moving in a positive direction and provide the vehicle I've been looking for. Thanks DG family for all your support! It's been great knowing I can call someone that will encourage me and not dog me for doing this. It fills much of the gaps that I have here being a little isolated from things that are close and familiar to me. I think my journey has just begun!
So glad you shared. You are having a fantastic start. Congratulations on your first deal. I look forward to your posts. Keep trying to organize myself now but looking forward to my first deal too.
You will get tons of support here!
Not everyone is going to jump into your thread in one day but trust me that this will become so much fun to go back and read through your progress in a few months.
Great story, it will be interesting to see the next stages for you and your son.
Amy, this is a story for Dean's next book, "From Lemons to Lemonale to Real Estate Investing." What a story. Then you begin to think, everyone can do this, it just takes reflection and action. You are an inspiration to me and I know you will be to many. Despite your challenges you never gave up, you stood your ground and did what was necessary. Many of us make excuses for not taking that first step. As a new member, you not only took that first step, but second and third. That is your refund in the making right there. This goes to show what a great team we have in the DG family. Congrats on a job well done. You are on your way to financial freedom and a cash home with no mortgage. Way to go. God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Thank You Angela and Sandra for the encouragement! It's another life adventure for us, and oftentimes I don't chronicle things that we experience and miss out on the enjoyment of going back and watching that progression. I don't know how long things stay on file here, but I hope I could keep a running play by play here so in the future I can look back and see the journey in retrospect.
Today I spent the day in a real estate seminar. It's a little bit of a sore spot for me because I feel now I didn't really need it, but in my newness, I had looked up the REI clubs in my local area like the coaches recommended, and so I found one, went to it, and not knowing what to expect, found myself in a sales pitch for a different real estate investing educational deal. I plopped down half of my rent money thinking, "well, if this is what it takes, I'll do it". I know it sounds a bit naive, since I just plopped down the $ for the Success Academy, but because I figured since this is the direction the coach steered me, I guess this is what I'm supposed to do. I later was literally crying to the success coaches who promptly advised me to get my money back, but by then I couldn't. So, anyways, I took two days off of work and decided that I would go with the intention of learning all I could learn, meet all I could meet and push on. It was a good day and I met some good people, heard much of what I've already learned here with the DG group, but will keep looking at it as an investment in my education that will serve me for the rest of my life. God Bless you all on your journeys!
I have read through your journal - amazing! It feels awesome when after hearing all of these success stories, you actually become one. I am so very close to being there also. I plan on joining the success academy sometime this week, but I read that you are in it and was wondering your opinion. Is it all it's cracked up to be? Does it make THAT much of a difference for the money? I really have a passion for this real estate game, just thought I would get some personal input.
Thanks, and congrats again,
I wanted to say hello & welcome you. CONGRATULATIONS on your first deal! I am enjoying reading your journal. Thanks for sharing your story and I wish you many more great deals!
SPR Propety Solutions, LLC
I am a newbie to investing and I admit I an abit scared of it.I need to get my passion back. My credit is not so good.I am thinking about contract assignments.any advice out there? Your courage inspires me. Thank you and God Bless You.
Congratulations on your first deal! I am sorry to hear that you felt you wasted money on some other seminar. When you are starting out you do not know much and you have to try to get information. You tried something that unfortunately did not work out but it was a learning experience. It was not a favorable one but you did learn something and hopefully you were able to walk away with something positive.
When reading your entries I can hear the excitement and enthusiasm. Do not dwell on that one unfortunate incident. That is in the past, now let's get moving with the future. Keep on trying your best and you will prosper.
Welcome to the DG Family. I just read your journal for the first time and I am very excited because I can tell you right now, you are the person I need to connect with to start buying properties in the Tulsa area. Both of my daughters, my son-in-law and my little grandson live down there (one in Tulsa, and the other in Owasso). I have been looking at properties down there the last year and a half, just haven't made a move yet because neither of my girls is ready to be my boots-on-the ground. I hope I am not out of line presuming, but can I call you and start something happening down there? I feel it in my spirit immediately that you are the right person to be my Tulsa connection.
Oh, and (sorry for jumping to business right away! lol), CONGRATULATIONS on your first deal!!! AND on joining the Success Academy!! I know this is going to be the start of a beautiful, "free-from-the-rat-race" life of REI for you.
God bless!!
P.S. You sound like me, just wanted to try EVERYTHING when I first started.
Make sure you keep focus on the Academy studies though. They will help you SOOOOO much in getting a running start.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
I am also new and looking to pick up my first property very soon. This looks like a good place to get that day in and day out word of encouragment when thins go a little rough. Good luck to you and I will keep watching.
Austin, Tx.
When one sets out to take Rome, TAKE ROME!
Greatness courts failure.
Hi DG Ohana! (means family in Hawaiian)
You know, I'm beginning to get addicted to this place...I find myself looking forward all day long to check and see what everyone is doing, and you all are giving me more energy to help keep me on course, thank you all! I'm not sure really if I'm supposed to answer everyone here or click on the reply button and only write to each of you, but I'm gonna just keep it all here if that's ok with you all. I'm just going to answer everyone in order to keep myself from getting confused.
Hi Amy! Neighbor by state that is. I live in Wichita, KS. And I read your journal. You've made such a great move in getting involved here with the DG family. What a great place to be and learn and network.
Your doing so great to already have bought your first house. You better give Rina a call. She can set you up pretty. She's one of Deans top students and so successful. If you don't call her I may have to move your way so she'll call me.
Your in my bookmarks to come drop bye and see how you grow.
Owen Properties, LLC
Hi Andrew!
Thanks for reading my journal. As for the success academy, I think its worth it, although I still haven't figured out how to use the resources to my best advantage yet, but I will as time goes by.I do feel nervous because at this point in my life it is quite an expense and has put some major pressure on me, but I've used that pressure to propel me forward, so that's a good thing. It's been instrumental in putting me in the mindset of "Failure is NOT an Option". As for it's worth, let me share with you my recent experience with that other educational system I happened upon. I guess you read in my journal that I had attended another real estate education seminar. Well, it was a 3 day summit and yesterday they threw out their sales pitch on the courses, the support, etc. and what it would cost for different packages. Please don't get me wrong, that system has many great qualities as well. It has some differences so that, I imagine, is what accounts for the huge difference in price. There were several different packages to choose from, the most expensive were, if purchased a la carte, would be....k, you should be sitting down for this....$82,235.00!!!!...But today's special offer price was $29,000.!!!. That was for Pkg A, Pkg B's value was $47,000.00 on sale for $14997.00, Pkg C, $29,177.00 on sale for $9977.00. If I compared, Pkg B might be comparable to what we get with Dean's Success Academy, but I feel Dean still gives us more. The one big difference that I could see is that we have access to the coaches as often and as long as we need them, if they aren't there to pick up the phone, they are great at returning calls and checking up on you. The other course had a limit to how many calls you get. They did have features that aren't offered with Dean's course, but for the amount of investment, I still feel it is money well spent. Can I tell you another story along these lines? Thanks!
Well, when I met with the lady that I bought the small house from on Monday she told me this was her very first investment house. She went on to tell me how she had continued on and has learned it on her own, and she and her husband have become successful at it and have created their own system that works very well for them. I could tell they were good, hard working folks just like most of us. I could see how accomplished she felt, and rightly so. She went on and told me that she had been doing this for nearly 10 years now, her kids almost all out of the house, and she was ready to let go of her 1st investment to someone else. She told me that she has other properties that are all within a 20 mile radius from where she lived and that if she wanted to she could retire. Then she told me that she had 10 rentals. Please don't misunderstand me, because to have ten rentals is a great accomplishment for anyone and I admire all that have achieved that, but in my mind, I couldn't help but think, "I don't want to take 10 years to get 10 rentals under my belt". Then I went on to think, it will take me 10 years to reinvent the wheel so to speak, if I try to figure it all out on my own, to figure out my own system, I could probably do it on my own, but yeah, it would probably take me 10 years to do it, and frankly, that's a bit longer than my 5 year plan I have mapped out!
So, Andrew, for me, yes it is worth it, although I haven't been systematic enough yet to put it all in order, I am working on my business I think even when I'm sleeping, but I might not be sitting down and doing the lessons as religiously as I should be. I actually crave order in my life, but right now my being is screaming DO SOMETHING!, so the slave to my inner self that I am, I am doing, and putting things in order as I go, and hoping that I don't get too far ahead of myself.
One last thing that I didn't know when I started with the Success Academy is that if you complete 5 deals within a year, you will be reimbursed your investment, which was such a great relief to me. DG Fam, please correct me if I'm wrong. The other relief that I found for myself is that I set up an S-Corp, which separates all my business from my personal assets, so that to me is another fail-safe. I can't say any of this is for you, I'm just letting you know what it is for me and how it's helped me in my journey so far.
I hope this helps you with your decision Andrew, and I look forward to getting mail from you again!
Hi Lea!
Thank you for reading my journal! Every day here I'm feeling just that much closer to finding my niche. Thank you for your encouragement! The more the merrier!
Hi Barbara,
Yay! Another newbie like me! Yeah, let me tell you, I'm still shaking in my boots, but not like I was the 1st two weeks...just ask Ryan and Erik...I literally was crying hysterically (not tears of joy, let me tell you)...It wasn't pretty. But they were patient, and let me rant and rave and wail and they supported me...thanks guys, that means a lot.
When I lost my job in California my credit went south too. I'm still working on it and it really bugs me, but I plan on using the strategy Nathan Street taught in last year's Edge 09 meeting on how to build business credit. So as soon as I get my tax corporation stuff back from the Secretary of State, then I can start opening up bank accounts in my business name here. Then I'll start building business credit. I know we can make deals without even touching our credit, I just haven't done one yet.
I'm probably not the person really to ask for advice, since I'm only a newborn in this, but I can offer lots of encouragement, and say welcome too! It's always nice to know there's another new kid in school!
Thanks for the words of encouragement! You know I figure it was an investment in my education, and that is something that nobody can take away from you, plus its still a write off, and I did learn some great lessons that gave me more appreciation for Dean, the Success Academy and the team, and what they're doing for all of us here. Happy Investing!
Hi Rina! Wow! I feel like I should be asking you for your autograph...you're one of our DG celebs!God never ceases to amaze me with His goodness...I LIVE in Owasso! How perfect is that? Rina, I would be incredibly honored to be your boots on the ground! So anytime, just let me know what you need. And thank you, for bringing the lessons back into focus for me, I will get back to them more diligently.
I feel a little inadequate, a bit nervous now to be in the company of a seasoned investor, but extremely excited knowing there is sooooo much I can learn from you! I'll will do my best to keep up. My job does get in the way sometimes, but I see that part of the rat race will be in my rear view mirror in the not so distant future. It really is a good job, as far as jobs go, and I see it as more than a just a job because I have the opportunity help people and try to be a positive influence and lead the group, but as it goes, it's still a job.
All I can say is God is good, thank you Rina, Dean, DG Ohana! Okay...someone pull me back down to earth!
Yes Stan, I've discovered this to be the place to go for a shot of encouragement and info. Great people I've been meeting here and I don't know about you, but I have a 16 year old son, has lots of stuff going on in his life with school, friends, his job, etc. and I sometimes come home to an empty house. Logging on and seeing and connecting with people here has been a Godsend and fills much of that gap for me. I can't say thanks enough to you and the rest of our DG fam.
Oh my.. you made me blush. lol
You will be a "seasoned investor" yourself in no time!
I'm sitting at the table in my bathrobe reading DG posts..(far from a celeb!) HAHAHA but thank you.
Anyway, I am SOOO looking forward to working with you. Would you mind if I connect you with my daughter, Shannon? (She and her husband just bought a house down behind the elementary school on 96th (?), a little way from Hwy 169 in Owasso). She's just 22, but is a great girl and very motivated. Her husband also is young but is already the top loan officer at Regent Financial so might be a great connection for you as well. I'm so excited!! I will be down in May, if not before, so maybe we can already have something under our belts before then!
Talk soon!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Hi Barbara!
Thank you for your encouragement, and actually taking the interest to bookmark me! wow...I am thrilled to be a part of this group, been looking for something like this, but haven't quite found it until now. Yes, you are absolutely right about Rina, k Rina, we're talking about you...=) it's almost unbelievable to me! My head is very much in the clouds, there is so much for me to learn still, but what an incredible opportunity, and I'm jumping in both feet at the same time!
So how are things in Kansas? Is that your horse or one of them? I love horses too, grew up with them around the farm, never got to be much more than a weekend pleasure rider back when I lived in Hawaii. Had a retired roping quarter horse someone had given me while we lived there, was a great pet and a good lawn mower, and enjoyed a ride a couple to a few days a week. I think it was just therapeutic for me to go out and groom him every day even if I didn't get a ride in. Gonna turn in now. Nice to meet you and I'll see you again here soon,
How exciting that you & Rina will be working together! I think it's gong to be a fun ride for you both.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
This has become an exciting Forum Topic in 4 days! It is exciting to read through.
Hi Rina,
That sounds great! I live off of 106th and just a stone's throw to the 169, and I would love to meet up with your daughter. I'm not sure how it goes, in getting my contact info to you, do I have to open a private message? I know there was something about the rules on the journal site. I'm heading out the door, going to dinner with some folks that need help with their property! Can you give me a little advice if you see anything I need to know or do? He is a man that is wanting to get rid of his property, doesn't want a lump sum, wants payments, owns it outright. I have an end buyer in place and the three of us actually are going to dinner together. I am going to ask him to carry the loan, lock it up on contract ask him to give us a couple months to clean it up and do some repairs, then see what he needs as for money up front if any. His big thing is that he doesn't want to pay another year of taxes, that's it. I'm thinking giving him back what he spent for taxes for this year already, and this dinner I am going to listen and see what his needs really are. I was just wondering though, how does capital gains work when he doesn't get the lump sum? Does he still get taxed on that income as capital gains? I did put a call into the tax group, they are going to get back to me on Thursday, and just wanted to know if I could get the info sooner. Anyways, just let me know what I need to do to get my info to you the right way. I'm in a bit of a rush, I suppose I could go through and read the rules again later and connect with you again. Thanks again Rina,
Sounds like you have a good plan in place for dinner. Yes, listen and see what he needs out of the deal. Then get the contract written up as soon as you can. Also the one with your end buyer. I like the idea of helping him out by paying the back-taxes. Once you have a contract, he won't have to worry about it anymore (and his mind will be relieved of thinking about a sale and all that goes with it). I'm not sure about the capital gains. Definitely a question for your CPA (or Tax Club).
We'll try to catch up by phone. PM me your number. I will love to hear how your meeting goes, too.
Have a great night!
P.S. I am assuming you can trust both parties to not go behind your back and cut you out as middleman, since you are going to dinner with both? It's nice to be able to trust. I'm thinking that's a common thing in your area, just like here? (But still get a contract asap.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249