All About amy.bravo
Topics I've Participated In
Title | Poster | Replies | Updated |
Jim Rockwell's REI Journal | Jim Rockwell | 44 | 10 years 27 weeks ago |
FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here | dgadmin | 2950 | 13 years 45 weeks ago |
My Beginning in Tulsa Oklahoma | amy.bravo | 73 | 14 years 41 weeks ago |
We all have a story to tell. | Longhorn Luis | 4 | 14 years 44 weeks ago |
WC- Starting Over in Real Estate for the Third time | winnicraig | 34 | 14 years 46 weeks ago |
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Sites I Visit
Buyer's list
I have been struggling with where to get buyers and today I found a piece of paper I had jotted down a few names and numbers I got off of Craigslist of people looking for homes, at least that's what I thought the numbers were. I called one and the lady on the other end happened to be a property manager and she would put ads in looking for places for her tenants. I asked her if she had people that were interested in owning their own home and she said many but she didn't have any place for them. I asked if I found things that might fit their criteria I could possibly get them into their own home. She then told me of her own situation-recently divorced, 3 small children, living in the house that she wants to live in for the long haul but because of the divorce her credit is shot. She asked me if I knew anyone that did larger loans that could carry the loan for 3 months until she can get her credit in shape. There are more details, but I was wondering anyone has any ideas that I could give her to help her in her situation. My thought was to get a hard money lender for those 3 or 4 months...any ideas?
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Seller Financing
Hi Amy, If you cauld find a seller that would do financing for a year to five years but they possible ask for 3 to 5 thousand down payment, and both parties have to agree with the terms, plus interest. Another option is lease option. You can be the middle man like Greg Murphy did.You can get information from eHow. Go to google and type in How to do Lease Option on the search engine. I hope the will help.
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Hi Amy
My name is Kimo Alo I live on the island of Oahu in Hauula I just started how is this program can you help me get started and i hope and pray we can work together and make something happen here in the Island..
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Back at it
Hi everyone, it's been some time since I've been here. Life. Anyways, I have a question that has been nagging me and I've been to afraid to face. It's been a shameful experience that I had hoped would just disappear along with the other bad choices I've made. But I need to know what I must do in order to be able to go forward.
Before moving here and joining the wonderful group of people associated with Dean's program, I walked away frown a house that I could not manage to keep. To make a long story short, It went into foreclosure and the house has since been auctioned off.
My understanding was when I lost the house to foreclosure I walked away from the financial obligation. Is that correct? I had a HELOC on the property.
Could someone set me straight?
Thanks DG fam,
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I'm a Newby
Hi Everyone, I just want to say that I've just started my journey, it's been a little bit of a rough go, had the drive to start out with a bang, but a few hang ups and have gotten overwhelmed with all the information. I'm hoping if I just keep reading and taking in a bite at a time, I will digest it and it will all come together. Anyone else out there feel like I do?