Only for the Best, Biggest & Brightest!!!

Only for the Best, Biggest & Brightest!!!

Hey DG Family,

I have finally decided to create a daily journal!

I have been following Dean for about half a year now and its time for me to make that True Decision and give this 1000% of my energy!

I have yet to close my first deal. But i am extremely confident that i will! I am in the middle of the process of tricking my mind that i have closed numerous amounts of deals and profited thousands upon thousands of $ and that i have an abundance of deals already in the works ready to be closed. Heck! Im on vacation baby! =D


1) To live a life full of abundance in all areas of life!

2) So that i may share my infinite amount of riches with my family, my friends, my community, and to the rest of the world!

3) To shine the spotlight on joy!

4) To fulfill my purpose here in the physical realm:
To experience OUTRAGEOUS JOY!!! =D

(Update will be given IF i can go deeper than that.)

My Burning Desire and Idea of Success is to Feel Ease... Bliss... Excitement... Worthwhileness... and Outrageous Joy... when creating wealth and to have A Lot of Time to Enjoy the Wealth!

Success is One Decision Away. And TODAY, November 15th, 2012, I have made that decision!

I look forward to growing with all of you and sharing this wonderful experience of life!

Thank you Dean Graziosi and to every single member in the family!!!

P.S. - My intention is to become BFF's with many of you, if not all, so please feel completely free to join in like it is our journal. This is NOT just about me, for we are all united!


I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.

Welcome to the DG family

It is always fun to see others joining and starting a journal. it will be a great resource for you in the future to remember when you started making a difference in your life. you will always have a record of it. I started mine a while back and already it helps me stay accountable with my time and i realize that i need to be doing more. Follow deans teachings about investing, he really uses techniques that really work. I am currently doing deals right now and follow the same techniques he teaches.

I love real estate and all it has to offer, it is my life long pursuit.

Great job, see you along the path


I always say Keep Moving Forward! Never Give Up On Your Dreams!

As Matt Larsen says "Feed the Need" - Edge 2013

Follow my daily investing journal and read about the deals I've done and am working on at:

Thank You / Nov. 21, 2012

Thank you for the welcome! It is very deeply appreciated!

So for the last two days, I wisely spent my time with 2-3 of my partners in another Real Estate Business called HoneyVest Real Estate. I met one partner through a 'CashFlow Club Event' in my local area. She is young like i was and i eagerly joined her team as an intern. They are well connected with RichDad education and even took their $40K program! So blessed to be partnered with them! Its so much FUN! Its been 1-2 months now since we have been getting comfortable with each other and the process, but the last 2 days, we really went at it!

1) Collected 8 Probate Leads from Courthouse last week and mailed 1 condolence card and 1 letter to the PR. (We have a '7 Touch' Probate campaign going on. )

2) Gathered 70 'motivated' craigslist ads and sent a 'Voice blast/shot' to all of them. We received many call backs. And we even took the time to call all 70 individually. Most were very motivated since i pre picked them.

3) We got an account for LandVoice which are real estate leads...which were paying for... and we plan to 'voice blast' 130 leads tomorrow morning!!!

We KNOW KNOW KNOW that there is at least 1 Deal in here ready for us to close on it!!! SUPER EXCITED!!!!

HoneyVest has yet to close a deal yet. They have been spending SO SO much time on developing the business. ITS TOO LEGIT! But now its Time to finally close on a property!

Everything is going GREAT! Exactly as it should! More importantly, Im enjoying each moment of the journey! Especially the relationships I'm building!


As for my own business... Not too much action is going on. Im more focused on developing my own relationship with myself, growing, and getting better and better in many areas of my life.
I absolutely know that the universe is going to present to me the most perfect circumstance and event to bring me my 1st deal! And in Any time the universe sees fit. Time is NO issue! I want it to come in a way that it will make me LAUGH! And in a way that is SOOO ridiculous that i will absolutely know that the Law of Attraction is so powerful and works! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Im so happy to see more and more people are getting their 1st deals done! Very Uplifting! Thank you ALL

May we Live every single day like its THANKSGIVING! =D


I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.

Sounds like you are well on your way

The journal helps in your commitment! Congratulations and best wishes!!

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.

Great Day!

I spent majority of my day following up with many sellers with the team! At the end of the day one residential seller agreed to one very discounted offer in the state of Georgia. And another residential Seller agreed to a discounted 10K offer. Were handling the paperwork now! Very exciting!!! The ride is so joyous! And I know its going to be thrilling!

Check out the teams site:

I realized and finally connected the opinion that if i help enough people get what they want, I will receive everything i want. Not 100% sure if thats the right approach to think things. But i am understanding more clearly the concept of abundance. And that my abundance does not take away from others or vice versa. Theres more than enough for everyone.

Step 1: Ask (Thats easy, you do it all the time)

Step 2: Answer the Asking (that is not our work- Source Energy does that.)

Step 3: Allow (be in the receiving mode of what you are asking for)

I have been spending majority of my thoughts and feelings in Step 3! Doing Meditation for 15 minutes a day. Reading 'Ask and it is given' by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Forming a MasterMind with close friends with a specific purpose to 'Remain in the Vortex' (Be in our natural state of allowing) and doing a TON of Personal Development!

The Journey is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!


I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.

JAN 6, 2013

Hey everyone. I am doing something i wish i have done from the very beginning! And that is do literally everything Dean says to do in his book '30 days to real estate cash'. So I'm starting over with new beliefs and a greater vision!

I live in California! If anyone lives around here and is applying the 25:1 strategy and the bandit signs... I would love to know what is working for you!

I appreciate all of you and all our like-mindedness! I am enjoying the journey tremendously!



I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.


It might be a good idea for you to fill out your profile. It will help in networking with other DG students in your area. Simple and free!!.
When you hit it big and you will, go back to your journal and re-read what made you successful in REI. Good Luck to your SUCCESS...Jan

Thanks Jan!

I took your advice! I really appreciate it! And i really appreciate all the encouragement! I love this site!


I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.

Hey Superstars! (Everyone)

Im dying to learn about your greatest secrets to success in Real Estate Investing!

Of one mine is BELIEVING! Over time, i have cleared my negative feelings from within, reconditioned myself to feel more positive, *Built new habits such as: Meditating, Goal Writing, Visualizing, and etc. One thing i have learned from this is: THE POWER OF REPETITION! It is from doing the fundamental things over and over and over again (and over again x100), that we achieve great success... in my opinion. Repetition builds belief!

What has been one of your greatest secrets to success?!?!


I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.

Nothing would be impossible...

Like the Bible (New Living Translation) says in Matthew 17:20:

"You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."

Just add FAITH! In your REI all of the possibilities!
If you'd only believe, nothing is impossible! Go move some mountains!!! Laughing out loud
You've gotta believe! It's a powerful thing.


Happy Prospering! ~Kat, Liberty Residential Investment Acquisitions
• "To every thing there is a season, & a time to every purpose..." ~Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
• "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy!" ~Dale Carnegie
• "Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise." ~Horace
• "Never, never, never give up." ~Winston Churchill
• "Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


I just experienced going to 3 real estate clubs in the last 3 days! SO MUCH FUN! The 1st one was about Goal Setting. Favorite Take-away was 'Out of sight, out of mind'. ALWAYS HAVE YOUR GOALS/chief aim IN FRONT OF YOU! 2nd one was about MIND SET! How 80% of success is done through the mind and 20% of it is skill! I agree. The 'Amazing Influencer who used to work for Tony Robbins' explained what he called the R10(squared). One R was Resolve. All are important, but this stood out the most. When we do anything we gotta be 100% committed. He told a story of a guy telling his girlfriend that he was only 99% committed to her. And emphasized how she would not like that. lol! The 3rd one was a surprise. A friend i met at the 2nd event who is also a DG'er, invited me to a Los Angeles Dean G Event. Everyone there knew about Dean! First time thats ever happened to me. The Topic was: Property Evaluation! AND HOW THIS IS A MUST FOR EVERY REAL ESTATE INVESTOR no matter what niche your in. You gotta know how to evaluate properties. They shared a short clip at the end with Dean talking about the market in California and what we can do about it! Thank you Dean!

I Met many new investors! Exchanged many business cards! Got Buyers Excited for me to send them deals! Im on track with my goal to: Do everything dean says in his book '30 days to real estate cash' within 30 days! Im having Fun! And Ive learned SO SO much within the last 3 days!
-Im so ready to review all the notes i went crazy on! Please ask if you would like me to share them with you. I have a lot of material about: Goal Setting, Mind Set, and Property Evaluation with websites to use each and every time you evaluate a property. 3 critical aspects to this business. =D

Thank you everyone! I love our community!


I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.

Great Day

Today i switched up my Goal momentarily because i really want to be the one to finder the buyer for the Mobile Park in Florida for a $50,000 Finders Fee! Today, i got a buyer to share his bank statement, but the investor I'm working with on DG has been a little busy. 4 other investors i have to Follow Up with. 5 out of 23! Pretty good huh! Their all REAL players looking for Mobile Home Parks.

I am really giving it my all on this! BIG ENERGY= BIG MONEY! and i really want this bad! I'll do whatever it takes!
I am really doing my best to let Inspiration Guide me and be the one in command. Still! I'll do whatever it takes! I manifested some great feelings today! I was feeling incredible and really putting out some BIG energy!

I know this will turn out to my favor! And if not this one, Something even greater and better is coming!
REMINDER TO MYSELF! : BREATHE. Be Confident. Let the Universe fill in the grid. And give it all you got! Whatever it takes! Want it bad! Want it bigger and greater than anyone else!

You are MINE $50,000!!! (First Deal =P)


I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.

Complete Expectation!

I realized that anything i do will be fruitless unless 1) i continuously feel good about my desire. (Do everything Dean Says in his book '30 days to real estate cash' within 7 days.) ((I started the beginning of the month)) 2) Have COMPLETE EXPECTATION/ Anticipation like its Christmas tomorrow!!! So tonight is Friday! i will be going out with my friend to put up bandits! After weeks and weeks of experience, we really feel confident on where to put them!!

But tomorrow and for the rest of the week, my intention is to FEEL COMPLETE EXPECTATION for a seller to call me with super motivation to sell asap to me! Im calling it 'The Christmas Call'! That moment when I'm feeling really good, and my phone rings! I pick it up and its a extremely motivated seller! We talk and negotiate and ITS AN AMAZING DEAL! & she's more than willing to sell fast for quick cash! Then either do an assignment or double close to one of my buyers!!!

I know this is going to work! because i feel absolutely good about it! =DDD

Thank you everyone! I'll let you know how it goes! Much love!


I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.

Checking In.

Today is the last day of my official 30 day run with '30 days to real estate cash'! What an adventure! I still have the whole day to finish up 'Doing everything Dean says in the book'.

Some highlights:
1) I had a goal to do everything Dean says in his book AND I wrote it 10 times each day for the purpose of massive focus.
2) Attended a DG monthly event and met many more DG'ers! =D (Topic was on Property Evaluation!)
3) Posted 75 bandits this month! Im getting much better and better on my effectiveness. I am getting more calls. and i learned a lot about strategic placement based from experience.
4) I met another Dg'er from another real estate club, we built a relationship, and now she's taking me to 2 different Dean Events! One on Feb 1 & Feb 2. She has extra tickets and i had no clue about them so I AM REALLY EXCITED!
5) Sent 25 offers through my agent!!!!!! (Getting better and better!)
6) Reread all of '30 days to real estate cash'.
7) Gained at least 5 new buyers.

Day by day, in every way I'm getting better and better! I love life! I love my journey! I appreciate all that is now! And I'm eager for My Tipping Point!

Thank you =D


I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.

Just keep going!

I just read all your journal and it is inspiring, and I am sure your first deal is around the corner. I am where you are, but still need to take action. I am about to order my bandit signs and just ordered my magic jack business phone.

Just keep going, it will happen really soon.

Best Wishes.


Thanks for that Doitonce

I really appreciate you taking the time to comment and inspire me even more!

Let me share a great tip i LEARNED TODAY!


Its a Online Customer Relationship Management software for managing your sales, marketing, customer support, and inventory in a single system.

OMG! THIS TOTALLY BLEW MY MIND AWAY! I recently have had a small road bump: "Which is the best way to Organize my business?" I bought a flashcard box with dividers thinking that would be the best way until i decided between Computer Vs. Hand Written.

After learning about Zoho from Dean and found out my Mom even uses it for her business. I had to check it out! And when i did! I FELL IN LOVE! Explore it! Especially all the Videos and Testimonials. My plan for Zoho is to get as comfortable as i can using it, setting it up so it matches exactly what I'm looking for (which it easily does), and HAVE FUN !!! Because:


I recently got a fortune cookie which said, "You will soon have your moment of glory." I hope this resonates with EVERY NEW & Everyone else just as much as it did with me! I taped it to my MacBook along with another fortune that says, "You will inherit a large some of money"



I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.

How to Learn the Happiness Habit

Our self-image and our habits tend to go together. Change one and you will automatically change the other. The word "habit" originally meant a garment, or clothing. We still speak of riding habits, and habiliments. This gives us an insight into the true nature of habit. OUT HABITS ARE LITERALLY GARMENTS WORN BY OUR PERSONALITIES. They are not accidental, or happenstance. We have them because 'they fit us'. They are consistent with our self-image and our entire personality pattern. When we consciously and deliberately develop new and better habits, our self-image tends to outgrow the old habits and grow into the new pattern. (Snippet from the book: Psycho-cybernetics 'A new technique for using your subconscious power' by Maxwell Maltz)


Habitually, you put on either your right shoe first or your left shoe. Habitually, you tie your shoes by either passing the right handed lace around behind the left-hand lace, or vice versa. Tomorrow morning determine which shoe you put on first and how you tie your shoes. Now, consciously decide that for the next 21 days you are going to form a new habit by putting on the other shoe first and tying your laces in a different way. Now, each morning as you decide to put on your shoes in a certain manner, let this simple act serve as a reminder to change other habitual ways of thinking, acting and feeling throughout that one day. Say to yourself as you tie your shoes,

"I am beginning the day in a new and better way." Then consciously decide that throughout the day:

1) I will be as cheerful as possible.
2) I will try to feel and act a little more friendly toward other people.
3) I am going to be a little less critical and a little more tolerant of other people, their faults, failings and mistakes. I will place the best possible interpretation upon their actions.
4) Insofar as possible, I am going to act as if success were inevitable, and i already am the sort of personality I want to be. I will practice "acting like" and "feeling like" this new personality.
5) I will not let my own opinion color facts in a pessimistic or negative way.
6) I will practice smiling at least three time during the day.
7) Regardless of what happens, I will react as calmly and as intelligently as possible.
Cool I will ignore completely and close my mind to all those pessimistic and negative "facts" which I can do nothing to change.

Simple? Yes. But each of the above habitual ways of acting, feeling, thinking does have beneficial and constructive influence on your self-image. Act them out for 21 days. "Experience" them, and see if worry, guilt, hostility have not been diminished and if confidence has not been increased.


I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.


Today was amazing! A direct source of a asset manager called my bandit sign and wants to work me! So tomorrow morning i am going to call ALL my buyers and Find out exactly what they want and need & Deliver it to them! Simple as that! I think i found my niche! BULK REO's!!!!!! Super Wholesaling! So excited!

Here's a short article about Bulk Reo's:


This is how i define my current desire:

This Real Estate opportunity seems to be terrific! But i want to wholesale a deal that makes me so incredibly happy, and everyone involved is so incredibly happy! We are thrilled, excited, eager, and filled with outrageous joy & love to do this deal! AND it may be this opportunity or it may not be this opportunity.

THATS what i want! And i know my 1st deal will come at the right time into my life. I don't know HOW, because the HOW if off my radar screen. I know the HOW will present itself at the right time, but i don't have to worry about the How.

When i NEED it, at the perfect timing The Universe will deliver! When am i ready?! When i have NO MORE DOUBT! =D



I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.

LOVED the credit rebuilder webinar!

I watched it with my dad.

Something i that really resonated with me today, "A team that learns together, stays together." I am appreciating learning with my dad! Webinar had great info too!

Still focused on BULK REO's! I appreciate what-is, and AM VERY EAGER FOR WHATS ABOUT TO MANIFEST!

'All is well, because ALL gets better"- Andrew Carnegie. This quote is really resonating with me at the moment as well.

THANK YOU DEAN! I am appreciating you for being a AMAZING MENTOR! May I never forget where i came from and humble myself completely! Dean, you truly do have what i want: 1) You are serving society on a AMAZING scale! 2) You live a totally fulfilled life! 3) & You are A BEAST in the real estate world! =D

May We ALL DREAM BIG! and realize that there are NO LIMITS in life!


AFFIRMATION FOR THE DAY: I STEP OUT MY COMFORT ZONE! this really helped when i spent a few hours calling my buyers list telling them a relationship w/ a AMAZING asset manager! who has access to Bulk REO's.

I totally just x10 my profits AND! reduced time! BULK REO's! SAME DAMN THING as wholesaling a Single Family Home, except your dealing with 2-500 properties at a time! 70% of Market Value TOO?! Jesus is Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...............!


I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.





I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.


I could tell by the way you worked on my Florida Mobile home park that you would make it. Do you realize you were the only one from this site that produced a possible buyer!!?? I would have contacted him too if I had not decided to do the deal myself!

I heard all the usual stuff, "my buyer won't produce POF", "I have a friend of a friend". Nothing but what I see as a waste of time! Your guy had potential.

Anyway, I want to make sure you do your due diligence on these bulk REO deals. Most have multiple middle men involved, the properties are the worst, in the worst locations, you can't get them under contract in order to wholesale them, on and on. Plus, if you do find a good one you need your buyer in place! Put some thought into how each of these deals would be structured.

Most of the good REO tapes are purchased by the "big boys" before ANYONE sees them. This does not mean it is not possible, the good REO tapes are just very few and very far in between. Be careful not to waste your time.

Good Luck!

Michael Mangham
Mentoring/Team Building Nationwide
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site

WOW. THANK YOU Michael and Deborah!

You know, i must thank you for that opportunity!! x 1BILLION! Because of it, i learned about! & added a solid 5 players to my Buyers List. 1 one of them is my 1st buyer for this Bulk Reo deal! HAHAHAHA!!! So i must absolutely thank you from the bottom of my heart for that opportunity!

Heres a breakdown of whats going on, thats got me super excited & eager!:

1) A Very Nice & Genuine lady called my bandit sign, I told her I'm connected to a massive group of investor-cash buyers.
2) She told me she's connected with a really 'HIGH UP' asset manager who works for BOA & Wellsfargo.
3) I simply organized my Contacts/leads with the! and let my buyers know I have connections to Bulk REO's!
4) Right now were in the middle of reviewing, signing, transferring docs: an LOI, Master fee, NCND, POF, a Buyers Profile for 1 of my buyers who jumped in eagerly!
5) Tomorrow morning IM GOING HARD! Get everything settled with my 1st buyer, then Im going to FOLLOW UP with all my other buyers to present them this opportunity!

My burning desire: is to FEEL EASE, EXCITEMENT, WORTHWHILENESS, OUTRAGEOUS JOY & BLISS when creating WEALTH! & to have A LOT of TIME to ENJOY the WEALTH!
Day by day, i see myself realizing my desire!

Regardless if this opportunity is 'THE ONE' or not, i am 100% completely enjoying the Journey!

Why i like Bulk REO's? You help an investor invest his money on great deals! They call it 'brokering', where you get 1% out of the investors purchase price. My 1st buyer wants to invest $8Million! Lets say the Asset Manager only presents him 5Million worth. 1% of 5Mil=$50K! on ONE TRANSACTION! SOOOO Looking forward to calling my other investors tomorrow morning!


I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.


You have such a great attitude! I can just read your excitement and your smile in all of your writing.

Keep at it and it will come. You are a go getter! That is what it takes.

Wishing you the best!



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"


Your words of kindness truly makes my heart sing! Congrats on all your success!!!!!


I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.

Interested in Bulk REO's/ Bigger Profits?!

I am still new myself to this amazing Niche! And I have already fell in love!

Here are 8 Articles & 1 Video about The Why & How to profit with Bulk REO's by Kenny Rushings:



I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.



After 2-4 Months of putting "We Buy Houses, Any Condition/Situation", I realized how i do not like picking up seller calls. HAHAHA!!!

Tonight our signs say, "Bank Owned Homes, 45-75% Market Value, *Phone #"!!! Now I'm attracting BUYERS! which is one of the best things i can do right now! Especially with my new and great relationship with a direct source to a asset manager.

My Goal for 2013: Build a massive and robust investor buyers list! 100 Real Players, which breaks down to 8.3 a month, or 2 a week!!!



I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.


Just found your journal....

If I could give you some advice....

Get started....

Don't Quit....

You will get there!


... Verses: 35 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 ...


Get Started & Don't Quit! I Will Get there!


I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.

Checking In.

1) Gained a New Affirmation: "I Desire & Have Divine Relationships!"

2) Gained MUCH MORE clarity & confidence in the Bulk REO biz. *whew

I so ready for tomorrow! I am going to call all my buyers and share with them this amazing Bulk REO opportunity!

May we all Be in Peace with ourselves and Be filled with happiness!

Great things are unfolding! SMILE! =D


I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.




I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.

What a day!

I have at least 5 solid buyers in the pipeline. One is working with a Hedge Fund here in CA. A $50 Million Dollar Deal! BUYERS ARE HUNGRY! =D


I spoke to Kenny Rushing on the phone today! LMAO! I sent him 20 different packages that are in CA. HAHAHA!
Learn more about why Kenny believes Bulk REO is a HOT HOT HOTTT NICHE HERE!:

Also read half of this book all of last night 'Karmic Management'. I give it 10/10 so far!



I Exist. I Am That I Am. I Know That I Know.