I don't remember the exact, moment, or specific at which I gave up on myself, but, it's happened. Through the stress and depression and what appears to always be, an endless stream of bills, bills, and more bills that constantly seem to flood in out of nowhere, I just can't seem to get my groove, or my mojo, back to become FREE of all of this headache. Seems like every time things start to look up for us(my family and I), someone yanks the rug from under our feet and down we go. Just have to figure out how to get things back together for myself, so that I can make a better life for my family and loved ones. Yes, I know I'm pretty much drowning in my own sorrows, right now, but it's just how I've been feeling this year, like I'm drowning in debts that I can never get out of in my current situation.
Bryant Slade
But so are you. With 3 yrs invested in RE it would be a shame to quit just before it started to pay off. I don't think it's a coincident that reinvestor42's thread titled 96% Drop Out Rate is right next to yours. Read it.
I don't know what your situation is or what kind of problems you're having, but I do know you're not alone. Everybody has problems of some kind. I have problems. Times are tough. But I chose this path. I'm hitching my wagon to real estate, and come hell or high water, I'm sticking with it until I succeed. I ain't quittin.'
If not real estate, then what??
Bryant, I really wish you well and am praying that things turn around for you and your family. God Bless!
Sandi C.
Those who kill time murder opportunity.
"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers." III John 2
"To get up each morning with the Resolve To Be Happy is to set our own conditions to the events of the day. To do this is to condition circumstances instead of being conditioned by them." Ralph Waldo Emerson
I understand how your feeling. I joined the Success Academy last July 7th and have yet to get my first deal done. I have all of the materials, coaching and books, but haven't fully taken action. When I first joined, I was excited, told everybody a great game how I was going to become a Millionaire and leave my job. It's the first day of April, not one deal done yet. It's not easy when people ask have you done your first deal yet and I say no. It's not easy when the ones you love and the people you want to help begin to turn on your dreams. They talk negative about you. It's not easy when you have a deal so close and it fall through. Bills pile up, dreams seem they will never be achieved. Bryant your not alone. I thank God for this site. We have a great group of people here who will encourage you and help you get your Mojo back.
Today we start a new month, a new season, a new beginning, another chance. You can get back on track and begin again. My mentor once told me, "Just take it one step at a time and you'll get there."
I wish the best and encourage you to fight the good fight. Press on. I leave you with some quotes of a few wise men.
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."
Henry Ford
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
Thomas A. Edison
"The best is yet to come."
"Never let someones opinion become your reality"
After troubled waters, be assure that calmed waters will come your way. There is always hope, and dont lose you faith. Dont let people be negative to you or your family and if they do, keep on with your life next to your loved ones. They are more valuable. You've been trying hard working on real estate investment, and believe me you will find that first deal. Dont give up and show everyone you can do this. I look forward to hearing back from you and stay strong. Tomas.
Tom and Jeri
Hello Bryant,
I am sorry you are going through some hardships right now. We all have our share of that, and so we can all identify somehow with what you are experiencing and the "Self Doubt" that goes with it. Don't be too hard on yourself, you just are going through some real tough times and so it is a GOOD step that you have posted here and started a thread, because just based on how this DG family responds, you will see that we all have faith in this RE investing that we are all doing together. You are in good company!
The self doubt also comes to me a lot, that's why I try and learn as much as I can so that I can succeed at this - what I do when "my going gets tough", I read posts by those who succeeded at this, I watch Dean's videos, and then I get myself re-inspired and just get at it. I think that in life, we have tasks that we need to do anyway, whether we like it or not, whether we feel good about it or not, and like what Dean said in his Video Blog this week, "do it with a headache".
You have invested 3 Years in the learning part of this - just keep on keeping on and TRY to re-inspire yourself so that you can expect "abundance".
Below are links that I share with others (it's also in my Journal - that keeps me inspired). I believe that we have to find that inner strength, we have to NOT give up on ourselves, we have to believe that if we put our mind to it, and back it up with action, and prepare ourselves and equip ourselves with knowledge, if we surround ourselves with those who think "possibilities" instead of those who think "limitations", then we can survive this and with the right mindset, also enjoy the journey.
I will pray for you and your family. May God bless you with peace, clarity of mind, and the wisdom to know what to do next.
You WILL get through this!
For Motivation:
Scarcity vs. Abundance Part One by Dean
Scarcity vs. Abundance Part Two by Dean
Timeline of Events by Matt
"Can't Be Denied" post by Matt
Sounds like you have some great experience with your 3 years in REI. With your experience and my enthusiam we should talk. Im brand new and am just finishing Deans book, "Profit from real estate right now". Im getting started and ready to take action. Ive had some positive REI results in the past, but been burned in real estate before also. I liked Josh's quote above by Henry Ford " Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently"
I dont know your situation and Im new to the DG family, but I get the feeling this is a great support group and I think we could help each other out. If you want, send me a message and lets talk about the possibilities and opportunities that might come from your realization that this may be the time where things can only go up from here!
A dream doesn’t happen in a day, but it does happen daily, and what you
do daily will determine what you are permanently – Pat Mesiti
I've just spent the past few days, now running ghost ads, trying to get my buyers list built up. I'll be honest and say this...kind of hard to get that fire built back up to the crescendo which it started out as in the very beginning, but, I can still feel it within me, because it eats away at me daily(lol). The more I see of these new investors succeeding, the more stoked I start to become, again. It's so, true about what Dean has said from the very beginning, as well,...Negative People(family as well as friends), can/will bring you down, if, you continue to thrive in such an environment. Now, I'm picking myself up by my bootstraps and getting back into the race.
Bryant Slade
Hi Bryant:
Glad to see you're still with us
Here's an idea if your ghost ads aren't working: Use an RE agent to pull you a list of cash solds from the mls for the past 90- 120 days. Do some research on the owners to see which are investors and contact them directly. This is a proven system which directly leads you to buyers instead of posting something and hoping someone finds it.
Hope this helps...
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC member
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
You need to get some Bandit signs out there, and get the phone ringing and talk to some people about there real estate problems, and help them solve there problems, it well help you solve your problems, ACTION is whats needed here,,,,JUST DO IT.....................
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
...Just do It"
www.WeFlipDesMoines.com http://facebook.com/desmoinesinvestmentproperties
Yes, bandit signs are the next step, in the process of things.
Bryant Slade
sounds like you are falling into the death spiral they speak of in the video
I feel your pain and I would not quit. Words of advise, Marketing!! Need to let others know what you are doing!!
DONT GIVE UP !!! as said above by many.... This is where you turn the tables on the past. Think about all you have learned , think about how grateful you r to be surrounded by your loving family and like minded friends right here On Dg!!
As dean teaches..... Only look to the future .... Of you DIGGING DEEP once again and using the knowledge u have gained thus far. Some would give anything to have the experience n knowledge you have in your head from the last 3 yrs. take advantage of EVERY opportunity that you can to propell yourself forward in real estate. Heck the offer above could be be a partnership that triggers the genius inside of BOTH OF YOU !!
Look forward and begin to build transformation STAMINA That dean breathes !!!!
Click Here For homepage www.jaysthilaire.com
need to sell ? http://www.jayhousebuyers.com
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CHECK OUT MY JOURNAL http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/20063/...
The ups and downs of getting to the top to me is knowing one day if I stay persistant ask for help I will get there. The day you quit maybe have been the day things turned around for you. Hang in there your time will come.
Hey Bryant ,
I may be wrong , but if I read the last post right you have been doing this 3 yrs and havent put out BANDIT SIGNS yet? This could be the problem, if you havent done that yet, then NO wonder nothing is happening. I just got a call last night off of 1 sign, she has 2 houses she wants to sell. That never wold have happened without the Bandit signs.
I wish you the best, but make sure you are doing every single thing you can to make this work.
Good Luck
Curtis Fillers
I may be wrong , but if I read the last post right you have been doing this 3 yrs and havent put out BANDIT SIGNS yet? This could be the problem, if you havent done that yet, then NO wonder nothing is happening. I just got a call last night off of 1 sign, she has 2 houses she wants to sell. That never wold have happened without the Bandit signs.
I wish you the best, but make sure you are doing every single thing you can to make this work.
Good Luck
Curtis Fillers
Bryant Slade
I wholeheartedly agree with all these great DGers! I too have yet to do my first deal......I refuse to give up! Even though it's very frustrating most of the time. As Josh says, you get real close to a deal and BAM! the door shuts! Oh well, on to the next.
Keep on plugging away man, you will, I mean, WE will get there!
"...be; not greedy for money....but eager to serve"
1 Peter 5:2
Hey Bryant,
don't be so hard on yourself brother...I've been in and out of DG for three years and I have been procrastinating. But I will tell you that if you keep reviewing your resources and tools you will start realizing that NOW is the time to make it happen...there really is nothing out there besides real estate or a healthy inheritance that's going to change your life. I am kicking myself because I had the opportunity to get in on this years ago and did nothing... The only person you will be letting down is yourself...take charge of your destiny and believe me the rest will fall into place.. Mindset is everything...if you think you can't do it than guess what....you cCAN'T...believe in yourself And don't let those nay Sayers getcha...because they are out there..battled a ton of em the last three years or so. good luck and god bless!
"they can because they think they can"
Hi Bryant there are no failures in life only quitters and your not either one.Go back to the post" Jail Time!!!!!! " 8-10-2011 and reread your answer to this post.If everything in life was easy all of mankind would be winners but thats not the case.We appreciate life and our accomplishments when we have to work for them and thats true for Realestate Investing we wont let you walk away and get back with me Ill get you pump you up.Keep your eye on the prize think about today ansd not yesterday.Each day we get a new chance to be better than the last and trhink about what you want here in this investing and get out and do things each day and talk to people and network,your a true winner and winners keep moving forward, as I say one "never gets old only better each day if we give life our very best", Jim
Your encouragement and upbeat attitudes are like fuel. I can really feel the old me beginning to awaken once again. Proof of this, is the fact that I've been coming back to this site everyday, now for the past several days, and reading the posts and watching some videos. It's been a long time since I've actually taken the time to do such, real estate related things. In the past, I did things backwards(locked up properties), and had to scramble to try to find buyers, but, in the end had to walk away from those properties empty handed and frustrated. I had no problem getting a property locked up under contract, but, by me doing things the wrong way around, it proved to be a time wasted effort, so now, I do things the correct way(Buyers/properties/$$$).
Bryant Slade
Hi Bryant,
I understand and feel what you are going through. I also am surrounded by family and friends who are negative and just constantly tell me to give up. I just found out that my investor or partner has backed out of our opportunity to deal together. I have all of the confidence that I could do this to get my family a better quality of life and it just crumbled down. I went into to Dean's program with zero in my account because I invested it in a better future. I was counting on this investor to be my hardmoney lender. I offered him 18% percent back on his interest plus a portion of the profit made. I had the best deals lined up and boom down it came. Bryant getting up is the hardest once your up you will move forward! I am a cancer surviver for the second time and I am just looking to get started and be able to stop and smell the roses as they say have a better quality of life and spend time with my family. I SAY GET BACK ON THAT SADDLE AND LETS GET A RIDDING! With that said if anyone knows of a good hardmoney lender please HELP! Myself and my family would be most gratefull.
God Bless!
"The Most Significant Change in a Person's Life is a Change in Attitude.
Right Attitudes Produce Right Actions"
William J. Johnson
"Thoughts create words, Words create actions, Actions creates dreams"
Watch the video at the link I posted above.
Sometimes you just need to take a break and re-think your direction in your life. Perhaps some time-off from the daily ins and outs of investing will give you a fresh perspective.
Maybe you will find that REI is not for you. Maybe your destiny is to do something else. It is not a crime to decide that REI is not your calling. But if you decide that it is; come back refreshed and ready to work your a$$ off to get where you want to be because, at a minimum, REI does require a time commitment.
Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors
After reading your initial post it seems to me that you are linking your debts to your real estate investing success. Those are two separate issues, mentally separate the debts from the real estate. They are not from the same sources, they are not related (they shouldn't be if you're running re like a business anyways) and they're not conducive together for your progress as you have seen. Keep that in mind and everything should start coming around for you.
Not to mention the tons of advice already given by everybody here.
Fight the good fight!
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
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REI, is the path that I choose 3 years ago, for my family and myself. I'm not quitting, never thought about quitting and don't intend to quit. I made such a statement to my family long ago and intend to stick with it. I believe that I've taken a long enough break, that now, it's time to get back to business and eventually, FREEDOM. at goes; "Time is Money"! Well, if the Time is used right, then that Time, becomes FREEDOM and that's what my sights have been set on and continue to look towards.
Debts and other bills, I've always kept them away from REI. I've always had the mindset that once the money started to flow in, that I was going to set up my LLC and use that for future real estate business, but never personal business. I will always maintain a separate personal account, for my personal use and my LLC for all business use. If I made it sound like I was incorporating the two things together as to my failure, thus far, I didn't mean for it to sound as such, it's just that when one is coming out of a depressed state of mind, that one usually isn't very clear headed about things.
Bryant Slade
either you do it or you don't
No amount of advice from anyone on here can make you or convince you to work harder than you want or need to.
I want everyone on here to be successful, and not everyone is going to get what they expect or what they feel they deserve, but if you can look yourself in the mirror and say
"I did the best I could"
Sit down, write down your goals and how your strategies fit into what Dean and others on here do and then start.
Work smart, not hard.
Quitter Never Win and Winner Never Quit!
Are you a quitter or winner? Your choice!
... Verses: 35 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 ...
Just read through from 4/1 thru today. Congrats on picking it back up! We can feel the renewed energy and determination!!! Way to go!!!
Next blog: Deal in the works!
) Btw, ignore the naysayers, they don't realize their ignorance.
We've all gone thru the downs, and been there to pull each other back up. We're all proud of you!
Best wishes,
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
1. Study REI, just dont read it -- pick one (1) niche , wholesale,assignments, mobile homes, fix flip, etc and learn ALL about it
2. Goals -- set them for 6months, 1 yr , 2yr and 5yr
3. Set a plan to reach goals
5. Learn Values in your area
Join REI clubs and attend all meetings, go to Foreclosure auctions and get buyers
Get your Power Team assembled
Network network network
Only YOU can change your situation in life
Click my username and then click 'track'...Bookmark topics of interest
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools
2. Goals -- set them for 6months, 1 yr , 2yr and 5yr
3. Set a plan to reach goals
5. Learn Values in your area
Join REI clubs and attend all meetings, go to Foreclosure auctions and get buyers
Get your Power Team assembled
Network network network
Only YOU can change your situation in life
Click my username and then click 'track'...Bookmark topics of interest
Yes Mike, I determined long ago, that wholesaling was my niche. I started off trying some of everything, just so I could find what was right for me and it turned out to be wholesaling, so, that's where I'm picking back up at. Also, this time(unlike the other), I'm making out my list of Progressive Goals to aim for. One goal at a time until they're all checked off and have begun to network with other, like-minded individuals. Rina! How have you been? Very good to have your input and encouragement. I remember when I first joined the DG family and read about your success story in Deans PFRRN, book, that you were, to me, my Superstar, and still I admire you. Thanks Everyone!
Bryant Slade
Where does "Quit while you're ahead" fit into all of this? LOL
Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors