Hey everyone, and if you're reading this, well thanks!
I'm Kristen 30 years, I live in Salt Lake City UT, for the last 3 years, by way of NJ, recently divorced and no children, ready to make some changes in my life. I currently work as a Full Time Police Dispatcher for a local police agency, challenging, fun, and stressful ALL at the same time. I work the graveyard shift and i am at work RIGHT now. (clearly not "working") lol.
There are so many rumors out there, Social Security will be gone when it's time for me to retire, previously was married to the military, which is what landed me in UT and in the back of my mind relied on that as my "safety net" when i thought of my later years. Then comes the screeching hault!!! Time to regroup and make some changes and STOP living paycheck to paycheck just getting by....
....fast forward to Monday March 5th 2012, i saw this cutie on TV telling me i could make money in real estate, ME? do you KNOW me?? I listened and just kept on watching, turns out Dean was having a seminar not far from my house, I debated and debated, and thought NAH, i'll just grab a book to read and take it sloooow. I first ordered Be A Real Estate Millionaire, but while i was waiting for that to be shipped I could hardly stand the wait,so i ordered Profit From Real Estate right now on my Kindle. Now waiting on 30 Days to Real Estate cash to come in the mail....going sloooow means alot of FAST reading, and I can't get enough!
I wanna get the ball rolling, so I have, i think. LOTS of wheels spinning in my head for sure...so here is where i hold my self accountable
Progress so far
~Spoke with G, a lovely lady i work part time with who is a full time realtor, she is familiar with investors and offered help with anything i need! Helllloo MLS♥
~Contacted a listing on CL looking for a bird dog, submitted two properties, spoke with Chris he's not looking for REO's like i submitted BUT offered to mentor and help me make these deals happen and show me the ropes. (I feel like he offered me a golden ticket from a delicious Wonka Bar) I dont even want the chocolate( doing low carb these days!!!) HA!
~Researched owners for above REO's, and got contact info. YES!
~Searched for local investor websites to see whats out there,being nosey ya know? hit the jackpot! several buyers left testimonials for the investor complete with first and last names and their town. BOOM! Googled them, got some addresses and wrote an Investor Letter to be mailed once I got some business cards to put with it
~Ordered business cards
~Posted a Ghost Ad last night on CL to attract some buyers, no bites yet. Will post again today( yeah, i am THAT stubborn) and will continue to be until I get a bite. RAWR.
~Signed up for my local REI meetings last week, meeting the last Tuesday of every month, hoping to pick up some great leads and do some networking, and heck...just to get out of the house!
My biggest concern and focus is building that buyers list, it just makes sense first of all, Dean and so many of you on DG preach it. What good is a good deal if you have no one to shop it too??
Kinda common sense. OK for those of you that have read this far, thank you for not poking your own eyes out in boredom. HA. Back to the Forums for me for a bit and reading some Millionaire
way to go!
keep moving forward everyday and things will come together
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools
Excited to have one buyer added to my list! All these hours scouring the internet have paid off, and all it took was a simple email. I'm happy to have a criteria to begin really looking. I am SO nervous to think about making an offer on a property MOST scared about estimating the amount of repairs needed for a property. I can't physically imagining myself actually "doing" it.Sigh. I can do this!! and i'm sure it will get better just after the first time, the nerves will drift.....
Researched some bandit sign prices, will be ordering soon. I'd like to get atleast 5 buyers on the list to have a bit of variety and ability to shop deals around. I have 4 letters to send to potential buyers, still waiting on my business cards to come in, letter are printed and ready to go once they do.
Worked a little bit on my website, kinda sad and lonely and not much content right now, but i'll work on that. I've got my sales pitch on there, and a contact section for people wanting to buy and sell. This week I think i'll get a voicemail set up for people calling, the biggest thing i'm concerned about is living here with an area code from another state. I'm afraid that might turn several people away, have been putting my city and state on all correspondence to help convey that I am local.
Another goal this week is to get some contracts printed up to have on hand, not sure if i will use ones from the DG site, or find others, this part stresses me out a bit I want to know my way around the contact so if someone were to have a question I could explain without tripping over my words. I feel like i need to have all these things lined up before I even think about making in offer. I just want to be prepared. I often wonder am I moving fast enough or too slow? I just need to breathe and think this isnt a race, learn what i can and do what I can, when I can. I will get there.
Another thing that confuses me is contacting ads for possible buyers, how can I tell if they are actual cash buyers or another wholesaler? I'll have to read more about this to see if I can make some more sense of it. Poking around the web i see alot of SUCCESSFUL REI in this area, also leads me to wonder, can an area be to "saturated" with investors leaving deals limited?? or is there plenty to go around, and i'm just not getting that concept?? Hmm.
I'm sure there is plenty, some easy and some not so easy to find.
OK, so i'm going to put this out there in black and white.
**First REI goal, To have my FIRST Assignment completed by May 18th** YIKES!
Great going Kristen! Just keep on keeping on!
Good luck and stay inspired!
Sounds like you are moving along. Best Wishes!
www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
I feel like I've got so much to do, but when I look back at when I started my journey, I'm pretty amazed at how far I've come!! I am THIS close to getting out there to find some properties, I feel comfortable with this now that I have some buyers to shop them too, two things that I didnt do last week, that i WILL do this week...
Set Up Voicemail
Order Bandit signs
Last few days i've been so tired, every once in awhile my body hates me, still managed to make some small progress.
Got my copy of 30 Days Til Real Estate Case started reading
Business Cards in the mail, sent them out with 3 potential cash buyer letters
Added one other buyer to the list
Posted ghost ad in newspaper, added 1 buyer
The more I read Dean's books, the more I kick myself, nothing will just magically land in my lap, i need to go for it. I am enjoying 30 Days to Real Estate Cash very much, and love how it's mainly focused on wholesalers.
Tested for a new job this week with the company I work for, less pay BUT normal work hours, regular Monday-Friday 9 to 5 type deal. I'm crossing my fingers, less pay will be a great trade off for a normal life, graveyard shift is taxing, I don't want to get my hopes up, but I want to think that i'm a shoe in at the same time. My biggest motivation for this is better sleep and more of an opportunity to focus on real estate!!
Goal still in sight. FIRST Deal Completed by May 18th!!!!
I'm hoping, hoping I can make it to my first meeting tomorrow, i've got my business cards and my little commercial and I am ready to go!!! Only tricky part is I have a training at work until 6 possibly a few later, the meeting is at 6:30 in another town, probably a 15 minute drive... hoping I have enough time to make is and certainly don't want to be late! I'm most interested in this meeting because the fees are pretty affordable, $5 at the door.
Really hoping to network with some local REI, wholesalers specifically and do some brain picking on what they have experienced here in Utah, good and bad and start a possible partnering connection.
This week
Read some more of 30 Days To Real Estate Case
Bought some bandit signs and stakes
Will be setting up voicemail in a bit
Updated website added some more content
Got an email from a buyer responding to a letter i sent, added him to the list.
Left some business cards at the Habitat For Humanity Home store community board
This Weeks To Do
Set up voicemail
Make and put out bandit signs
Work up a flyer with number for recorded info
***Goal, First Assignment by May 18th!***
Last week went to my REIA meeting, very educational, even if it's something in my career I don't see myself getting involved in, still great to learn. This last weeks topic was Quiet Titles, saw it mentioned in the news the last few weeks actually, so good to get some info on the situation. I am super bummed that I couldn't stay after to network I had to leave for my regular work shift at night, and the discussion ran over due to some tricky and uncooperative power point slides. On my way out of the room I stopped and traded cards with a woman I know is a cash buyer, since she was there promoting a property for sale she had recently flipped.
I finally purchased some bandit signs and stakes last week, unfortunatetly the signs are white,but plan on taking a can of yellow spray paint to them and getting them out there.
I'm so WORRIED, beings that i work graveyards I'm afraid i'm going to get a lot of calls during the week days I can't answer because i'm sleeping, finding time to be available is a bit tricky while managing sleep. With that in mind i'm praying I get a job offer after my interview Tuesday with the company I work with, will be the regular days, 9-5 type deal, hopefully giving me more time evenings and on weekends to work my real estate.
I need to light the fire under my behind, my goal of May 18th first deal is quickly approaching, just when i think i have everything lined up, i panic and analyze. STOP IT ALREADY STUBBORN GIRL!
This weeks TO DO
-Setting up voicemail at the end of this post..lol
-Putting a yellow letter in the mail for possible seller on a location found here in Utah, house is vacant, owner lives in CA! very optimistic on this one
-Tomorrow call with Scott, the president of the local REIA meeting from last week, possibly has some information on Contract Assignment friendly Title Co's
-"painting" and working on bandit signs
-Go through a list of expired MLS listings hopefully will get emailed this week by my agent, so looking forward to this
Wow you're off to a great start! Way to take action! That's what gets you results. I work for a police dept too and have dispatcher experienceas well. Cool how we can relate! Keep it up!
Bless and be blessed!
Check out my websites! Want to make $100+/hr? Need a free will? Unlimited Legal advice/representation or ID theft protection and restoration? Go to:
You are defenetly an ACTION TAKER! and you seem to have great motivation! keep going you will succeed.
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."
"Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still"
You are defenetly an ACTION TAKER! and you seem to have great motivation! keep going you will succeed.
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."
"Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still"
Kristen I am fairly new to REI, but your attitude is inspiring; you seem to organize your thoughts into commitments. I can see the great advantage to have a clear view of your actions by putting them in writing. Please, keep it up. Cheers, Victor.
I don't know if this might help you. You can set up a google voice phone number (it's free!) on google, If you don't have a gmail account you just have to create one. There are some pretty cool features:
1) You get an actual phone number with a local (to you) area code
2) It can be forwarded to your cell number
3) it will record the voice mail & transcribe it for you into an email you can access on gmail just in case you can't answer the phone at that time.
I use it for my business and it works really well, hope this helps.
Jean Maestre
The Maestre Property Group, LLC
"Our deepest fear is NOT that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"
"Do or do not, there is no try"
"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache, carries with it the seeds of an equal or greater benefit"
You will be VERY good at this! Don't lose that enthusiasm and keep at it no matter what obstacle you hit! Keep at it and don't ever let 'GIVE UP' enter your vocabulary. If you haven't done it yet, definitely do the seven levels deep exercise. Simple but so revealing. http://www.deangraziosi.com/emd/videm/7levels
And, of course, one of Dean's BEST books is Totally Fulfilled; often overlooked because it doesn't seem to be related to real estate, but has everything to do with your mindset and future success!
Happy reading!
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!!!
You have what it takes girl! Just learn, learn, learn and commit and take action! You're already off to a great start!
Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.
You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. Ruth Smeltzer
It is what it is 'til you change it.
I think i'm obsessed with real estate. I'm not typically a sponge type person, I like to get a glimpse of something, learn and move on, and in this case I CANNOT get enough. I actually ENJOY it!! Lately I've been re reading some of Dean's books and particular sections I have questions on. I decided to RE-READ the 30 Days to Real Estate cash and actually follow the bluepring. Some of the things I have done, maybe not in the order, but they are done and it feels good to feel accomplished, i'm THAT much closer to my first deal.
I have been a little lazy last week, had a hectic work schedule and worked alot of overtime, did not do much as far as marketing, but I did research about 40 properties on the MLS that have been listed forever. 5 of those I wrote yellow letters to, sent out on Sunday. I have more to go and will send them out too. BAD BAD though, i've been slacking with my bandit signs and voicemail, I have the account for it, but have not set it up. I'm stressing about what to say, I want an extension for everyone that might call, buyer, seller, investor or anyone looking for info. I need to get that done this week, which is the main hold up on the Bandit signs, I want to put the voicemail number on it, but right now it would just be dead air and nothingness.
I am so STOKED, i got offered and accepted another job with the police agency I work for and am so thrilled to be working the regular 9 to 5, instead of graveyards, this is such motivation for me, i was afraid working graveyards would put a huge damper on my investing career and now finally I don't have to worry about that, it leaves me so much more opportunity to work at night after work and weekends!
Through the power of DG motivational stories, and techniques and local networking, I get tickled when I find investors from UTAH!! I see some great opportunities for partnership and win, wins for everyone!
If anyone else beside me is reading this in the DG community, well bless you! lol...i'm not the most exciting journaler but i'm so thankful for an outlet to collect my thoughts and just rant and rave. Nothing but support from this site so far and i'm just in love, seriously. In love with a website that offers such great support, ideas, this will truly change my life. I can feel it!
How quickly I go from a person who would just let a phone ring to voicemail, to waiting for it to ring. Got a call from an agent in response to a yellow letter sent out on Sunday. Not sure how it will turn out, we'll see. Going to look at the property on Friday, have my agent running comps for the area. Was kinda bugged on the phone, the agent calling assumed she would represent me as well. Not sure if this is standard, i see why she would want to commission on both sides? The seller is not probably not going to move far from his asking price which is about 5000 more then tax value, from the pictures i had originally seen the house was vacant and needed plenty of repairs, now has a renter, hoping it still needs repairs.
Either way i'm going to see what the case is and run some numbers and we shall see....
Making moves!
Kristen congratulations on taking so much ACTION and on your new POSITION. Your doing great. I have a suggestion. Try to capture the callers phone number when they call. That way you can call back and ask who called you, tell them you’re the I buy houses lady. I also suggest taking maestre.jean post #13’s advice.
Also get “TOTALLY FULFILLED” FANTASTIC BOOK AND FUN TO READ………. I wish you the best of luck, you live in a gorgeous city and have plenty of opportunity there. It’s great you have a REIA to go to. I flew into Salt Lake City UTAH one time at just the right time of the evening. Man it was so beautiful. Sun setting and all of the city lit up below I will never forget that day.
Best of luck and much success to ya,
This week for me has been pretty productive. I FINALLY set up my voicemail and am linking the number everywhere now that I can, set up for information for callers, they can press 0 at anytime to get me directly with the call forwarding. Only took 45 minutes to write and speak my script. Not bad, and way easy. Using the COA system that Dean promotes.
I need to find better bandit signs, I will be putting some out tonite, I bought plain white ones from a paper store, with the intention of turning them yellow "somehow" LOL...so yesterday I took to them with yellow spray paint. Covers effectively, but they ended up a little tacky, as in sticky, and not so easy to write on. I'll fight with these with the writing and get them out there, might just end up ordering them already colored from a website save some more money I think and work less.
I've also added I think 3 more buyers to my list for a total of about 10 and they are HUNGRY,(one responded to a ghost ad i had, two times!) NOW i feel confident in the sellers coming to me and have an exit strategy with a buyer at the end, that was my biggest concern, not so much as making offers or talking on the phone, I just had a lot of Ducks in my world, and I needed to get them all lined up. They are now.
Talked with G my agent the other day, she has been so supportive and she is my true cheerleader!!!She told me the other day I should get my license, she tells me I know you will be great at this. It's something I've looked into, right now the course is about $600 dollars, I would like to go see my family in NJ the next few months, so the money I have set aside will go for that, any deal money I bring in I will consider the course, it's not very long will only take a few months, I think it would benefit me alone for access to the MLS and REO submissions, and maybe listing for my buyers that are flipping and re listing! I'm getting ahead of myself, but these are avenues I'd like to walk down one day.
I just read back and realized the last paragraph is almost a huge run on sentence.lol...after that I'll take some grammar classes
Also, next REIA meeting is Tuesday, compared to one month ago I feel so READY with my new found ammunition, and just studying and taking action. The confidence does build over time, with KNOWLEDGE and DOING!
Hopefully soon learning, growing and making money!
The last few weeks have been a learning experience, went to see a property last weekend, motivated seller...price outrageous and no convincing to come down, but it was a good experience, and helped with talking to people and facing a nervous fear face on.
Posted a few bandit signs out a couple weeks ago, not many. Got several calls then NOTHING....drove around Bandits are gone!! only had purchased a few from a local store, not very cost effective, will order bulk and put out even more!!!
I'm getting responses to my CL ad, just today a seller has property to offload, playing some phone tag. I have a cash buyer in the area he is selling in ***crossing my fingers and toes he is interested in property if i can get it for the right price
In this journey have learned the PHONE works better then any marketing, letter, sign or ad. I need to research some phone numbers for FSBO properties over 90 days and just GO FOR IT!!
I love all the support I get here on DG, just love it. Amazing people!
One good thing I learned this week that has driven me in a whole new way. Pick up the phone! Make phone calls! Not everyone is going to chase after you, so you need to chase after them.
I sent an email a few weeks ago on a FSBO fixer in the newspaper, i got crickets. So finally one day with a bit of courage I decided I'm gonna call this guy so I did. I was a little frustrated the man just doesnt seem like a happy man and almost as if he was bothered, and was not very willing to make room in his schedule to show the house.
3 BR 1 BA 1200sqft
1 Bedroom
Needs updating throughout but only cosmetic. His father owns the property and is in a rest home, they are just looking for money from the house to continue paying for ill father. Listed at $100,000 dropping down to 94,500.
Has been on the market by owner for about 3 to 4 months, is ready to list with a realtor on Wednesday. I plan on making an offer by Tuesday, comps are all over the place, but in the 100 -120 range. I'm going to come in low 49,900 and go from there. I'm SCARED, partially because I've never met this guy but from the impression on the phone he didnt take me seriously, BUT after showing that day did try and call to tell me he was at the house and ready to show. I think he was putting all of his eggs in one basket with one potential buyer and didnt NEED to give me his time, but judging by his change in demeanor....that Buyer isn't buying.
I'm praying, hoping, and wishing this works out!!!!!
This would be my first deal and in time of my original goal date of May 18th...if this doesnt work i will have to sit down and refocus. I'm taking all the right steps, it's just a matter on if he says "yes" or "no".
..and they do help you get motivated.
But don't let yourself get discouraged if you don't meet your goal date of May, 18th. It'd be natural to feel a little down and sometimes that could spiral into all of your other efforts. Personally, its happened to me as it does to most everyone, where a couple of days being discouraged can turn into a month of weak lackluster effort.
Try & focus on your minimal, individual goals that you can achieve on a day-to-day or week-to-week basis, like you've already been doing.
Don't let that one BIG goal dominate all your thinking.
From where I stand, you've made amazing progress- just keep that steady forward pace, and you'll be fine.
Good luck!
"If you STAY ready, then you ain't got to GET ready". -Will Smith-
Personal deadlines can become personal goals. Until they are written down, they are just dreams.
I am. When i first started my journey through real estate in March, I read and read, and thought okay....I want my focus to be in wholesaling/assigning. Done. I learned other methods and thought, nah that's probably not for me or sounds complicated, but still enjoy learning different techniques and methods, just never expected to use them for myself until today.
The founder of me local REIA is awesome, truly awesome, just fun and eductional and makes real estate fun. Every once in awhile he offers seminars on Saturdays to limited number of people on certain topics, the last one was offered, I toyed with the idea, then said naaahhhh, then i saw another one come up. I was a bit jealous when i heard feedback from the previous one on how much fun it was, and how the people that attended just a few weeks ago are now doing deals today. So I went today, and I'm SO glad i did.
I opened my mind up to even more creative ways to control real estate, more specifically in Land Trusts. What a brilliant concept now that i know it, and took the time to sit and learn, and just listen. There is still more to know but I've got the basics. Even more happy it was a small class, and the intructor/president/mentor/partner/awesome guy is willing to hold hands and walk through deals splitting deals 50/50 Here on DG it doesnt get much easier in learning, and the community support here is awesome but, i've always wanted, and now have a "literal" hand holder to help me get up and running in a whole new arena in real estate and it's just enough to give me the extra ooomph and open my eyes to something new!
While i've read a lot on here people do have their highs and lows, alot just don't quit, and continue taking action, and continue learning. I never want to stop learning and will continue to move forward now matter what obsticles come up. I'll be stronger and smarter ( hey and maybe richer)
for it!