CONGRATULATIONS all who have DECIDED to take charge of their own DESTINY !!! it takes a certain mindset to DECIDE that what you have today is not what u may want forever.TO make your mind up to take a risk and learn what to do and how to do it overcoming the fear that you have had inside you for many years.
for ANYONE to take action on that fear deserves EVERYTHING that their decision and action can REWARD THEM WITH .I know i took action on overcoming that fear 2 yrs ago with dean and all his wisdom and capabilities.....and i am reaping the rewards just like many others.........if you got the ROCK BOTTOM are in for A WILD RIDE !!!! and will def be making $$$$ in the coming DAYS.......if you didnt ??? stay on this site .....ITS THE NEXT BEST THING !!!
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you got a new photo again! It's like a photo gallery
I agree with you; this site is definitely the next best thing; things are just a little bit out of order here, but if you sift through it all, you can find invaluable information, plus you get to chat with some savy investors too!
Wishing everyone success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
Hi Jay and Valerie and all other DGers!
Yes I'm still here, and still trying to make this all work for me. It will happen! I know it in my heart. But I have to say I would not still be trying if it wasn't for this site! There are so many amazing people on here to learn from! And when you don't have the funds to buy into the programs it is very possible to learn a lot of the new info from others here. Yes it takes a bit more effort, but if that's what you need to do.......just do it.
So to any new investors tryig to make heads or tails about Dean's programs, I highly suggest you visit here as often as you possibly can. You will soon see that it is possible all over the country, and there are others willing to help you. If nothing else this site will inspire you to move forward.
All of my best to the DG family!
Life is full of choices, and these choices become your reality... YOU are in control of your future! YOU decide the direction your life will take. YOU have to make things happen, no one will do it for you!
When opportunity knocks, will you answer?
Yesssssir this is on AWESOME SITE TO learn real estate....and u r just needs to stay on here and study,study!!!!...the BEST thing about his site is EVERYONE has experience to share and EVERYONE is willing to help! !!
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Hi Everyone!
I just got Dean's Blueprint and I am so excited. First of all I want to say thanks to everybody's comments and posts over ALL the threads and topic forums. I have been working hard for the past month and a half trying to make a deal but no luck yet. Everybody's comments are so motivating. I am looking back to see what I can do better and change. I realized that I am my own worst enemy. I am a real estate agent so I thought "why not be my own agent!?" Well, being my own agent is so inefficient. So, in the new Blueprint Program and the 30 day quick cash. I am trying the techniques in a different state. Which I am excited about because if this kicks off I will be ready to rock anywhere.
Good luck everybody!
Get rich or die tryin!!
congratulations on taking action with the ROCK BOTTOM BLUEPRINT !!! you are involved with a program that will propell you forward if you keep using the PROVEN methods!!! if you are investing out of area ....being an agent ...then you have the advantage of SPLITTING the commission with other agent in that area ...GREAT !!! since you r an agent ..LOOK FOR EVERY positive opportunity to use your position !!! good luck and keep being persistantand determined to make things happen !!
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The tie has to go not you lol. Hope all is going well
Jay I love the new pic:)
You look so happy:) So much better than the pole LOL:)
Just got my videos today from the blue print that was super fast:)
I am looking forward to catching up with you LOL:) 
When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.
the tie looks nice!
us girls like it
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
nice to hear from you !!! i dont wear one often....just wanted to show you i can CLEAN UP !!!! i got off now and a t shirt and jeans on for my next deal...but when you get back in the shopping cart i will need to look important for our photo ///lol
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thanks makeba,karen and i hadi photos done on the cruise ship......and this was one of them....great job on all that u r accomplishing !!!! keep up your laser focus and keep knocking down deals !!!!
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thanks valerie.......!!!
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I just wanted to comment on the progress we are having with the blueprint.
It was really nice to review some of the information we already knew and also to learn some new things too.
So far we are doing great we have some new marketing from the blue print and we also have a new realtor who is working with us. The ones we had before was like dean said " and up hill battle all the way"
Also I never viewed the videos on TVR that was some nice review for us as well.
Hopefully we will have a new deal to report soon:)
When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.
Hello DG family:
My husband and I are so excited about making this happen. We jump on the boat again, but this time we are taking action, we want this to work for good. This last week thru the website we got that push that we needed to get back on track. I really appreciate all thos post and messages, people here is amazing!!
If you are not able to buy the program, then at least begin with the books. That is how we got started and then we bought the program, begin with something.
Jump in and take ACTION!!
I will have to give you a call/PM about the blueprint. I am looking forward to the calls with all the students, hope to listen every night.
I am wondering if the dress code for the cruise requires the tie everynight for dinner? If so, maybe I wil only make it to the dining room for the captain's dinner.
As always everyone here is inspiring.
There is sooooooo much information from DG to read, to review, to try, to tweak, to re-try....
it is exhilarating!! no excuses to not succeed!! Will see you all at the top!
Learning and progressing every day,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
Brand spankin' new to the DG family. I have watched Dean's infomercials over the years and finally decided to take the challenge with this new RBBP program.
Wanted to say Hello to everyone and I am sure you will see more of me but this post is part of my first week homework assignment. The initial icebreaker I guess you might say.
I currently own some properties but from my initial glance through the material I can see I am a rank amateur. I learned a ton about property management from Chad Merrihew (spelling)during his presentation on the Edge 2010 DVD that came with the RBBP. I was a soft-hearted landlord until I watched Chad. I followed one idea and the tenant responded immediately.
Look forward to working with all of you in the future!
Take Care!
Welcome Darold!!
So glad you've joined the rest of this amazing group of people. Sounds like Chad Merrihew already gave you a valuable tip!! Get ready, cause it's coming fast and furious. SO much information and resources here... you've definitely made a GREAT decision.. Big Congratulations. I look forward to seeing you around and hearing of your new deals too!! Blessings,
Jill Holden | San Diego
Investor Services
Team Development
CONGRATULATIONS on getting the rock bottom blueprint.yes hearing the tips and strategies over and over make u realize that yes this IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE .....and it DOES WORK! !! keep up the great work and don't stop learning.
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You r correct.....if u DIDN'T buy the she says.......keep STRIVING to learn all u can in the books and on here ...this site has ALL THE EXPERIENCE COMBINED of every successful student dean has taught. Its ALL HERE ...FREE........... sometimes its to simple to imagine......EVERY LESSONED TAUGHT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES.......most keep searching for the answer when it is smack dab in front of them...........
I know I NEED to hear and see something MULTIPLE TIMES to have it become REAL and it happens to me also time and again.getting advanced training will make u go FAST!!!! good luck and stay DETERMINED to keep learning all u can here.!!!!!!
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They have updated the system with new call numbers and a way to type questions in also. Go to your Mentor Page and you'll see the number and updates. Carol will be the first one to go live with it tonight. Thanks everyone for your understanding.
Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.
pOWERFUL AND INFORMATIVE.I cant wait for tonights call,I am very happy to learn that the site has a number, that gives you the priveledge to ask a question.WE JUST HAVE TO DO IT,TAKE ACTION.ONLY THE PERSON WHO TAKES RISKS IS TRUELY FREE.
Donna SIMON.I am interested in doing all of the strategies, then deciding which will be the one I am most comfortable with, but for now I would love to do wholesaling. This would definitely create fast cash, that I can use for investment in properties that I can eventually buy and hold.DEAN thank you for always creating that time to think of THE DG FAMILY AND WHAT WOULD be best FOR US.
Been on this DG website mostly all day now. Made a few posts but mostly been reading from this huge volume of knowledge to get my questions answered. I still can't believe what I have been missing the last few years. All this info right in front of me and I didn't know about it. That's why I purchased the Blueprint. It's all about knowledge and I feel the Blueprint is the fastest trip there. Thank you all for your participation. It is helping me in many wonderful ways on my journey as a full time newbee RE investor.
The way I figure, there are a lot of very successful investors out there. I may not be smarter than them but I'm learning from the best. In my past where I grew up there were local investors who were successful but they didn't talk about how they did it. Just the opposite here. It's a new day. Thank you DG and DG family.
Jersey Jer at the Jersey shore
Hello Everybody. It is wonderful to have people so friendly and caring to help you every step of the way in your investing career and not make fun of you or think youasre some sought of nut. It really fells grweat to be able to be yourself, whether your shy or jolly. Much Love to Everyone.
The RBBP is an awesome program and very informative. It does have alot of information to absorb, but I'm sure things will come to together. We just have to do what Dean said, don't think about it,just do it. I've had obstacles in my way, but I can seee clearly now and nothings going to stop me. I'm headed for the sky, because the sky is the limit. Be Blessed.
Karen Selby
There now is a new forum for the Rock Bottom Blueprint located under "Deans courses and tools". up up and away............
Jersey Jer at the Jersey shore
Will all the mentores calls stay on for lisening in the future?
Or do we have to pick one to listen to?
Thanks Jay C
Jay C